SUPPORTS ITEM NO. 4 T&T COMMITTEE AGENDA MARCH 11, 1997 ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Date: February 12, 1997 Dept. File No. 4252-6 CC File No. 5551-1 TO: Standing Committee on Transportation and Traffic FROM: General Manager of Engineering Services SUBJECT: 1997/98 Annual Transit Service Plan RECOMMENDATION THAT the 1997/98 Annual Transit Service Plan be received for information and that staff report back where necessary to implement specific proposals. COUNCIL POLICY Council's priorities for transportation modes are walking, cycling, transit, goods movement, and the automobile. Council supports measures to increase transit use as a means of reducing the impacts of general vehicular traffic growth and improving regional air quality, as per the Transport 2021 initiatives. Council has approved a number of requests for transit service improvements including a package of service design guidelines and additional routes (discussed more fully in Engineering Service s October 1, 1996 Report on BC Transit s 1997/98 Conceptual Service Plan). PURPOSE This report discusses BC Transit s Annual Service Plan for next year. BACKGROUND Each year the Vancouver Regional Transit Commission (VRTC) approves changes to transit service in the Region for the coming fiscal year. On October 10, 1996 Council reviewed a Conceptual Transit Service Plan for 1997/98 and approved the following recommendations regarding process and service improvements: A. THAT Council receive for information the 1997/98 Conceptual Service Plan, and request the Vancouver Regional Transit Commission to provide an opportunity for the municipalities to comment on specific proposed service changes in the Annual Service Plan in advance of its approval. B. THAT the Vancouver Regional Transit Commission concentrate the allocation of new resources for the 1997/98 Annual Service Plan in the City of Vancouver in order to deal with historical under funding and service cutbacks, with the following focuses: - Service to the high density Riverside/Fraser Lands/Champlain Heights South, and North Shore False Creek areas - Overcrowding/pass-ups and schedule reliability - Granville RapidBus - including consideration of letting Vancouver riders board the existing suburban buses at the major transfer points on Granville Street, in advance of introducing the full RapidBus concept - A general route restructuring and innovative fare policy for Vancouver s Central Area, including introduction of the following routes: West End Loop Central Broadway To Downtown Loop the local Downtown Vancouver portion of the North Burnaby transit changes Subsequently, on January 29, 1997, the VRTC approved the 1997/98 Annual Service Plan (available in the City Clerk s Office). 1997/98 ANNUAL SERVICE PLAN The Annual Service Plan is a refinement of the Conceptual Service plan and sets forth the actions in the first year of the VRTC s 5 Year Plan. Appendices A and B provide a summary. Key improvements for Vancouver in the plan include: 1. The North Burnaby Plan This comprehensive plan for restructuring North Burnaby transit routes has been in existence for some time and is supported by Burnaby Council. On February 16, 1993, Council considered a previous version of this change which was not implemented. BC Transit plans to introduce the current plan on April 14, 1997. The plan provides three important elements. First, there will be a direct express service between North Burnaby and Vancouver, along Hastings Street as illustrated in Appendix C. This is an important improvement as North Burnaby is the only suburban area in the Lower Mainland without a direct transit service to Downtown Vancouver. Currently, all transit customers travelling between these areas must transfer to trolley buses at Kootenay Loop. In addition, East Vancouver transit customers travelling to and from Burnaby will be able to transfer onto the new express service at major transfer points on Hastings Street, including Commercial Drive, Nanaimo Street and Renfrew Street, which they cannot do at present. This will provide major travel time savings. Second, an improved east-west local transit service, as an extension of these Burnaby services, will be provided across the northern portion of the Downtown peninsula. This local service will operate between Stanley Park and Main Street along Georgia, Pender and Hastings Streets, as illustrated in Appendix C. This will replace the existing #19 Shuttle between Stanley Park and the Downtown core. New connections will be provided between the West End, Bayshore/Coal Harbour, and the eastern Downtown. Service to Stanley Park will be enhanced. Third, wheelchair accessibility will be introduced with low floor buses on the Hastings/Pender/Georgia Street corridor. The current trolley buses are not accessible. As part of the change, the #2 express service on Hastings Street, between the PNE park-and-ride lot and Downtown Vancouver in the peak periods, will be discontinued and replaced by the new suburban express service, as has been previously discussed by Council. Other local Vancouver routes that use Hastings Street will remain approximately the same; however, some route linkages will be changed. On balance, the North Burnaby service changes will provide a better level of transit service for Vancouver. 2. Downtown Transit Improvements Council requested a number of new routes for Vancouver s Central Area. In response, BC Transit plans to initiate a new False Creek North bus service in June and a West End/Entertainment (Library) District looping service in September. The False Creek North service will serve the emerging Concorde lands while the East End looping service will achieve the long requested connection to the library. Appendix D describes two of the route concepts being considered. The timing is ambitious given the amount of work to do, including customer research, public consultation, evaluation of route options, decisions on bus stop locations and amenities, and the installation of traffic management changes. BC Transit is proceeding quickly. A telephone survey of residents in the Vancouver Core area has been conducted and the results will be available shortly. A public workshop at the Vancouver Public Library is scheduled for February 24th. Council approval of the North Shore False Creek route will likely be required at the March meeting of the Standing Committee on Transportation and Traffic. 3. Other improvements Other changes for next year affecting Vancouver include: - #99 B-Line Broadway Express improvements. These are discussed in a companion report to the Standing Committee on Transportation and Traffic. - Service level improvements. BC Transit has not specified where frequency changes will occur but has mentioned several City routes in the Peak and off peak periods including the #3 Main/Robson, #10 UBC/Downtown, #15 Cambie/Downtown, #20 Victoria/Granville, #41 Joyce Station/UBC, and #22 Macdonald/Downtown. Staff will endeavour to work with BC Transit on these adjustments. - Improved service for Regional connector routes and commuter services to and from Vancouver; and a contingency for overloads, special events and traffic delays. DISCUSSION The Annual Service Plan appears to conform to Council s request that the first years of the Five Year Plan focus resources into Vancouver. However, details are lacking and it is still important the City be able to comment on the detailed plans, as they come forward. Notwithstanding, it appears that the inner portion of the Growth Concentration Area - Burnaby, Vancouver and UBC - could receive the majority of new service, with Vancouver potentially receiving about 40%. One of the disappointments in the plan is the omission of funding for a new service in the Fraser Lands area of South East Vancouver. However, this matter was raised at the January VRTC meeting and the VRTC requested a report back. A separate memo discusses this matter in more detail. The Granville RapidBus project is not included in this Plan; BC Transit indicates that, depending on Provincial funding, this project may be considered later this year. Ridership, crowding and pass-up information is not available to help decide where additional resources should be allocated. There are many overcrowding and pass-up problems in the City. The planned service allocation may be insufficient to address these needs, especially in Vancouver in the peak periods. BC Transit has delayed its planned monitoring programs because of the current bus fleet shortage problems. It plans to resume data collection and report back, after this is resolved. FARES AND FUNDING Council s requests for an innovative fare policy for Vancouver s Central Area and a more equitable fare policy for the Region have not yet been addressed. BC Transit will be examining its fare policy this year. A 5% fare increase is proposed for September in order to meet future funding obligations and maintain the transit users share of system costs. The VRTC approved contributing $1.5 million for the 1997/98 Annual Service Plan from the Local Transit Fund, in order to finance the shortfall in Provincial funding. This will be discussed more fully in an upcoming report to Council on the VRTC s 5-Year Plan. CONCLUSION The Annual Service Plan is an improvement over past plans as it focuses improvements into the metropolitan Growth Concentration Area including Vancouver and, therefore, supports the GVRD s Livable Region Strategy. On the other hand, the plan still lacks detail. Staff will report back as more information becomes available. * * * * *