T&T COMMITTEE AGENDA
                                                MARCH 11, 1997

                               ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT

                                                Date: February 11, 1997
                                                File No. H626-2
                                                CC File1307-1/5653-1

        TO:       Standing Committee on Transportation and Traffic

        FROM:     General Manager of Engineering Services, Director of
                  Human Resource Services, General Manager of Corporate
                  Services, and General Manager of Community Services.

        SUBJECT:  City Hall Pay Parking Proposal to Reduce Auto Commuting


             A.   THAT the implementation of a pay-parking program for
                  employee parking facilities at City Hall be approved, for
                  the City Square parkade and 10th Avenue surface lot.

             B.   THAT Council approve an initial rate of $2.00 per day and
                  $35.00 per month for the pay-parking program and that the
                  rate be reviewed on an annual basis.

             C.   THAT up to $20,000 be allocated for equipment for the
                  pay-parking program, to be funded through revenues
                  generated by the program.

             D.   THAT staff report back on the results of the pay-parking
                  program, the disposition of surplus parking revenue, and
                  further steps in the program to reduce auto-dependent


        Council policy, as stated in the Clouds of Change report, and
        approved as part of Transport 2021, is to encourage commuter
        alternatives to single-occupant vehicles for City employees.


        This report outlines the measures required to implement a
        pay-parking system for the approximately 1060 City Hall precinct
        employees.  The motivation to implement this system comes from the
        Clouds of Change report, in which steps were recommended to reduce
        automobile emissions.  A pay parking program will encourage civic
        employees to commute by means other than single-occupant vehicles,
        as part of an overall Travel Demand Management program (TDM).


        In the Clouds of Change report of October 1990, Council directed
        staff to address automobile usage among City employees.  An
        Employee Transportation Administrator (ETA) was designated in 1991
        to coordinate a program designed specifically to encourage
        commuting to and from work by means other than single-occupant
        vehicles.  Under the ETA s direction, a successful car-pool program
        for civic staff in the precinct was developed.  To date, there are
        67 registered car-pools of two or more passengers, who use the 61
        designated spaces (about one fifth of the total employee spaces). 
        Bicycle parking showers and lockers have also been expanded.  The
        presence of a day care facility, availability of bus tickets for
        work-day trips, a fleet van-pool, and a guaranteed-ride-home
        program have also contributed to commute alternatives.  More
        recently, civic unions have been notified that a pay-parking
        program is being developed.

        In 1996, the GVRD began charging for employee parking at its 2 main
        Burnaby sites.  This has been generally accepted by employees, on
        the understanding that revenues are redirected to other commuting


        Parking facilities in the precinct area include parkades at City
        Square, surface parking adjacent to City Hall, the East Wing
        parkades, the 10th Avenue surface lot, and, most recently, the Van
        City Building.  A total of 609 spaces are used for City functions. 
        Of these, 265 unreserved spaces and 61 carpool spaces are available
        to employees on a first-come, first-served basis.  An outline of
        the distribution of spaces in provided in Table 1.


        Of the 1060 precinct employees, approximately 450 drive alone and
        compete for the 265 unreserved City parking spaces on a typical
        Tuesday to Thursday.  The excess vehicles generally park in metered
        spaces on-street or on unregulated on-street spaces in the 

        neighbourhood.  On Mondays and Fridays, there are sufficient
        parking spaces because many staff are off due to compressed work
        weeks.  Of those who drive, some are auto-captive either because
        they use their vehicles for City work-related purposes or because
        they need a car for other functions before and/or after work (e.g.,
        drop off and pick up children at day-care or school).

        It is a central part of the City's operations that staff must visit
        different sites throughout the day and evening.  These include
        building and public-works inspectors, persons attending public
        meetings, and those delivering direct services to the public. 
        Measures have been provided, such as bus tickets and passes (and
        bicycles in some cases) to encourage alternative modes, but the
        majority of these trips still require vehicles.  To meet this need,
        the City operates a number of fleet vehicles.  Most are stored at
        the precinct, but in some cases may be taken home by employees.  
        There are also employee and Councillor vehicles used for City
        purposes: it is often less expensive for employees to use their own
        vehicles, rather than for the City to purchase additional fleet
        vehicles.   When the City requires employees to use their own
        vehicles for this purpose, they are reimbursed for the proportioned
        costs.  Some form of auto allowance is paid to approximately 276
        employees who use their own vehicles for work-related duties.   The
        implementation of a pay-parking system should not change the
        ability of staff to use their own vehicles for work, since this is
        an essential part of the City's operations.

        Table 1. Parking Supply and Allocation in the Precinct Vicinity
        (Spaces affected by pay-parking are shown in bold italics)

        Location       Employees           Fleet  Public  Other  Total
                       Single  Car Pool

        CH Upper Deck    51      0           1       57   102       73
        CH Lower Deck    0       0           7        0   122      19
        Yukon Exec.
         Parkade        104      0           4        0    0       14
        Yukon Public
         Parkade         31      0           7       26    0       36
        10th Ave.
         Parkade        294      0          21        0    0       50
        10th Ave.
         Surface Lot   1261     48           0        0    0      174
        City Square
         Parkade P1    1151     13           0        0    73      135
        City Square
         Parkade P2     24       0          74        0    0       98
        Van City        104      0           0        0    0       10
        Total          3225     61         114       83   29      609

        NOTES:                          1 includes Disabled parking / 2Councillors, Mayor's office,
        Loading Zones,
                   press / 3Day-care / 4Mixed fleet and auto allowance


        The focus of this initiative is to encourage as many employees as
        possible to use alternative modes of travel to work rather than
        single-occupant vehicles.  Therefore, the only exceptions to the
        employee pay-parking program would be vehicles used for work
        purposes including fleet vehicles, personal vehicles on City work
        and Councillor vehicles.

        While car-poolers are not exempt from the program, their efforts
        would be rewarded by the continued allocation of reserved stalls,
        and by the sharing of costs.  The current allocation of 61 stalls
        should be maintained and expanded as the program is evaluated in
        the future.

        In summary, the stalls for employee use found in the 10th Avenue
        surface lot (174 stalls) and the two levels of the City Square
        parkade (152 stalls) should be included at the start of this
        program.  This is a total of 326 stalls.  Any private vehicle
        parking in the City-owned parkade currently must display a City
        permit, which is provided to any staff who requests one.   This
        practice would continue in order to ensure that the City lots are
        only used by City employees during work hours.   However, staff
        would also be required to purchase a ticket as noted in this


        A survey of parking facilities was undertaken to determine the
        market value of parking in the precinct area.   In the Central
        Broadway corridor to the west, most of the facilities surveyed were
        covered parkades with reserved stalls.   The monthly rate for this
        type of parking stall ranged from $55.00 to $85.00, with an average
        of $70.00.   City Hall is peripheral to this corridor, and adjacent
        to an area of Mount Pleasant where parking is low-cost or free. 
        Initially, it is proposed to set a monthly rate of $35.00 and to
        evaluate that rate on an annual basis.

        One principle of TDM is that drivers should understand the marginal
        cost of using their vehicles.   Therefore, monthly passes would not
        be available.   Instead, employees would pre-purchase and validate
        tickets at a rate of $2.00 per day.   Except for carpools, this
        parking would not be reserved or guaranteed.   Based on a 4 or 5
        day week, the resulting monthly rate would be $35 or $42.

        A magnetic pass system is currently being considered for the
        precinct.   If incorporated with pay parking, this would permit
        direct charge of the daily fee without the congestion of selling
        and validating tickets at the start of the shift.   It could also
        cap the cost at the specified monthly rate, thereby removing the
        inequity between full and compressed-week employees.

        It would also be possible to open the 10th Avenue lot to use by the
        public on evenings and weekends, in order to generate additional
        revenue.   Before this could proceed, however, the lighting needs
        to be improved and "ticket spitters" would have to be installed.  
        This subject can be covered in a report back on the program.


        There are three areas that will be converted to daily parking, the
        10th Avenue surface lot, and each level of the City Square parkade. 
         The supply of ticket validators, spare batteries, and additional
        signage, including installation, would cost approximately $20,000
        (first year) and depreciation at $4000 per year thereafter.

        The administration of the program will be carried out by existing
        cashier and security staff.  Based on the method outlined, there
        will be an annual cost of approximately $10,000 for ticket printing
        and administration.


        Assuming the demand for daily parking does not fall far below the
        supply of 326 stalls, it can be expected that 95% of the stalls
        will be occupied from Tuesday to Thursday.

        The following analysis estimates the annual revenues from the
        proposed pay-parking system:

             326 stalls x $2.00 @ 95% occupancy
             * 17 days/month                              $
             * 52 wks/year, less holidays                 $ 120,000.00/yr

        Costs for vehicles used on City business can be addressed in one of
        two ways.   Either the costs can be taken directly from the
        revenues generated by the program, or the calculated rates for auto
        allowance could be adjusted.   Initially, the former is proposed.  
        An estimate of the cost of pay parking for vehicles used on City
        business is $55,000 per year.   In the longer term, Departments
        should fully recognize the costs of their travel activities so
        these amounts should be incorporated into Departmental budgets.

        For 1997 the program should generate a small surplus.   In
        subsequent years, there will be a stream of surplus revenue that
        could be applied to provide additional incentives to alternative
        transportation modes such as bus pass subsidies, enhanced service,
        or improved facilities.  These options should be considered
        separately by Council following further analysis.

                                                1997       Subsequent Years
        Gross revenue                         $ 89,000         $120,000

        GST & PST                             $ 11,000         $ 15,000
        equipment installation/depreciation     20,000            4,000
        management                               7,500           10,000
        offset to vehicles used for City work $ 41,500         $ 55,000

        Net revenue                          $   9,000         $ 36,000


        The use of parking areas, revenues and expenditures, and effects on
        employee commuting habits will be monitored.   These results will
        be reported back to Council so that future adjustments on the
        program and further TDM measures can be introduced.


        The affected employee Unions have been supplied with a copy of this


        The pay-parking system is an initiative to advance the City's
        Transportation Demand Management objectives.   By discouraging
        employees from driving to work and offering incentives encouraging
        alternative modes of travel, such as reserved carpool spaces, 
        guaranteed ride home program, improved cycling facilities, etc.,
        the City continues to lead by example towards reducing traffic
        volume and encouraging environmental awareness by the public.

        With the exception of vehicles required for City work purposes, all
        vehicles in specified lots will pay a rate of $2.00 per day for
        parking.   This amount is reasonable given market rates in
        adjoining areas.   The program should be monitored and reviewed on
        an annual basis.

        The projected annual gross revenues would be approximately $120,000
        with potential additional revenues being generated from transient
        parking after hours and on weekends if the lot is suitably
        equipped.   The capital cost for installation of the facility is
        approximately $20,000.   Annual expenses are estimated to be
        approximately $85,000, for a net annual surplus of $36,000
        beginning in 1998.   A future study should address this future
        revenue surplus, and other ways to further encourage alternative
        modes to the single occupant vehicle.

                             *    *    *    *    *