ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Date: February 13, 1997 Dept. File No. FW C.C. File: 1601-1/8000 TO: Vancouver City Council FROM: Director of City Plans SUBJECT: Approval of Business Improvement Area (BIA) Budgets RECOMMENDATION THAT Council approve the BIA Business Promotion Schemes and Budgets for the 1997-1998 year listed below and instruct staff to bring forward the appropriate rating by-laws: BIA LEVY Downtown $500,000 Robson 227,000 Kerrisdale 132,000 Mount Pleasant 91,000 Gastown 244,000 GENERAL MANAGER'S COMMENTS The General Manager of Community Services RECOMMENDS approval. COUNCIL POLICY Each Fall, BIA Boards are required to obtain approval of their forthcoming year's promotion plan and budget from their members at a general meeting and from City Council. PURPOSE The purpose of this report is to request Council's approval of the 1997-1998 budgets for all five BIAs, and to instruct staff to prepare appropriate rating by-laws. BACKGROUND Funding for Business Improvement Areas is advanced by Council and recovered through property taxes. Each year Council approves BIA budgets and staff prepare rating by-laws for Council's enactment. After the rating by-laws are enacted, funds are released to the BIA societies in April and recovered through subsequent property taxes. The 1997-98 budgets for the five BIAs are presented in this report. DOWNTOWN BIA BUSINESS PROMOTION SCHEME AND BUDGET 1997-98 The Downtown Vancouver Business Improvement Association (DVBIA) has submitted the following business promotion scheme and budget for Council's approval and has requested a recoverable grant of $500,000 for 1997-1998. REVENUE a. Levy Request $500,000 b. Carried over funds, projected interest, GST rebate 120,151 TOTAL $620,151 EXPENDITURES a. Retail Marketing and Promotion $139,681 b. Research 8,000 c. Commercial/Business Development 193,180 d. Communications 70,991 e. Office Expenses & Administrative Costs 140,000 TOTAL $551,852 Projected Operating Fund at Year End $ 68,299 The business promotion scheme was approved by the majority of members present at the annual general meeting held on September 26, 1996. The Downtown Vancouver BIA accrued a surplus in its first year of operation, when the manager changed. It took several months to find a suitable replacement and as a result some programs were not completed. The BIA has been slowly consuming its surplus by spending an extra $45,000 a year on programs. Details of the budget are provided in Appendix A. This is the third year of their second five-year mandate. ROBSON STREET BIA BUSINESS PROMOTION SCHEME AND BUDGET 1997-1998 The Robson Street Business Association (RSBA) has submitted the following business promotion scheme and budget for Council's approval and has requested a recoverable grant of $227,000 for 1997-1998. EXPENDITURES a. Marketing, Promotions $138,704 b. Community Relations 19,750 c. Street Enhancement 51,500 d. Office Expenses, Administrative Costs, and Contingency 67,046 TOTAL $277,000 REVENUE a. Levy Request $227,000 b. Carried over funds, projected interest & GST rebate 50,000 TOTAL $277,000 Projected Operating Fund at Year End $ NIL The business promotion scheme was approved by the majority of members present at the annual general meeting held on September 25, 1996. See Appendix B page one. At the time of the annual general meeting the BIA had a surplus of $166,547. The members approved spending this surplus, before March 31, 1997 on: the items described in Appendix B page two, and on reducing the 1997-98 levy request from $238,296 to $227,000. However, BIA representatives now anticipate that they will not be able to complete all of the projects by March 31, 1997 and a surplus of $40,000 is expected. The BIA will carry forward this $40,000 (plus an estimated $10,000 from interest and GST rebates) into the 1997-98 revenue, resulting in a $277,000 budget for 1997-98. The incomplete projects will be undertaken during the 1997-98 year. This is the second year of their second five-year mandate. KERRISDALE BIA BUSINESS PROMOTION SCHEME AND BUDGET FOR 1997-98 The Kerrisdale Business Association (KBA) has submitted the following business promotion scheme and budget for Council's approval and has requested a recoverable grant of $132,000 for 1997-1998. REVENUE a. Levy Request $132,000 b. Carried over funds, projected interest, and GST rebate 20,000 TOTAL $ 152,000 EXPENDITURES a. Marketing, Promotions, Communications $60,000 b. Planning, Beautification 53,000 c. Office Expenses & Administrative Costs 29,000 d. Contingency 10,000 TOTAL $152,000 Projected Operating Fund at Year End $ NIL The business promotion scheme was approved by the majority of members present at the annual general meeting held on September 25, 1995. The Kerrisdale BIA acquired surplus funds after receiving a $20,000 donation. These funds are earmarked to buy benches. Further details of the budget are provided in Appendix C. This is the second year of their second five-year mandate. GASTOWN BIA BUSINESS PROMOTION SCHEME AND BUDGET FOR 1997-98 The Gastown Business Improvement Society (GBIS) has submitted the following business promotion scheme and budget for Council's approval and has requested a recoverable grant of $244,000 for 1997-1998. REVENUE a. Levy Request $244,000 b. Carried over funds, projected interest, and GST rebate 134,000 TOTAL $378,000 EXPENDITURES a. Marketing and Promotion, Research $144,000 b. Street Enhancement, Security Program 124,000 c. Salaries and Operating Expenses 86,000 d. Contingency 10,000 TOTAL $364,000 Projected Operating Fund at Year End $14,000 The business promotion scheme was approved by the majority of members present at the annual general meeting held on September 18, 1996. At the annual general meeting the GBIS president discussed the surplus funds and how they would be spent on a traffic study, marketing studies and a visioning exercise. The surplus accrued because of delays in the completion of some programs. As well, the BIA has been very successful in obtaining government grants. Details of the budget are provided in Appendix D. This is the fourth year of their second five-year mandate. MOUNT PLEASANT BIA BUSINESS PROMOTION SCHEME & BUDGET FOR 1997-98 The Mount Pleasant Commercial Improvement Society (MPCIS) has submitted the following business promotion scheme and budget for Council's approval and has requested a recoverable grant of $91,000 for 1997-1998. REVENUE a. Levy Request $ 91,000 b. Carried over funds, projected interest, and GST rebate 20,000 TOTAL $111,000 EXPENDITURES a. Marketing & Promotions, Communications $20,400 b. Street Enhancement 37,900 c. Office Expenses 15,700 d. Salaries 37,000 TOTAL $111,000 Projected Operating Fund at Year End $ NIL The business promotion scheme was approved by the majority of members present at the annual general meeting held on October 16, 1996. The BIA reports that it accrued a surplus because the completion of some programs are taking longer than originally expected. In addition, the BIA received a $5,000 provincial grant. The board anticipates that the surplus will be consumed within the 1997-98 fiscal year. Details of the budget are provided in Appendix E. This is the fourth year of their second five-year mandate. SUMMARY All the BIAs have complied with the requirements set out in the City's BIA Grant Allocation By-law and the City's operational guidelines (see Appendices F and G). City staff have reviewed the audited financial statements of all the BIAs. The proposed Business Promotion Schemes are in keeping with the spirit of BIA legislation. Staff recommend approval of the BIAs' 1997-1998 budgets. * * * * *