CITY SERVICES  AND BUDGETS

                               FEBRUARY 27, 1997

        A Regular Meeting of the Council of the City of Vancouver was held
   on Thursday, February 27, at 11:00 a.m., in  Committee Room No. 1, Third
   Floor, City Hall, following the Standing Committee on City Services and
   Budgets meeting, to consider the recommendations of the Committee.

        PRESENT:            Mayor Philip Owen
                            Councillor Nancy A. Chiavario
                            Councillor Jennifer Clarke
                            Councillor Alan Herbert
                            Councillor Lynne Kennedy
                            Councillor Gordon Price
                            Councillor George Puil
                            Councillor Sam Sullivan

        ABSENT:             Councillor Don Bellamy
                            Councillor Daniel Lee (Sick Leave)
                            Councillor Don Lee (Sick Leave)

        OFFICE:             Ken Dobell, City Manager

        CLERK TO THE
        COUNCIL:            Tarja Tuominen


   MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
   SECONDED by Cllr. Clarke,
        THAT this Council resolve itself into Committee of the Whole, Mayor
   Owen in the chair.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                               COMMITTEE REPORTS

   Report of Standing Committee on City Services and Budgets
   February 27, 1997

        Council considered the recommendations of the Committee, as
   contained in the following clauses of the attached report:

        Cl.1:     Proposal for a Successor Organization to the Fraser Basin
                  Management Board
        Cl.2:     Heather Civic Marina 1997 Moorage Rates and Other Fees
        Cl.3:     1997 Property Tax Calculations

   Clauses 1 and 3

   MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
        THAT the recommendations of the Committee, as contained in Clauses
   1 and 3 of this report, be approved.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

   Heather Civic Marina 1997 Moorage Rates and Other Fees
   (Clause 2)

        The item was deferred to the March 13, 1997 meeting of the City
   Services and Budgets Standing Committee at the request of delegations.


   MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
        THAT the Committee of the Whole rise and report.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


   MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
   SECONDED BY Cllr. Clarke,
        THAT the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                      The Council adjourned at 11:05 a.m.

                               *   *   *   *   *

                               REPORT TO COUNCIL

                         STANDING COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL
                         ON CITY SERVICES AND BUDGETS

                               FEBRUARY 27, 1997

        A  Regular Meeting  of the  Standing Committee  of Council  on City
   Services and  Budgets  was held  on Thursday, February 27,  1997 at 9:30
   a.m., in Committee Room No.1, Third Floor, City Hall.

        PRESENT:            Councillor George Puil, Chair
                            Mayor Philip Owen
                            Councillor Don Bellamy (Items 1 and 2)
                            Councillor Nancy A. Chiavario
                            Councillor Jennifer Clarke
                            Councillor Alan Herbert
                            Councillor Lynne Kennedy
                            Councillor Gordon Price
                            Councillor Sam Sullivan

        ABSENT:             Councillor Daniel Lee (Sick Leave)
                            Councillor Don Lee (Sick Leave)

        OFFICE:             Ken Dobell, City Manager

        CLERK TO THE
        COMMITTEE:          Tarja Tuominen


   1.   Proposal for a Successor Organization to the                File:
        Fraser Basin Management Board

        The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated February
   12, 1997 (on file) in which the General Manager of Engineering Services,
   in  consultation  with  the   General  Manager  of  Community  Services,
   responded to  a January 7, 1997  request from Council to  report back on
   the saving which would flow  to the City if a successor  organization to
   the Fraser Basin Management Board was not endorsed. The General Managers
   also resubmitted recommendations presented  for consideration on January
   7, 1997.

        Also  before the  Committee  were an  Administrative Report,  dated
   December  24, 1996,  and a  letter from  the Executive  Director, Fraser
   Basin Management Program, attaching  further information on the proposed
   successor organization for the Fraser Basin Management Board.

        Iona Campagnolo,  Chair, and Darlene Marzari,  Member, Fraser Basin
   Management  Board, and David  Marshall, Executive Director, Fraser Basin
   Management Program, provided a  presentation on the role and  purpose of
   the  Fraser Basin Council, which  will be the  successor organization to
   the Fraser Basin Management Board.   With the aid of overhead slides and
   handout material (on file), they  explained the proposed Board structure
   for the Fraser  Basin Council,  reviewed the  proposed Five-Year  Action
   Plan and Charter for  Sustainability of the Fraser Basin,  and responded
   to  questions.  The Council  will implement the  Integrated Flood Hazard
   Management   Strategy  and  specific  watershed  management  initiatives
   throughout the Fraser Basin.

        Ken Dobell, City  Manager, and Tom  Timm, Assistant City  Engineer,
   Water,  Sewers, and Yards Division, responded to questions on funding of
   the organization and regional participation.

        The following  motion by Councillor  Kennedy was  put and  carried.
   The Committee, therefore,


        A.   THAT  Council  support a  successor  organization to  the
             Fraser Basin Management Board with representation through
             regional districts.

        B.   THAT funding for the successor organization be applied through
             municipal levies.

        C.   THAT the $0.20 per capita financial contribution be contingent
             upon  continued  support  from  the   federal  and  provincial
             governments and include the GVRD s contributions to the Fraser
             River   Estuary   Management   Program   and   Burrard   Inlet
             Environmental Action Plan.

        D.   THAT the new entity charged with overseeing the implementation
             of the Basin plan  include a coordination role to  ensure that
             the  soon-to-be-finalized  integrated Flood  Hazard Management
             Strategy is implemented.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 

   2.   Heather Civic Marina 1997 Moorage Rates                File: 1755-1
        and Other Fees

        The  item was deferred  to the March  13, 1997 meeting  of the City
   Services and Budgets Standing Committee at the request of delegations.

   3.   1997 Property Tax Calculations                         File: 1552-1

        The Committee had before it a Policy Report dated February 15, 1997
   (on file),  in which  the Director  of Finance  compared the  effects of
   property tax systems based on  three-year land averaging, land phasing ,
   and market assessment  values.  The Director recommends  three-year land
   assessment  averaging   as  the  preferred  1997   taxation  option  for
   residential and business properties.

        The General Manager of Corporate Services recommends approval.

        Karen  Levitt,  Financial   Analyst,  with  the  aid   of  a  slide
   presentation, summarized the effects of the three options on residential
   and  business classes, and reviewed  the methodology   used to determine
   property taxes based on a 4.5% increase in the 1997 property taxes.

        Ms.  Levitt;  Ken Dobell,  City  Manager;  and Ken  Stoke,  General
   Manager of Corporate Services; responded to questions.

        The  following motion  by  the  Mayor was  put  and  carried.   The
   Committee, therefore, 


        A.   THAT Council approve three-year averaging as the 1997 property
             tax calculation  methodology  for Residential  (Class  1)  and
             Business  and Other (Class  6) properties as  discussed in the
             Policy Report, dated February 15, 1997, and that the  property
             taxes on the other classes of property (Classes 2, 4, 5, 8 and
             9) be calculated using market assessment values.

        B.   THAT the Directors of Finance and Legal Services be instructed
             to  submit a by-law to Council, for approval before March 31st
             of this year, which  sets out the particulars of  averaging in
             accordance with the provisions of the Vancouver Charter. 

        C.   THAT Council  instruct the  Director  of Finance  to make  the
             appropriate arrangements with the BC  Assessment Authority for
             the  production  of  an  averaged 1997  taxation  roll  at  an
             approximate cost of $15,000,  with funding approved in advance
             of the 1997 operating budget.

        D.   THAT the  Director  of  Finance be  authorized  to  place  the
             required advertisements  in a  local  newspaper notifying  the
             City s taxpayers of  Council s intent to implement  three-year
             averaging  and  showing the  effects  of  averaging on  sample
             properties within the City.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                 (Councillor Bellamy not present for the vote)

                     The Committee adjourned at 11:00 a.m.

                               *   *   *   *   *