CITY OF VANCOUVER SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES February 25, 1997 A Special Meeting of the Council of the City of Vancouver was held on Tuesday, February 25, 1997, in the Council Chamber, Third Floor, City Hall, commencing at 10:00 a.m., for the purpose of determining whether or not to refuse to issue a business license for the Sports Cafe, 109 East Hastings Street. PRESENT: Mayor Philip Owen Councillor Don Bellamy Councillor Nancy A. Chiavario Councillor Jennifer Clarke Councillor Alan Herbert Councillor Daniel Lee Councillor Don Lee Councillor Gordon Price Councillor Sam Sullivan ABSENT: Councillor Lynne Kennedy (Civic Business) Councillor George Puil (Civic Business) CITY MANAGER S OFFICE: Judy Rogers, Deputy City Manager CLERK TO THE COUNCIL: Gary MacIsaac COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy, SECONDED by Cllr. Chiavario, THAT this Council resolve itself into Committee of the Whole, Mayor Owen in the Chair. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 1. Sports Cafe: 109 East Hastings Street The following material (on file in the City Clerk s Office) was before Council: Letter dated February 12, 1997 from Mr. Terry Bland, Corporation Counsel, to Mr. Siraj Ahmed, Sports Cafe; Letter dated February 7, 1997 from Mr. John Stowe, Stowe & Lee, to the City Clerk s Department; Letter dated February 7, 1997 from Mr. John Stowe, Stowe & Lee, to the Permits and Licenses Department; Letter dated January 29, 1997 from Mr. Paul Teichroeb, Chief License Inspector to Mr. Siraj Ahmed, Sports Cafe; Letter dated November 18, 1996 from Mr. Paul Teichroeb, Chief License Inspector, to Mr. Siraj Ahmed, Sports Cafe; Copy of 1996 License issued to Sports Cafe. Mr. Terry Bland, Corporation Counsel, was present on behalf of the City. The licensee, Mr. Siraj Ahmed, was represented by Mr. John Stowe, Stowe & Lee, Barristers and Solicitors. Mr. Terry Bland advised the proceedings were taking place pursuant to Section 275 of the Vancouver Charter, which provides that the revocation or suspension of a license is deemed to be at the discretion of Council. Based on an earlier Court decision, Council will need to provide reasons for its decision, in the event it chooses to revoke or suspend the license. Mr. Bland directed Council s attention to the Notice of Meeting dated February 12, 1997 from himself to Mr. Siraj Ahmed, licensee, which set out the following allegations: (1) that you and your employees have permitted the premises at 109 East Hastings Street to be used as a place where drug traffickers could sell illegal narcotics to customers; (2) that you and your employees sold and permitted others to sell illegal cigarettes in the premise at 109 East Hastings Street; (3) that you and your employees conducted or engaged in illegal gambling on the premises at 109 East Hastings Street; (4) that you have failed to maintain the premises at 109 East Hastings Street to an acceptable sanitary standard; (5) that having been advised by the Chief License Inspector that your business license had been suspended or had not been issued, and that you were to cease carrying on business, you continued to do so. In support of these allegations, Mr. Bland called the following witnesses: Mr. Paul Teichroeb, Chief License Inspector Constable Jeannie Yee, Vancouver Police Department Constable Martin Bruce, Vancouver Police Department Constable Geoff Gaudette, Vancouver Police Department Constable Mike McDonald, Vancouver Police Department Constable Greg Meyerhoff, Vancouver Police Department Constable Valen Woolacott, Vancouver Police Department Constable Ian Jackson, Vancouver Police Department Constable Wayne Windrum, Vanocuver Police Department Constable Darcy Taylor, Vancouver Police Department Constable Frank Prescott, Vancouver Police Department Constable Dave Dickson, Vancouver Police Department Mr. Stowe also directed questions to each of the witnesses. Mr. Stowe, in a final submission to Council, advised of the following matters: Mr. Ahmed is 25 years old, is a landed immigrant having arrived in Vancouver in October, 1993, has no siblings in Canada, and wishes to have his parents come here to secure Canadian Citizenship; Mr. Ahmed has a lease at these premises until September, 1997. He initially purchased his interest in the lease for $60,000, and the 1996 financial statement (on file in City Clerk s Office) shows an income of $52,741; Mr. Ahmed is a devout Muslim, and does not drink, use drugs or condone the use of either, and he does not facilitate or participate with any of the known traffickers referred to by Police, or provide a haven for their trade. He is trying to earn a living in the 100 Block of East Hastings and his partner has been stabbed. He feels his life has been threatened, and police are slow to respond to problems; Mr. Ahmed has a clean record, and has no convictions or charges pending on Federal and Provincial statutes, or on City By-Laws. None of the Police officers who testified have any convictions or charges pending from the various issues they raised; The 100 Block of East Hastings has been a problem area in the past, and will continue to be a problem in the future. It is located close to Provincial facilities and crime is a problem in the entire area around the 100 Block. The problems in this entire area cannot be laid on the back of Mr. Ahmed. Closing down his property will not resolve the problem, and other measures are required; A number of problem areas and premises have been identified by Police. Some other premises, either voluntarily or by agreement, now close between 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. Mr. Ahmed has volunteered to shut down his place of business between 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m., as long as the other 24 hour restaurants in the area are closed at the same time. At the conclusion of Mr. Stowe s comments, Mr. Siraj Ahmed addressed Council. Mr. Terry Bland, Corporation Counsel, advised that in this case, a license has not yet been granted for 1997, so if Council chooses to take disciplinary action, it would not be revocation of the license, but a decision that the license would not be granted, or that the license not be granted until a certain date. Mr. Bland advised Council that no one has suggested in these proceedings that Mr. Ahmed has committed any criminal offence or been party to any criminal offence. The action of the Chief License Inspector was taken on the basis that the premises are not being maintained to a standard to which he believes they should be. If the management is so loose that it could be seen to be misconduct in the operation of a business, that would be the basis on which Council could take action. The evidence presented at this hearing accords with the allegations in the Notice of Meeting. The premises are used as a haven for drug trafficking and are inhabited by traffickers and users, including minors, and this is to the knowledge of Mr. Ahmed and his staff. Council has also heard evidence about the illegal possession and illegal sale of cigarettes from these premises. In addition, Council has heard that a member of Mr. Ahmed s staff was paying off on an illegal Video Lottery Terminal on one occasion, which is illegal under the criminal code. COUNCIL DISCUSSION Prior to making motions on this matter, Councillor Bellamy advised he was hard pressed to see any control in the operation of 109 East Hastings Street, based on the evidence given at this meeting. The fact that Mr. Ahmed feared for his safety indicates a lack of control, as well as the need for 489 police calls to the premises in one year. Mr. Ahmed is not operating his business in the manner that is expected or required. MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy, THAT the license not be issued for 1997. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY MOVED by Cllr. Chiavario, THAT any future business licenses that may be applied for in this location, of the same nature, be reported to Council before granting. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY RISE FROM COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MOVED By Cllr. Bellamy, THAT the Committee of the Whole rise and report. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY ADOPT REPORT OF COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy, SECONDED by Cllr. Chiavario, THAT the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY * * * * The Special Council adjourned at 1:00 p.m. * * * *