Date: February 17, 1997
                                                  CC File No. 3001-1/5559-1

   TO:       Vancouver City Council

   FROM:     General Manager of Engineering Services,
              in consultation with the Director of City Plans

   SUBJECT:  Vancouver Representative on the Broadway LRT Steering


        THAT Council select a City of Vancouver representative for the
        Broadway LRT Steering Committee.


   Council has many transportation policies which are Regional in nature,
   including support in principle of the GVRD Transport 2021 Plan.

   A Broadway/Lougheed LRT to Lougheed Mall and Coquitlam Town Centre via
   Port Moody be the first priority line for new Light Rapid Transit.


   An announcement is expected soon from the Province on a start on the
   Development Phase of the Broadway LRT.  This is the initial planning and
   preliminary design phase of the project, leading to a decision to
   proceed or not proceed with detailed design and construction of LRT.  

   A Steering Committee will oversee and give direction on this Development
   Phase.  Vancouver will be represented on this Committee and it is time
   to now choose this representative. The purpose of this report is to
   provide the necessary background information for Council.


   On November 5, 1996, City Council approved a Protocol Agreement on the
   development of Light Rail Trasit in Greater Vancouver and authorized the
   Mayor to sign on behalf of the City.

   A formal announcement on start of the planning of the LRT is expected
   soon and the first or Development Phase is the work that will be done
   over the next two years leading to a  go/no-go  decision on the Project.
   This work will include refining ridership and trip patterns, alignment
   and station locations, identifying impacts and mitigation options,
   developing complementary land use plans where necessary and undertaking
   public consultation.

   A somewhat separate, parallel consultation process will be undertaken on
   land use within the City of Vancouver with the City taking the lead
   role.  Presumably, this will be the case in the other municipalities as

   The Development Phase will be administered by a Steering Committee
   co-chaired by a representative from the Province and one from the
   Region.  Vancouver will have one member on the Committee as will the
   GVRD, the Vancouver Regional Transit Commission (VRTC), Burnaby, Port
   Moody, Coquitlam, and New Westminster.  The Province will have three
   other  members on the Committee, for a total of four.

   Each member will represent the interests of the body they represent, and
   membership will be contingent on the holding of the respective office or
   appointment.  The Steering Committee will use a consensus-based approach
   to decision-making.

   The Protocol Agreement does not specify that Steering Committee members
   be elected officials.  However, at this time, our understanding is that
   the Provincial representatives will be MLA s with one or more possibly
   at the Ministerial level.  The Regional representatives selected so far
   have been local elected officials.  

   The Steering Committee will approve and oversee the planning, design,
   preliminary engineering and public consultation for the Development
   Phase subject to the budget available.  The Committee will be required
   to submit a final report to the Parties upon completion of its work. 
   The report will include:

       1.    Options and recommendations pertaining to project
             scope/design, schedule and budget;

       2.    Options and recommendations pertaining to land-use
             plans, develpment processes and other commitments
             required for support of the project;

       3.    Description and outcome of public consultations; and

       4.    Recommendations as to how the LRT Implementation Phase should

   The Steering Committee will also be responsible for selecting a Project
   Director who will be accountable and report regularly to the Steering
   Committee and will be responsible for coordinating and completing the
   work program.

   In conclusion, it is recommended that Council select a representative to
   sit on the Steering Committee to oversee the first, or Development Phase
   of the Broadway LRT

                           *    *    *    *    *