ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Date: January 24, 1997 Dept. File No. H-951 CC File No. 5551-1 TO: Vancouver City Council FROM: General Manager of Engineering Services SUBJECT: Vanpool Program RECOMMENDATION A. THAT Council approve the continued use of the Engineering van number A1972 for the purpose of vanpooling. B. THAT should opportunities arise to expand the program, the General Manager of Engineering Services and Corporate Services be authorized to approve the use of other vans on a comparable basis. COUNCIL POLICY On October 16, 1990, Council directed that an in-house carpool program for City employees be initiated as part of the Clouds of Change recommendation. On July 30, 1991, Council approved a vanpool program in principle. Vans would be made available for commuting to and from work and would be used for work related duties during the day. The costs of vanpooling would be recovered from users. On October 24, 1995, Council approved a pilot vanpool program, for a period of twelve months, to use an existing passenger van number A1972, of Engineering Services. Purpose The purpose of this report is to obtain Council approval to continue the use of passenger van Number A1972 of Engineering Services for the purpose of vanpooling. Background On July 30, 1991, Council considered a Policy Report (Traffic & Transit) in which the General Manager of Engineering Services reported on the City's carpool/vanpool program and provided information on other related initiatives. In an effort to reduce single occupancy vehicles and their exhaust emissions in the City, Council approved a vanpool program in principle. On October 24, 1995, Council approved use of a City of Vancouver van for the purpose of vanpooling. The van was to be used by six civic employees from the South Surrey area. Monthly charges were calculated to cover the additional required insurance, fuel, maintenance and accelerated depreciation costs. Discussion The vanpool has operated continuously since then, and has been expanded. Eight employees at City Hall currently use van A1972, Monday through Friday, to commute from South Surrey. The van is able to take advantage of High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes and queue jumping arrangements on Highway 99 near the George Massey Tunnel and in the City, and used the temporary HOV facilities during Oak Street Bridge repairs in 1995. There are two more people on a waiting list to join the vanpool. Each of the eight current members pays $50.00 per month to the City. A back-up vehicle has been identified and made available to ensure uninterrupted service for the users during vehicle maintenance periods. Financial Implications One of the objectives of the pilot Vanpool program is to ensure that additional operating costs are fully recovered from participants. A summary of the past year's revenue and expenses is attached as Appendix A. The fees collected from participating employees are adequate to cover the additional operating costs for fuel and repairs/maintenance, and make a contribution to insurance and depreciation. Conclusions The provision of a City-fleet passenger van for the purposes of vanpooling has been successful from an environmental perspective, and is self-supporting. The recommendation is also supportive of the Transport 2021 Plan and Draft Transportation Plan to reduce the number of single-occupancy vehicles on the road. Therefore, it is recommended that continued use of van A1972 for vanpooling be approved, and opportunities to expand the program be pursued. * * * * * APPENDIX A SUMMARY OF REVENUE & EXPENSE FOR VANPOOL A1972 REVENUE # in Vanpool Unit Cost Kilometers Per User Logged November '95 6 $55 2200 December '95 6 $55 1900 January '96 7 $50 2200 February '96 7 $50 2100 March '96 8 $50 2100 April '96 8 $50 2000 May '96 8 $50 2200 June '96 8 $50 2000 July '96 8 $50 2200 August '96 8 $50 2100 September '96 8 $50 2000 October '96 8 $50 2300 Total $4,560 25,300 (81%) City usage 5,900 (19%) Total usage 31,200 EXPENSES 1995 1996 1996 (to October) (estimated) Fuel $1,260.98 $2,509.69 $3,011.63 Repair/Maint. $1,046.53 $1,990.38 $2,388.46 Car Washes $7.50 $10.00 $12.00 Insurance $976.00 $999.00 $999.00 Depreciation $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 Total $4,791.01 $7,009.07 $7,911.09