SUPPORTS ITEM NO. 7 CS&B AGENDA FEBRUARY 20, 1997 ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Date: February 14, 1997 Dept. File No.: PB CC File No.: 1605-1 TO: Standing Committee on City Services and Budgets FROM: Director of Community Planning SUBJECT: 1997 Funding for On-going Interim Zoning Program RECOMMENDATION A. THAT Council approve funding of $117,000 to cover general program costs of the 1997 RS Interim Zoning Program for 10 neighbourhoods. B. THAT Council approve funding of $70,000 to cover costs for independent telephone surveys for 10 neighbourhood phone surveys as part of the Phase II programs in 1997. CONSIDERATION C. THAT Council approve funding of $10,800 to cover costs associated with conducting mail-back surveys as part of the Phase II programs in 1997. GENERAL MANAGER'S COMMENTS The General Manager of Community Services notes that the benefits of this program flow to specific neighbourhoods but that costs are borne by the City as a whole through general revenue. Unfortunately, at this time, there is no efficient mechanism through which benefitting neighbourhoods can be directly billed for planning services which they exclusively enjoy. As potential zoning changes are contentious, the level of public consultation associated with this program is also unavoidable, and it is costly--particularly when the staff costs not detailed in this report are factored in. The interim zoning is intended to get better control of the external design of single-family homes. Many would consider this to be a very high-level concern and an expendable luxury given the City s present budget problems. For these reasons, the General Manager of Community Services submits A, B, and C for Council s CONSIDERATION. COUNCIL POLICY On May 3, 1996, Council approved the Interim Zoning program for RS-1 and RS-1S areas in advance of CityPlan s Neighbourhood Visioning program. This program provides interested neighbourhoods with the opportunity to change their current RS-1/RS-1S zoning to either RS-5/RS-5S or RS-6/RS-6S in response to concerns about the external design of new houses and site landscaping. PURPOSE This report seeks Council approval for a budget of $117,000 to cover the estimated costs associated with conducting the Interim Zoning program in a further potential 10 areas in Vancouver. Additional funding of $70,000 is requested for conducting independent telephone surveys in 10 neighbourhoods. Staff will report back for additional funding for general program costs and telephone surveys in other neighbourhoods should it be needed. BACKGROUND On May 3, 1996, Council approved the Interim Zoning program for RS-1 and RS-1S areas in Vancouver in advance of CityPlan s Neighbourhood Visioning program. This program provides interested neighbourhoods with the opportunity to change their current RS-1/ RS-1S zoning to either RS-5/RS-5S or RS-6/RS-6S in response to concerns about the external design of new houses and site landscaping. The program is carried out in two phases. In Phase I, staff distribute information brochures/surveys to all residents and property owners. The brochure outlines the program and the survey asks whether residents wish to retain the current RS-1 zoning or seek an alternative zoning to deal with concerns about the external design and site landscaping of new houses. If sufficient support is demonstrated for a zoning change (i.e., approximately one-quarter of households surveyed respond and a clear majority of respondents are in favour of a zoning change), then Phase II of the review is conducted. In Phase II, staff hold public information meetings/open houses and distribute detailed information on the RS-5/RS-5S and RS-6/RS-6S zoning alternatives. Following this, a random sample telephone survey is conducted. If results indicate clear support for a zoning change, it will be reported to City Council and, with Council approval, referred to Public Hearing To date, two neighbourhoods (Mackenzie Heights and West Kerrisdale Central) have had the zoning review, and have been rezoned to RS-5. Six neighbourhoods (Dunbar, Southlands, West Point Grey, Douglas Park, Glen Park and Cedar Cottage) have completed Phase I of the review. Phase II is currently being conducted in Dunbar, Southlands, West Point Grey and Douglas Park as these neighbourhoods had shown clear support for seeking a zoning change in the Phase I survey. There may be as many as 15 neighbourhoods participating in the Interim Zoning Program in the near future, given the expressions of interest we have received from residents to date. DISCUSSION When Council adopted the Interim Zoning program, a total of $80,000 was approved to cover general program costs plus the costs of conducting independent random telephone surveys for the first 4 neighbourhoods. Staff agreed to report back in early 1997 regarding additional funding for the 1997 program. In order to carry out the Interim Zoning program in a further 10 neighbourhoods (assuming a typical size of 2,000 dwelling units) in 1997, the following budget would need to be approved: Each 1997 Operating Budget N hood (x 10 neighbourhoods) PHASE I Advertising $ 250 $ 2,500 Printing (brochures/surveys/ 1,064 10,640 envelopes) Stuffing and delivery 840 8,400 Postage (to mail surveys to 1,440 14,400 absentee property owners, and for return envelopes) $ 3,594 $ 35,940 PHASE II Printing (brochures/surveys/ $ 1,784 $ 17,840 envelopes) Stuffing and delivery 840 8,400 Postage (to mail surveys to 360 3,600 absentee property owners) Public Hearing Advertising 1,000 10,000 Public Hearing Notification 1,200 12,000 (printing and postage) Meeting Hall 600 6,000 Translator 800 8,000 Overtime for weekend meetings 1,500 15,000 $ 8,084 $ 80,840 GENERAL PROGRAM COSTS OF PHASE I + PHASE II $11,678 $116,780 Further, in order to conduct random telephone surveys in Phase II of the review, a budget of $7,000 per neighbourhood surveyed would need to be approved. Staff suggest that funds be set aside for 10 neighbourhoods at this time: it is uncertain whether all 10 neighbourhoods will proceed into Phase II of the program, given the need to achieve a minimum response rate and a clear majority in favour of a zoning change in Phase I of the program in order to move on to Phase II. Any monies not expended on Phase II work will be used for future RS-1/RS-1S areas; at this time there is a possibility of conducting work in 6 additional neighbourhoods. Staff will report back to Council if further funding is needed to conduct this work. The Phase II telephone survey is the single most expensive component of the program. Given budget concerns, Council may wish to direct staff to use a mail-back ballot in the Phase II portion of the program. However, this method does not provide the accurate reading of neighbourhood opinion that a telephone survey provides. Therefore, staff are recommending that funding be allocated for independent telephone surveys; the mail-back option is put forward for consideration. PERSONNEL IMPLICATIONS Community Planning have assigned a Planner I, Planning Analyst, and a Planning Assistant to this program from existing staff. The work is overseen by a Planner II. CONCLUSIONS Staff request Council approval for a budget of $117,000 to cover the costs associated with conducting the Interim Zoning program in a further potential 10 areas in Vancouver in 1997. Additional funding of $70,000 is requested for conducting independent telephone surveys in 10 neighbourhoods; staff will report back for additional funding for conducting work in other neighbourhoods should it be needed. * * * * *