CS&B AGENDA
                                                   FEBRUARY 20, 1997   

                         ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT

                                               Date: January 31, 1997
                                               C.C. File No. 2152-1

 TO:       Standing Committee on City Services & Budgets

 FROM:     Chief Constable, Manager of Community Services - Social 
 Planning,and Director of Finance

            SUBJECT:  1997 Community Safety Grant Allocations


                  THAT Council approve 15 grants totaling $300,000, as
         listed in Appendix A, including conditions on the
         grants, where noted in Appendix B, with cost to be
         shared on a 50/50 basis between the City and the
         Province. The source of funds for the City s portion
         being 1997  Other  Grants budget, to be approved in
         advance of approval of the 1997 Operating Budget.


         The City Manager RECOMMENDS approval of the foregoing.


 On October 25, 1996 Council approved establishment of the joint City
 of Vancouver and Ministry of Attorney General Community Safety
 Funding Program.  Council also approved an annual grant program
 budget of $150,000 to be provided in the 1997 Operating Budget,
 without offset.

 Council further adopted, as policy, the criteria and priorities as
 outlined in the grant application form, to be used in assessing
 Community Safety Grants applications.

 On December 10, 1996, Council approved the following resolutions when
 dealing with the 1997 Budget report :

 -  THAT Council instruct staff to give notice to agencies receiving 
 funding from the City that their 1997 funding is under review and
    may be reduced significantly or not renewed given provincial 
    government funding cutbacks.


 -  THAT Council consider programs or grants which have been cost
    shared with the Province on an individual basis to determine
 whether           the City funding should be terminated now or the
 City should accept     the responsibility for its portion of the
 funding for the period                            until the public
 information and consultation process is completed.

 Approval of grant recommendations requires eight affirmative votes.


 This report recommends the approval of the 1997 Community Safety
 Grant allocations to 15 Community Safety Offices to deliver crime
 prevention programs and community safety activities.


 On July 11, 1996 staff submitted a report to Council outlining
 options for Council's consideration in providing support for crime
 prevention activities through community safety offices. Council
 adopted the option to establish the Community Safety Funding Program
 in partnership with the Ministry of Attorney General.

 Both parties have agreed to contribute $150,000 annually to this
 program, totaling $300,000, for a minimum of three year period.

 An extensive community consultation process was undertaken by staff
 to solicit inputs from the various groups on the Community Safety
 Funding Program's criteria, priorities, and application process. The
 result of the consultation process was approved by Council on October
 25, 1996.


 Applications were sent out to the community police offices and 15
 submissions totaling $430,518 were received. A staff grant review
 team was set up to include representatives from Social Planning,
 Police, Finance and the Provincial Attorney General s Office to
 evaluate the applications. Two members of the team met with the staff
 and board members of each of the community safety offices to seek
 clarification and additional information on the applications, and to
 conduct on site visit to each of the operations.

 During the grant review process, it was noted that the ability of the
 community police offices to deliver the programs is largely depended
 on the maturity of their organization. Some offices have been in
 operation for a number of years, are supported by a broad base of
 volunteers and are capable of delivering the programs effectively;
 others are undergoing changes at the staff or board level, and
 together with the newer ones, it will take some time before they can
 mature to that level. Since 1997 is the first year of the grant
 program, staff believe that some minor adjustments to the process is
 warranted in order to provide support to as many of the community
 police offices as possible.


 The newly established offices, particularly the neighbourhood police
 offices, need some time to further develop their board, volunteers
 and an effective workplan. This is being reflected in the setting of
 conditions on some of the grant which must be met before further
 installments are made. The joint City and Attorney General staff team
 will work closely with all offices in the coming year to assist them
 in their development and will evaluate all funded activities
 carefully at year end. In the assessment of 1998 grant applications,
 all grant criteria will be applied in a much stricter manner. Safety
 offices that cannot demonstrate broad base community involvement, the
 ability to maintain a well functioning community board of directors,
 and deliver effective program services will not be recommended for a

 Based on the result of the interviews, the staff grant review team
 recommends that 15 grants totaling $300,000 be approved. The approved
 grants will be paid in two equal installments. The first installment
 will be paid as soon as they are approved, and the second
 installments to be made before July 31, 1997, after a progress report
 on all funded activities together with a set of financial statements
 have been received by the City. All offices are encouraged to develop
 a three year strategic plan for their organization.

 Appendix A lists all grants requests, the recommended amounts.

 Appendix B lists all applications and any conditions and/or comments
 related to each application.

 Appendix C* contains front pages of all applications with more
 detailed information on the applicants and the activities for which
 they are seeking City funding.

 * Limited Distribution - on file in City Clerk s Office.


 The following fourteen (15) Community Safety Offices are recommended
 for grant funding:

       ORGANIZATION                  ACTIVITIES             RECOMMEND

  Britannia Commu.       - Crime-free multi housing           $22,500
  Police Office (CPO)    - Block watch, block parent
                         - Volunteer recruitment &
                         - Anti-graffiti program
                         - Home Safe Program
  Broadway Station       - Block watch, block parent          $25,000
  Commu. Crime           - Citizens patrol
  Prevention Office                             -Community outreach: business
                         liaison,  citizens involvement &
                                                -Crime prevention/safety forums & 
                         -Quarterly newsletter

  Chinatown Police                              -Crime prevention seminar, forum,      $20,000
  Commu. Serv. Ctr.      public education
                         - Block watch action team
                         - Anti-theft from auto campaign
                         - Kids safety summer program
                         - Police community safety fair
                         - Chinese media public safety

                         - Collect info & data on crime     Tradeworks Society -                                        $20,000
  Downtown Eastside
                           activities  Nbhg. Safety Office
                         - Kids safety strategy
                         - Community linkages and network
                         - Develop a community safety

  Fraser St. Commu.      - Tag it - engrave & register        $25,000
  Crime Prevention       properties
  Office                                        -Crime prevention through
                         environmental design seminars
                         - Community outreach &
                         - Business liaison & fund raising
                                                -Rovers territory: train dogs &  
                         volunteers to observe & report 
                         suspicious findings
  Gastown Nbhd. Police   -Community outreach & crime            $15,000
  Office                 prevention   education
                         - Window watch
                         - Crime stoppers - graffiti
  Downtown South Commu.                         -Business crime prevention &           $22,500
  Police Office          security program
                         - Crime-free multi housing
                         - Street kids crime prevention


  Hastings North Nbhd. Safety                              -Crime-free multi housing                        $10,000
  Office                                                   -Anti-graffiti
                                                           -Block watch, safety fair
                                                           -Residents' crime prevention patrols
                                                           -Community safety newsletter

                               Joyce Street Commu. Crime   -  Citizens patrol, operation                    $25,000
  Prevention Office            identification
                                                           -Block watch, block parent
                                                           -Emergency preparedness
                                                           -Youth outreach, safety education
                                                           -Business outreach
                                                           -Communications strategy
  Kitsilano Crime Prevention  - Block watch, block parents                     $22,500
  Office                       - Court watch
                               - Community outreach, newsletter
                               - Seniors survey
                               - Youth Outreach
                               - Safety awareness in school

  Mt. Pleasant Commu. Crime                                -Crime-free multi housing                        $25,000
  Prevention Office                                        -Block watch
                                                           -Crime prevention, education & community
                                                           -Safety fairs & children safety education

  Native Police Commu.                                     -Crime prevention education &                    $15,000
  Liaison Society              intervention
                                                           -Improve communication & cooperation  
                               between police and the First Nation 
                               - Volunteer recruitment & training

  North False Creek Commu.                                 -Development of a Gays & Lesbian,                $17,500
  Police Office (Yaletown)     transgender & bisexual bashline
                               Riley Park Crime Prevention -Block watch, block patrol                       $25,000
  Office                                                   -Anti-graffiti, public education
                                                           -Speed reader board, traffic with safety
                                                           -Earthquake preparedness
                                                           -Youth & seniors outreach
                                                           -Safety newsletter
  Strathcona Nbhd. Police                                    -Block watch                                     $10,000
  Office Advisory                                          -Crime prevention seminars
   Committee                                               -Bilingual safety newsletter
                                                           -Crime-free multi housing

                               TOTAL                                                                       $300,000



 Due  to the  vast difference  in the  organizational maturity  of the
 community safety offices, and the fact that 1997 is the first year of
 the  community  safety grant  program,  staff  have made  some  minor
 adjustments to the grant evaluation process so as  to support as many
 of  the offices  as possible  at  this time.  Some approvals  include
 conditions that must be met  before further installments are made. In
 order  to strengthen  the process,  staff  will meet  with the  grant
 recipients to review the process and recommendations for changes will
 be brought back for Council s approval.

                     *   *   *   *   *    

                       Appendix A
 1997 Community Safety Grants - Requests and Recommendations

                                      GRANT      CITY'S   ATTORNEY
                                   D           ON         CONTRIBUTIO
  Britannia Commu.          $30,000    $22,500    $11,250     $11,250
  Police Office (CPO)

  Broadway Station          $30,000    $25,000    $12,500     $12,500
  Commu. Crime
  Prevention Office
  Chinatown Police          $37,000    $20,000    $10,000     $10,000
  Commu. Serv. Ctr.  Trade                     $30,000    $20,000    $10,000     $10,000       works Society -
  Downtown Eastside
  Nbhd. Safety Office
  Fraser St. Commu.         $21,000    $25,000    $12,500     $12,500
  Crime Prevention

  Gastown Nbhd. Police      $30,696    $15,000     $7,500      $7,500
                            $22,500    $11,250    $11,250   Downtown South Commu.
    Police Office$20,000

  Hastings North Nbhd.      $28,500    $10,000     $5,000      $5,000
  Safety Office
  Joyce Street Commu.       $30,000    $25,000    $12,500     $12,500
  Crime Prevention
  Kitsilano Crime           $30,000    $22,500    $11,250     $11,250
  Prevention Office

  Mt. Pleasant Commu.       $30,000    $25,000    $12,500     $12,500
  Crime Prevention
  Native Police Commu.      $30,000    $15,000     $7,500      $7,500
  Liaison Society
  North False Creek         $25,740    $17,500     $8,750      $8,750
  Commu. Police Office

  Riley Park Crime          $30,000    $25,000    $12,500     $12,500
  Prevention Office
  Strathcona Nbhd.          $27,582    $10,000     $5,000      $5,000
  Police Office Advisory
  TOTAL                    $430,518   $300,000   $150,000    $150,000

                                                  Appendix B
 1997 Community Police Grants  - CONDDITIONS AND COMMENTS

 All  community safety offices  will be required  to submit a progress
 report  on all funded activities together  with a financial statement
 by the end of June 1997 before the final installment of grant funding
 can be released.   All CSOs  are encouraged to  develop a three  year
 strategic plan for their organizations.  

                            GRANT          CONDITIONS/COMMENTS

  Britannia Commu.          $22,500
  Police Office (CPO)

  Broadway Station          $25,000
  Commu. Crime
  Prevention Office
  Chinatown Police          $20,000
  Commu. Serv. Ctr.
  Tradeworks Society -      $20,000
  Downtown Eastside
  Nbhd. Safety Office

  Fraser St. Commu.         $25,000
  Crime Prevention
  Gastown Nbhd. Police      $15,000 CONDITIONS:  That the Board
  Office                            develop an organization
                                    development plan by May 31, 1997
                                    for strengthening itself
                                    together with a clear budget
                                    projection for the year. 
                                    Payment of the final grant
                                    instalment is subject to
                                    implementation of the
                                    organization development plan &
                                    submission of a financial
                                    statement to the satisfaction of
                                    the joint City/Ag CSO Committee.
  Downtown South Commu.     $22,500 CONDITIONS: Grant to be used for
  Police Office                     crime prevention & safety
                                    activities only, not social
                                    services.  Final payment is
                                    contingent on submission of a
                                    detailed safety program plan,
                                    minutes of the Board of
                                    Directors active participation
                                    in the CSO & a signed financial

  Hastings North Nbhd.      $10,000 CONDITIONS: Grant to be used for
  Safety Office                     implementing proposed program
                                    only, not for purchase of
                                    capital items.  Final payment is
                                    contingent on demonstration of
                                    local community involvement &
                                    support of the office, an active
                                    advisory committee & a signed
                                    financial statement to the
                                    satisfaction of the joint
                                    City/AG CSO Committee.
  Joyce Street Commu.       $25,000
  Crime Prevention

  Kitsilano Crime           $22,500 Comment: Proposed program
  Prevention Office                 seeking funding needs to clearly
                                    articulate time frame,
                                    objectives, evaluation & budget
                                    breakdown.  A clear financial
                                    statement should be available.
  Mt. Pleasant Commu.       $25,000
  Crime Prevention
  Native Police Commu.      $15,000 CONDITIONS: Grant to be used for
  Liaison Society                   crime prevention & safety
                                    activities only.  Proper
                                    documentation of these
                                    activities for evaluation is

  North False Creek         $17,500 CONDITIONS: A detailed
  Commu. Police Office              implementation plan on the
  (Yaletown)                        proposed program needs to be
                                    developed, demonstrating working
                                    partnership with the GLC & West
                                    End CSO.  Final disbursement of
                                    the grant contingent on
                                    submission of this service plan
                                    by end of May, to the
                                    satisfaction of the joint
                                    City/AG CSO Committee.
                                    Comment: The Board is encouraged
                                    to develop a plan to strengthen
                                    itself, expand local community
                                    participation, develop a fund
                                    raising strategy and an official
                                    bookkeeping, financial reporting
  Riley Park Crime          $25,000
  Prevention Office
  Strathcona Nbhd.          $10,000 CONDITION: Grant is for
  Police Office Advisory            implementation of safety
  Committee                         programs, not for purchase of
                                    capital items.  Final payment is
                                    contingent upon submission of a
                                    clear implementation plan,
                                    program report, demonstration of
                                    local community involvement & a
                                    clear financial statement.

  TOTAL                    $300,000