CS&B AGENDA
                                                FEBRUARY 20, 1997  

                             ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT

                                           Date: January 17, 1997Dept. File
   No. NIST
                                           C.C. File No. 1008-1

   TO:            Vancouver City Council

   FROM:          City Manager

   SUBJECT:       Neighbourhood Integrated Services Teams - Staffing


        That Council  approve the  continuation of the  full-time technical
        position for an additional year in 1997, to provide support for the
        development  and  coordination   of  the  Neighbourhood  Integrated
        Service Teams (NIST).   Funding for the position, $41,000,  will be
        provided on a 50/50 split from the existing departmental  operating
        budget of the City Clerk s Office and the Police Department.


   On  September 17,  1994, Council  approved the  Neighbourhood Integrated
   Services Delivery model for City operations. 


   This report seeks the  continuation of the full-time staff  position for
   the Neighbourhood Integrated Service Teams.


   Council adopted a framework for the development of an Integrated Service
   Delivery System on  September 17, 1994.  The new  model was developed to
   ensure open City government, and to provide an effective community-based
   City service delivery system.  

   On  December 5,  1995,  Council approved  the  creation of  a  temporary
   position for one year, to assist the teams and the individual members to
   respond to local issues  arising in Vancouver communities.   The Project
   Assistant s duties, under the direction of the Deputy City Manager, have

       implementation of guidelines and procedures related to NIST;
       maintaining NIST records and information on City activities;
       assisting  with  cross-departmental  coordination of  responses  to
        community issues;
       assessing issues and then linking with the appropriate teams;
       coordinating  with   Information  Services  on   the  communication
       assessing and modifying plans  and administrative tasks in response
        to team/community/staff needs.

   There is  a need to  continue with this position,  to provide permanent,
   on-going administrative support to the teams.


   The   Neighbourhood  Integrated   Service  Teams  have   provided  local
   neighbourhoods with direct  assistance in problem-solving local  issues.
   The teams  have tackled  challenging problems  in consultation  with the
   community members and through their coordinated efforts have efficiently
   and effectively dealt with issues.

   Significant  effort has been undertaken  during 1996 to  ensure that the
   community and team  members are  able to communicate  with one  another.
   The  majority of  team  members are  connected  to one  another  through
   Internet.   As well, information  kiosks are being  established in local
   libraries so that citizens can contact teams.  This work is on-going.

   Identification of issues for the teams has impacted on work areas within
   departments.   For example,  teams  have identified  problems that  have
   required additional information and coordination of staff within Permits
   and  Licenses and  the Law  Department.   Identifying and  responding to
   issues requires increasing closer work with the City Clerk s Department.

   Staff and Organization Implications

   The Project Assistant will  be located with the City  Clerk s Department
   and  will continue to work closely with the Deputy City  Manager on NIST
   policy.   The  move into  the  Clerk s  Office will  allow  the  Project
   Assistant to more fully integrate CCST and NIST work.  It will, as well,
   allow for more consistency in the referral  process to NIST.

   Financial Implications

   For 1997, funding for the Project Assistant will be  jointly funded from
   the  current budget for staffing  within the City  Clerk s Office budget
   (half-time) and from the Vancouver Police Department budget (half-time).
   The VPD recognize the importance of the Project Assistant s position for
   the implementation  of community-based policing.  Cost for the position,
   including benefits,  is approximately  $41,000.  Funds  were transferred
   from a half-time, vacant  clerical position in the Manager s  Office, to
   the Clerk s Office for this NIST position.


   The on-going success of the NIST model is dependent  upon the consistent
   and   administrative   coordination   of   information   for   teams  on
   problems/issues.  However, the need for the on-going Project Assistant s
   position is critical at this time.

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