SUPPORTS ITEM NO. 2 CS&B AGENDA FEBRUARY 20, 1997 ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Date: February 10, 1997 C.C. File No. 5650-1 TO: Standing Committee of Council on City Services and Budgets FROM: General Manager of Engineering Services SUBJECT: Re-issuing of Meter Checkers' Tickets RECOMMENDATION THAT staff report back on the effectiveness of a change in impound authorization procedures following completion of the current trial procedure. COUNCIL POLICY Council has created a Parking Enforcement Program and approves the staffing and budgets of that program. BACKGROUND At a recent public meeting on the budget, one delegation spoke of the inefficiencies caused by the fact that Parking Checkers must re-issue tow-away tickets originally issued by Meter Checkers. It has been variously stated that the cost to the City is $750,000 or $1 million per year. The speaker, a now-retired civic employee, had previously won an award for a suggested change. Original Situation When the Parking Enforcement Program was originally created in 1976, Meter Checkers dealt only with parking meters. They operated on foot and did not have tow-away authority. Subsequently, the scope of the program was expanded by creating the position of Parking Checker in 1982. These individuals are more highly trained, operate vehicles, and have discretion to enforce a wide variety of offences, including tow-aways. Because of the extra responsibilities, these positions receive additional salary. Although the branch has expanded and now operates on foot, bicycle, wheelchair, transit and automobile, the original distinction of two levels of checkers has persisted. The Inneficiency From time to time, a Meter Checker may encounter a vehicle requiring tow-away, for example in a bus zone. The vehicle can be ticketed, but a Parking Checker must be called to re-issue the ticket and authorize the tow-away. This is the source of the inefficiency identified by the delegation. -2- The speaker proposed that the Meter Checkers be given impound authority, indicated that the procedure costs the City $750,000 per year, and complained that nothing had been done to implement the situation. The inefficiency is real and is a source of concern. However, the reality of the situation differs in two important aspects: 1. the cost to the City is not $750,000 per year. By the end of 1995, parking Checkers were being called to re-issue 4,000 Meter Checker tickets annually (about 1% of all tickets) at a potential loss in revenue of up to $80,000, assuming the Checker would have written other tickets. Offsetting this would be the annual cost to the City if all Meter Checkers were reclassified to Parking Checkers, which would be $50,000. Thus, the net cost of the inefficiency was perhaps $30,000 in potential fine revenue. However, staff suggest that the stronger reason for a change is to provide better service to the public, with fewer delays. 2. the suggestion has been pursued. It was delayed, partly because of the job action by the Checkers through 1994 and 1995. However, on September 1, 1996, the Parking Enforcement Branch, in agreement with CUPE Local 15 and the Meter Checkers within the Branch, commenced a trial program in which Meter Checkers have had the authority to issue tow-away notices in rush routes only. As part of this trial, the new flex-hours provision of the contract has been used to extend hours of operation. This has had a greater benefit to ticket revenue than the re-ticketing issue. RECOMMENDED PROCEDURE The trial program now underway will be complete shortly. Following that, staff will be in a position to provide more detailed assessment of the effectiveness of a permanent change in procedures. In addition, there needs to be further consultation with employees, and their Union representatives, concerning potential changes to the Meter Checker job description and classification. In conclusion, it must be stressed that the 4,000 Parking Checker re-issued tickets in 1995 represent only 1% of the work of the Parking Enforcement Branch and, based on the entire Parking Enforcement budget, 1% of the operating costs represents only $42,000 per year. This should clearly show that the figures presented at a recent citizens' forum were inaccurate. However, the award for the suggestion is still valid, regardless of cost saving to the City, because of improved service to the public. This suggestion, along with others, is being pursued as part of our continual program for operations improvement. * * * * *