A4 ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Date: January 30, 1997 Dept. File No. 3416 TO: Vancouver City Council FROM: Manager of the Housing Centre SUBJECT: 1996 Non-Market Housing Inventory INFORMATION The General Manager submits this report for INFORMATION. COUNCIL POLICY Council policies support the development of a wide range of housing forms and types, including non-market housing, throughout the city to meet the diverse needs of existing and future residents. PURPOSE The purpose of this report is to submit to Council the document titled "Vancouver Non-Market Housing Inventory 1953-1995", attached as Appendix A.* BACKGROUND In 1993, the City published the first inventory of non-market housing that had been developed or approved between 1953 and the end of 1992. This inventory was compiled in response to requests for information from Council, housing sponsors, neighbourhood groups, and those seeking affordable accommodation. The inventory has provided basic information for use in answering information requests, and for addressing housing needs and issues in the city. DISCUSSION Since the last Inventory was published, the face of non-market housing has changed significantly, with the demise of new federal funding and the introduction of unilateral provincial programs. Twenty-six new projects received funding approval between 1993 and the end of 1995, and some older non-market projects have been demolished. The revised Inventory incorporates these changes, and also provides an expanded overview of non-market housing in the City. *Limited distribution - on file at the City Clerk's office -2- By the end of 1995, there were 325 completed and occupied non-market housing projects in the city, providing 18,363 units (just over 8% percent of the City s housing stock). Another 23 projects were either approved or under construction. Once the projects underway are completed, there will be 19,303 non-market units in the city. In 1996, another 3 projects (Woodwards, VanCity Place, and Helping Spirit Lodge) have been approved, together with an increase in the units already approved for the Portland project, for a total of 275 units. The primary City role in the development of non-market housing has been to buy and lease sites. A third of all projects are on land leased from the City at less than freehold value, with a total write down of over $52 million since 1978. In recent years, most non-market housing has been built on City land. In addition to lease write downs, the City has provided grants for projects needing further assistance. To date, these grants from the Affordable Housing Fund total over $5 million in 1995 dollars. In 1996, the Province reduced its annual non-market housing allocation to 600 units from 900 units in 1994 and 1995. The allocation will likely remain at this reduced level for the near future. The reduction in senior government funding is forcing non-profit housing sponsors to pursue new approaches to meeting housing needs, such as public/private partnerships and bonusing. Future inventories will be expanded to include these non-traditional forms of social and affordable housing. Council can expect a policy report this Spring on the issues facing the City s non-market housing initiatives. * * * * *