February 6, 1997

        A regular meeting of the Vancouver Liquor Licensing Commission was
   held on Thursday, February 6, 1997, at 7:35 p.m. in Committee Room No.
   2, third floor, City Hall.

        PRESENT:       Councillor Lynne Kennedy, Chair
                       Councillor Don Bellamy, Vice-Chair
                       Councillor Nancy Chiavario
                       Councillor Daniel Lee

        ALSO PRESENT:  Nathan Edelson, Downtown Eastside Planner
                       Councillor Alan Herbert 
                       Inspector Dave Jones, Vancouver Police
                       Judy Rogers, Deputy City Manager
                       Paul Teichroeb, Chief License Inspector
                       Mike Twynstra, Deputy Chief License Inspector

        CLERK:         Rae T. Wylson


        The minutes of the Vancouver Liquor Licensing Commission meeting of
   October 24, 1996 were adopted as circulated.


        The Chief License Inspector introduced Michael Twynstra, Deputy
   Chief License Inspector.


   1.   608 West Pender Street - Malone's Sports Bar & Grill
        (Clarence Hotel): Change in Hours - Class 'A' Pub
                                                              File:  2611-2

        The Commission had before it an Administrative Report dated January
   15, 1997 (on file), in which the Deputy Chief License Inspector advised
   of a request for endorsement of an application for a change of hours. 

        Paul Teichroeb, Chief License Inspector, reviewed the application,
   noting particulars of the current liquor license for this location and
   staff comments.  Mr. Teichroeb advised the Commission has not endorsed a
   number of similar recent applications pending completion of the Victory
   Square Plan and/or pending transfer of provincial authority to roll-back
   liquor license hours.

        At the request of the Commission, staff provided reasons for the
   variations in hours at licensed establishments which are relative in
   class type, clientele and/or location.  It was noted staff
   recommendations are a determining factor.  As well, the Commission s
   reluctance to extend hours is tied closely to its inability to roll-back
   those hours should it deem fit.  

        Staff advised of recent discussions with the Province concerning
   the transfer of the authority to roll-back hours.  Staff will provide
   further information at the Commission s March 13, 1997 meeting.

        Rick Erdman, Host Consulting Ltd., representing the applicant,
   submitted a brief providing details of the application (on file).  Mr.
   Erdman reviewed the contents of the brief, noting plans for development
   of the site, Malone s sports-oriented theme and its clientele.  It was
   noted Appendices B, C and D to the brief demonstrate local business and
   residential support for this application.

        Trevor Magee, Malone s Sports Bar & Grill, in response to a
   question from the Commission, provided clarification concerning the
   location of the pub relative to the restaurant.  Mr. Magee noted the two
   establishments are completely separate operations.  As well, Mr. Magee
   circulated eleven additional items of  supporting correspondence.

        The following motion by Councillor Chiavario was put and carried. 
   Therefore the Commission


        THAT Vancouver City Council defer consideration of the request
        for endorsement of an application for a change of hours for
        the Class 'A' pub at Malone's Sports Bar & Grill (Clarence
        Hotel), 608 West Pender Street, pending Provincial direction
        concerning the transfer of authority to roll-back hours, or
        for a period of up to two months.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

   2.   Exemption of Applications from Current Moratorium:
         900 Granville Street and 952 Granville Street

        The Commission had before it several items of correspondence dated
   January 20, 1997, from Dennis Coates requesting to address the
   Commission (on file).  Mr. Coates seeks to discuss the exemption of
   several applications, including 900 and 952 Granville Street and the
   transfer of the existing license of 1006 Granville Street to 952
   Granville Street, from the current moratorium.

        The Chief License Inspector advised these applications have been
   pending for some time.  However, it was recommended exemption of these
   applications from the moratorium would be premature at this time.

        Dennis Coates of Mair, Jensen, Blair, representing the applicants,
   reviewed details of the applications.  Mr. Coates urged the Commission
   to grant exemption to these applications based on the length of time
   they have been pending and on their merit.

        Richard Jaffray, Cactus Club Restaurants, provided the Commission
   with correspondence dated February 6, 1997 regarding  Proposed Granville
   Place Complex  (on file).  The correspondence presents a proposal
   outlining the Cactus Club Restaurant/Granville Entertainment joint
   venture development of 900 Granville Street.  Mr. Jaffray noted the
   proposal supports the City s vision to create an entertainment district
   for this area. Mr. Jaffray further advised, given the amount of time
   that has elapsed since initial application and the uncertainty regarding
   the length of time until the end of the moratorium, this proposal may be

        Blaine Culling, Granville Entertainment, urged the Commission to
   end the moratorium and allow the development of Granville Street.

        In concluding remarks it was noted the Commission may likely review
   the moratorium at its March 13, 1997 meeting, following an update from
   staff concerning discussions with the Province.

        The following motion by Councillor Bellamy was put and carried. 
   Therefore the Commission


        THAT Vancouver City Council receive for information the
        correspondence from Messrs. Rick Erdman, Richard Jaffray and
        Blaine Culling requesting the exemption of several license
        applications from the Granville Street moratorium and
        providing details of a proposed Granville Place complex.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

   3.   Archimedes Club

        The Commission had before it previously circulated correspondence
   dated December 15, 1996 and January 27, 1997, from Pierette Winter and
   the Council of Alexander Street outlining concerns regarding the
   Archimedes Club (on file).  In addition, the Commission considered
   on-table memoranda dated February 4, 1997 addressing concerns raised in
   Ms. Winter s correspondence and providing information on the status of
   the license at this location (on file).

        The Chief License Inspector reviewed the status of the license. 
   The space has been rented but the tenant has been unsuccessful in
   attempts to obtain City approvals due to the amount of upgrading
   required.  Staff confirmed a non-profit club is only approved use for
   the location and that if it met all criteria, could make application for
   a Class  A  license.  Staff are currently defining the site's future use
   and do not anticipate further difficulties.  However, it was noted, in
   the event difficulties do arise, the matter would likely be referred to
   a show cause hearing.

        The following motion by Councillor Chiavario was put and carried. 
   Therefore the Commission


        THAT Vancouver City Council receive for information
        correspondence dated December 15, 1996 and January 27, 1997
        from Pierrette Winter and the memoranda dated February 4, 1997
        regarding the Archimedes Club;

        FURTHER THAT Council direct staff to provide Ms. Winter with
        information concerning the status of the Archimedes Club
        business license and to advise of the options available should
        problems recur in future at this location.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

   4.   Ivanhoe, Cobalt and Old American Hotels

        The Commission had before it a previously circulated item of
   correspondence dated December 23, 1996 from Liz Cochien, on behalf of
   residents of the Citygate Complex, outlining residents  concerns with
   the Ivanhoe, Cobalt and Old American Hotels (on file). 

        Paul Teichroeb, Chief License Inspector, advised staff are
   compiling evidence concerning the operation of one of these
   establishments.  Staff will likely make a recommendation to Council to
   hold a show cause hearing within four to six weeks.

        The Chair summarized the show cause hearing process, noting public
   presentations at such a hearing would serve as evidence for or against
   the licensee. In light of this, the Chair polled the speakers who agreed
   to not address the Commission at this time and instead to address the
   whole of Council at the show cause hearing.  Speakers present were
   requested to provide their name and address to the Committee Clerk and
   were advised they will be informed of the date, time and location of the
   show cause hearing.

        Cathleen Willoughby, Property Manager, LTD Homes Society, submitted
   a document entitled,  Incidents of Vandalism at 1129 and 1189 Main
   Street - January 1, 1995 to February 5, 1997" (on file).  Ms. Willoughby
   authorized the use of the document by staff in preparing the evidence
   against these establishments.

   NOTE FROM CLERK:  The original above-referenced document,  Incidents of
   Vandalism at 1129 and 1189 Main Street - January 1, 1995 to February 5,
   1997", has been provided to the Chief License Inspector.

        The following motion by Councillor Bellamy was put and carried. 
   Therefore the Commission


        THAT Vancouver City Council receive for information the
        correspondence dated December 23, 1996 from Liz Cochien, on
        behalf of residents of the Citygate Complex, outlining
        residents  concerns with the Ivanhoe, Cobalt and Old American

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

   5.   Attorney General Limited Review of Liquor Policy Issues

        The Commission had before it an item of correspondence dated
   January 7, 1997 from  Tex Enemark providing details of an upcoming
   limited review of liquor policy issues (on file).  In addition, the
   Commission was provided with an on-table memorandum from the Chair of
   the Justice and Protective Services Committee of the UBCM concerning a
   UBCM Survey regarding the Provincial Liquor Policy Review (on file).

        In the ensuing discussion the Commission considered the UBCM survey
   and agreed to the following:

        1.   Not support - Licensing and regulation of U-Brews and

        2.   Not support - Licensing of billiard establishments for
        liquor sales.

        3.   Not support - Entertainment and Games in restaurants.

        4.   Not support - Opening of Liquor store outlets on Sunday
             and Statutory holidays.  

        Regarding No. 4, the Commission noted previously raised concerns
   for the need for a day of rest.  As well, it was noted opening of Liquor
   store outlets on Sunday and Statutory holidays will puts the province in
   direct competition with individual business owners.  For   these reasons
   the Commission strongly urged the Province to undertake public
   consultation concerning this issue. 

        5.   Not support - Use of credit cards at Liquor store

        Concerning No. 5,  the Commission advised it will not support this
   initiative as it may serve as incentive for credit card fraud to obtain
   alcohol.  It was noted the Commission would be in support however, if
   credit cards were protected by a password in similar fashion to bank
   machine cards.

        6.   Other issues.

        Concerning Question No. 6, the Commission noted the following other
        -    the transfer of authority from the Province to the City to
        roll back hours;
        -    licensing of potable liquors; and
        -    review of the structure of legislation so that community
             impacts are a fundamental consideration.

        In consideration of time constraints concerning the submission of
   the completed survey to the UBCM, the Commission directed staff to
   complete and submit the survey, based on the previously-noted answers of
   the Commission together with supporting Council resolutions.  Staff will
   circulate the final submission to the whole of Council.

        The following motion by Councillor Chiavario was put and carried. 
   Therefore the Commission


        THAT Vancouver City Council direct staff to complete and
        submit to the Chair of the Justice and Protective Services
        Committee of the UBCM the survey regarding the Provincial
        Liquor Policy Review, based on answers of the Commission
        together with supporting Council resolutions.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

   6.   Consultation Process:  Culinary Wines and Potable Medicinals

        The Commission had before it an on-table extract from the City of
   Vancouver Council meeting of December 10, 1996 concerning  Consultation
   Process: Culinary Wines and Potable Medicinals  (on file).

        Paul Teichroeb advised the Liquor Control and Licensing Branch is
   currently conducting a review which addresses content, size, price and
   distribution of culinary wines and potable medicinals.  Staff
   recommended the Commission convey its support for this review given
   strong industry opposition. 

        The following motion by Councillor Chiavario was put and carried. 
   Therefore the Commission


        THAT Vancouver City Council direct staff to prepare
        correspondence to the General Manager of the Liquor Control
        and Licensing Branch (LCLB) conveying its support for the LCLB
        review of  culinary wines and potable medicinals.  The
        correspondence to be signed by all members of the Vancouver
        Liquor Licensing Commission.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

   NOTE FROM THE CLERK:  At the direction of the Chair, the Commission
   considered Items 7 and 8 in conjunction.

   7.   Gastown Neighbourhood Clubs
   8.   Side Door Cabaret

        The Commission had before a previously circulated item of
   correspondence dated January 20, 1997 from Michael McCoy providing
   concerns regarding various Gastown Neighbourhood clubs (on file).  In
   addition, the Commission had before it an on-table memorandum dated
   February 3, 1997 from Councillor Lynne Kennedy concerning a complaint
   with regard to the Side Door Cabaret (on file).

        Paul Teichroeb, Chief License Inspector, recommended complaints
   such as these should initially be dealt with by staff through the
   appropriate area Neighbourhood Integrated Service Team (NIST).  Area
   NISTs have representation from each department who together investigate
   issues which involve more than one City department.  As such the Area
   NIST would be able to gather information and make recommendations to
   Council concerning appropriate actions to be taken with regard to
   residents  complaints.

        Staff further advised regular staff meetings have been scheduled
   one week prior to each VLLC meeting for the remainder of 1997.  The
   purpose of these meetings is for staff to remain aware of and to monitor
   problem premises in order to keep the Commission appraised of current

        The following motion by Councillor Bellamy was put and carried. 
   Therefore the Commission


        THAT Vancouver City Council receive for information
        correspondence dated January 20, 1997 from Michael McCoy
        providing concerns regarding various Gastown Neighbourhood
        clubs and a memorandum dated February 3, 1997 from Councillor
        Lynne Kennedy concerning a complaint with regard to the Side
        Door Cabaret.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

   9.   Update on Licensed Premises to October 8, 1996

        The Commission had before it an Administrative Report dated October
   8, 1996 (on file), in which the Chief Constable provides an ongoing
   overview of  the problems and issues concerning licensed premises, and
   the status of any enforcement or other activities (on file).

        Inspector Dave Jones, Vancouver Police Department and Paul
   Teichroeb, Chief License Inspector advised future similar reports will
   come to the Commission as information items.  In addition the reports
   will contain information provided by the Area NIST and the Liquor
   Control and Licensing Branch.  Staff envision the ideal process arising
   from this consolidated effort will be the early identification and Area
   NIST team handling of problem premises.

        The following motion by Councillor Bellamy was put and carried. 
   Therefore the Commission


        THAT Vancouver City Council receive for information the
        Administrative Report dated October 8, 1996, titled  Update on
        Licensed Premises to October 8, 1996" from the Chief Constable
        providing an ongoing overview of  the problems and issues
        concerning licensed premises, and the status of any
        enforcement or other activities.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


        The next regular VLLC meeting will take place on March 13, 1997.

                      The meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m.

                                 *  *  *  *  *