SUPPORTS ITEM NO. 6 T & T COMMITTEE AGENDA FEBRAURY 5, 1997 ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Date: January 8, 1997 Dept. File No. 4051 CC File: 5553-1 TO: Standing Committee on Transportation and Traffic FROM: General Manager of Engineering Services SUBJECT: South West Marine Drive Bike Route RECOMMENDATION A. THAT the shoulders on SW Marine Drive between Granville and Camosun be improved for cyclists, as detailed in this report. B. THAT $60,000 from approved Provincial funding and $15,000 from the Streets Basic Capital Unappropriated Account #12/31/6903/999, Bicycle Network, be allocated for the above work. C. THAT the signing maintenance budget be increased by $500 without offset, for the maintenance of the signs and stencils proposed in this design, starting in 1998. COUNCIL POLICY The Vancouver Comprehensive Bicycle Plan (1988) and the Clouds of Change Report (1990) established the City's policy of promoting and encouraging cycling as a transportation alternative. PURPOSE The purpose of this report is to obtain approval for stencils, signs and pavement improvements along the shoulders of SW Marine Drive, between Granville and Camosun streets. BACKGROUND In 1996 the City of Vancouver applied to the Provincial Government for cost sharing on four cycling projects. Shoulder improvement to SW Marine Drive was one of the projects approved. SW Marine Drive has been used by cyclists commuting to UBC for years, but the narrow shoulders, poor pavement and pinch points (where the painted shoulders end) make it unacceptable as a modern cycling facility. If approved, this project will create the first marked bike lanes in Vancouver and will be a first step in improving non-local streets for cyclists. RECOMMENDED SW MARINE DRIVE BIKE ROUTE DESIGN Approximately eighty percent of the shoulders along SW Marine Drive have pot holes, sunken catch basins, rough edges and drainage problems and these would be repaired under this proposal. At some locations the painted shoulder ends and cyclists are forced to share the narrow lane with traffic. Additional lanes or paths for cyclists are proposed at these locations. (a) Neighbourhood Compatibility After the preliminary design was prepared by Engineering Services and the Bicycle Advisory Committee to Council, Engineering met with the SW Marine Drive Ratepayers Association to discuss the proposal. The association s input was incorporated into the proposal that was then distributed to residents along SW Marine Drive in the form of a survey (see Appendix A). Total number of surveys sent out: 400 Total number of responses: 86 (22% response rate) In favour of Marked Bike Lanes: 55 (64%) Not in favour of Marked Bike Lanes: 19 (22%) Other 11 ( 13%) No response 1 ( 1%) The comments included a few negative remarks regarding the bike route and the high speeds and volumes of traffic along SW Marine, but the majority were in favour of the proposal. If approved, little impact on the neighbourhood is anticipated. The painted and repaired shoulders will not affect existing driving and parking conditions. (b) Implementation If approved, pavement improvements and painting will begin as soon as possible and completion is expected this spring. (c) Maintenance Elements of the SW Marine Drive bike route could be considered for maintenance levels above those of a normal street. However, due to current budget constraints it is recommended that the bicycle route receive the same level of service as would a normal street, at no additional cost. This may require refusing some public requests for extraordinary maintenance levels. FUNDING The cost to implement the SW Marine Drive bike route is as follows: 49th/Marine refuge path $ 22,000 Cyclist actuation at 41st/Marine $ 8,000 Pavement improvements on shoulder $ 75,000 Pavement markings and signs $ 15,000 Total $120,000 Provincial Share $ 60,000 City Share $ 60,000 minus Previously allocated in 1996 $ 45,000 Amount Required Now $ 15,000 $45,000 has already been allocated for preliminary work and another $75,000 is now required to complete this project. $60,000 is to be provided by approved Provincial cost share, with the remaining amount of $15,000 to be funded from the Streets Basic Capital Unappropriated Account #12/31/6903/999, Bicycle Network. BICYCLE ADVISORY COMMITTEE AND NETWORK SUBCOMMITTEE The Bicycle Advisory Committee to Council was involved in the design of this route but was unable to review this report as it was not in session during its writing. The ex-Chair of the Committee, John Whistler, has reviewed this report and he supports its recommendations. * * * * * APPENDIX A SURVEY AND RESULTS