ITEM NO. 5 
                                                                         T&T COMMITTEE AGENDA
                                                                         FEBRUARY 5, 1997       

                                                        ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT

                                                                 Date: February 5, 1997
                                                                 Dept. File No.: 163 640/259 577/717 148
                                                                 C.C. File No.: 5553-1

     TO:              Standing Committee on Transportation and Traffic

     FROM:    General Manager of Engineering Services

     SUBJECT:         Proposed Heather Street, Lakewood Drive and Nanton Avenue Bicycle Routes


              A.      THAT the Heather Street and Lakewood Drive Bicycle Routes be constructed as detailed in this report.

              B.      That $164,000  from the  Provincial Government funding  and $136,500 from  a reallocation  of the Georgia
                      Street  Improvement project  12/01/4838/999 (to be  reimbursed upon  approval of  the 1997  Streets Basic
                      Capital Budget) be allocated for the above work. 

              C.      THAT the Nanton Avenue Bicycle Route not be constructed at this time, due to neighbourhood opposition.

              D.      THAT the annual signal maintenance  budget be increased by $4,000, the annual streets  maintenance budget
                      be increased by $3,000,  and the sign maintenance budget be  increased by $1,100, all without offset, for
                      the maintenance of two new cyclist/pedestrian signals,  six new traffic circles and approximately  50 new
                      bicycle route signs proposed along the new bike routes, starting in 1998.


              E.      THAT the Nanton  Avenue bicycle route  be marked with signage  only, at a  cost of $7,000  funded from  a
                      reallocation of the Georgia Street Improvement project 12/01/4838/999 (to  be reimbursed upon approval of
                      the 1997 Streets Basic Capital Budget).


                     The Vancouver Comprehensive  Bicycle Plan (1988) and the Clouds  of Change Report (1990)  established the
                      City's policy of promoting and encouraging cycling as a transportation alternative.

                     On May  14, 1992, Council approved a City-wide bicycle route network with  priority given to local street


     In consultation  with the Bicycle  Network Subcommittee of  the Bicycle Advisory  Committee to Council,  proposals for the
     Heather Street, Lakewood  Drive and Nanton  Avenue bike routes were  developed. The Heather  route follows Heather  Street
     from 7th  Avenue to 37th Avenue,  connecting the Off-Broadway Bikeway  to the new  Ridgeway Greenway.   The Lakewood route
     follows Lakewood  Drive from Adanac Street and  Adanac Bikeway to 8th Avenue and  the BC parkway. The  Nanton Avenue route
     generally follows Nanton, 28th and 27th Avenues, connecting the Cypress Bikeway with the Ontario Bikeway.

     It  is proposed that some  intersections be modified for  additional comfort and safety for cyclists  and that cyclists be
     given appropriate  priority  along  the route.    Traffic calming  devices such  as  traffic  circles are  recommended  to
     discourage vehicle short-cutting and speeding.  Pavement  improvements are also recommended to improve the riding surface.
     Measures are  proposed at arterial street  crossings to enhance  safe bike crossings  and a signage system  similar to the
     existing bikeways will be adopted.

     Neighbourhood residents were surveyed  for their opinion of the proposed  bicycle route improvements.  Both Heather Street
     and Lakewood Drive residents were 85% in favour  of the bike routes proposed along their street.  However, only 45% of the
     residents surveyed were  in favour of the Nanton  Avenue route.  In  fact, when just those living along Nanton  Avenue are
     analysed, only 20% of them were in favour of the proposed changes.

     Based on feedback from the Bicycle Advisory Committee and resident surveys, staff recommend that the  proposed Heather and
     Lakewood bicycle routes  detailed in this report be  approved.  Staff also recommend that  the Nanton Avenue bicycle route
     not proceed at this time.

     The total  cost for the Heather  and Lakewood routes  is estimated at $328,000.    As $27,500 was  previously approved for
     preliminary work  and $164,000 will be provided by the Province, additional funding  of $136,500 is required at this time.
     It is proposed this  funding be reallocated with the  Georgia Street Improvement capital project  which will be reimbursed
     upon approval of the 1997 Streets Basic Capital Budget.


     The purpose of this report is  to obtain approval for the implementation of the Heather Street and  Lakewood Drive bicycle
     routes and to recommend that the Nanton Avenue bicycle route not proceed at this time.


     In consultation  with the Bicycle  Network Subcommittee of  the Bicycle Advisory  Committee to Council,  proposals for the
     Heather  Street, Lakewood  Drive and Nanton  Avenue bike  routes were  developed.   The proposed  routes connect  with the
     existing Off-Broadway,  BC Parkway  and Adanac Bikeways  as well as  the new  Ridgeway Greenway. These  links will improve
     cycling conditions for both commuter and recreational cyclists alike.

     The Cycling Network Program  was created by the  Province in 1995 as  a cost-sharing program  designed to encourage  local
     municipalities to build  commuter cycling facilities.   Since then, the City  of Vancouver has applied  for, and received,
     funding towards several cycling projects, including the Heather Street, Lakewood Drive and Nanton Avenue routes.



     Route Alignment and Improvements

              Heather Street Bicycle Route

              The general route alignment and details are  proposed as shown in Appendix A.   The route will be direct and  user
              friendly with the following details:

              (i)     The  route will  be aligned along  Heather Street from  7th to 37th Avenues,  connecting the Off-Broadway
                      Bikeway at the northern end to the Ridgeway Greenway at the southern end.  

              (ii)    The crossing of 16th Avenue will  be made easier with a new cyclist/pedestrian activated signal and three
                      existing signals  will be upgraded with cyclist actuation.  The locations of  these measures are shown in
                      Appendix A.

              (iii)   Traffic  circles are  proposed for  the intersections of  Heather and  13th Avenue  and Heather  and 18th
                      Avenue.  In the original  design sent to residents, it  was proposed to switch the stop  signs at Heather
                      and 24th Avenue from north/south to east/west  stops. However, after further discussions with  residents,
                      it is  now proposed to  install a traffic  circle; residents within a  block of the  circle are currently
                      being surveyed again.  Conversely, it was originally intended to install a traffic circle  at Heather and
                      28th Avenue; however, due to residents  concerns, it is now proposed to install four way stop signs. 

              (iv)    Miscellaneous pavement  upgrades are recommended  along the route and include  repairing uneven pavement,
                      bumps and large cracks.

              Lakewood Drive Bicycle Route

              The general route alignment and details are  proposed as shown in Appendix A.   The route will be direct and  user
              friendly with the following details:

              (i)     The route will  be aligned along Lakewood Drive  from Adanac Street to  8th Avenue, connecting the Adanac
                      Bikeway at the northern end to the BC Parkway and John Hendry Park (Trout Lake) at the southern end.  

              (ii)    The crossing of  1st Avenue will  be made easier with  a new cyclist/pedestrian  activated signal and  an
                      existing signal  at Lakewood and  Broadway will  be upgraded  with cyclist actuation.   The locations  of
                      these measures are shown in Appendix A.

              (iii)   Traffic circles  will be located at the intersections of Lakewood and Grant  Street, and Lakewood and 3rd
                      Avenue.  Originally, it was intended  to construct a traffic circle at 6th Avenue; however, after further
                      discussions  with residents, it is proposed to install a traffic  circle at 7th Avenue instead. Residents
                      within a block of  the changes are currently being  surveyed again for their opinion. In addition  to the
                      above measures,  all currently  uncontrolled intersections  along the route  will be  controlled by  stop

              (iv)    Miscellaneous pavement upgrades recommended along the route include repairing  uneven pavement, bumps and
                      large cracks.

     (b)      Neighbourhood Compatibility

              Input  from affected residents,  schools and  businesses was gathered  through surveys, letters,  phone calls, and
              E-mail. The survey delivery areas  for the routes are shown in Appendix B.  Of  those who responded, approximately
              85% of residents adjacent to Heather Street  and Lakewood Drive were in favour of their street becoming  a bicycle
              route.  A summary of survey results is found in Appendix C.

              As with all bikeways, the route will be monitored and if needed, residents and  cyclists will again be surveyed as
              to the effectiveness of  the bike route and  its impact on the  neighbourhood.  Adjustments  will be made if  this
              route does not meet either the needs of cyclists or the neighbourhood.

     (c)      Implementation

              Route improvements would begin immediately and completion is expected later this Spring.

     (d)      Maintenance

              Elements of the  proposed Heather Street  and Lakewood Drive  Bicycle Routes could  be considered for  maintenance
              levels above those of  a normal street.   However, due to  current budget constraints  it is recommended that  the
              bicycle  route receive the  same level  of service as  would a  normal street,  at no additional  cost.   This may
              require refusing some public requests for extraordinary maintenance levels.

              Each  of the  two new  cyclist activated  signals will  incur  an additional  annual maintenance  cost of  $2,000;
              therefore,  an increase of $4,000 is  recommended to the annual signal  maintenance budget. Similarly, each of the
              six  new traffic circles will incur an additional annual  maintenance cost of $500 and a corresponding increase of
              $3,000 is recommended  to the annual streets  maintenance budget.  In  addition, each of the approximately  50 new
              bicycle route  signs will incur  an additional annual  maintenance cost of $10  and signs on  each of the  six new
              traffic circles will incur an annual  maintenance cost of $100.  Therefore, a corresponding  increase of $1,100 is
              recommended to the annual sign maintenance budget.

     (e)      Route Names

              The Heather route was generally  called the Heather Bicycle Corridor during the planning  stages.  Other alternate
              route names suggested are as follows:
              -       Heather Bikeway
              -       Heather Bikeway Link

     The Lakewood route was  generally called the Lakewood Bicycle Corridor during  the planning stages.  Other alternate route
     names suggested are as follows:
     -        Lakewood Bikeway
     -        Lakewood Bikeway Link

              After discussions  with the public  and the  Bicycle Network Subcommittee,  it is recommended  that the  routes be
              named the Heather Bikeway and the Lakewood Bikeway respectively.

     (f)      Route Signage

              The signage, including  route markers, destination signs  and brochures, will be  similar to those that  have been
              successful  along  the  Adanac,  Off-Broadway  and  Ontario  Bikeways.    All  are  based  on  the  use  of clear,
              internationally recognised standard symbols with  a minimum of wording.  The  route markers will be placed at  one
              block intervals alternating directionally.

              Free  brochures about this  bike route  will also be  available at City  Hall and  other public areas  and will be
              distributed at cycling related events.  They will  provide help to users, promote the route and reinforce  cyclist
              etiquette.   These will  be of leaflet  size similar to  other Bikeway brochures.  Information and maps describing
              Vancouver's cycling program are also available on the Internet through the City's home page.


     Residents within several  blocks of the proposed Nanton Avenue  bike route were surveyed  and the results are  attached in
     Appendix C.  Although the  overall response was 45% in favour  and 44% opposed, an analysis of the responses  of residents
     living directly along the route indicate that only 20% were in favour of the route.

     The most common reasons given for opposing  the route include the existing high volume of  traffic generated by the nearby
     schools and churches, the narrowness of the street, and the increase in strangers to the neighbourhood.

     Although it is believed that a bike route is  compatible along Nanton Avenue without negatively affecting residents, it is
     recommended that the Nanton Avenue bicycle corridor  not proceed at this time  due to the negative response received  from
     residents.  As an alternative,  Council could mark the route  using signage only. This step is not recommended  because it
     is not supported by residents, and because there are other options available to cyclists (e.g. 37th Avenue Greenway).


     Estimated Costs:

  Cyclist/Pedestrian Signals                      Heather and 16th Avenue                                           $86,000
                                                  Lakewood and 1st Avenue                                           $80,000

  Cyclist Actuation                               Heather and Broadway                                               $6,000
                                                  Heather and 12th Avenue                                            $9,000
                                                  Heather and 33rd Avenue                                           $10,000
                                                  Lakewood and Broadway                                             $10,000

  Traffic Circles                                 Heather and 13th Avenue                                            $6,000
                                                  Heather and 18th Avenue                                            $6,000
                                                  Heather and 24th Avenue                                            $6,000
                                                  Lakewood and Grant Street                                         $10,000
                                                  Lakewood and 3rd Avenue                                           $10,000
                                                  Lakewood and 7th Avenue                                           $10,000

  Corner Bulges                                   Lakewood and 10th Avenue                                          $18,000

  Pavement Repairs                                Miscellaneous pavement repairs                                    $30,000

  Signage                                         Standard bicycle route signage                                    $25,000

  Public Consultation                             Advertisements, mail-outs, etc.                                    $6,000
                                                                                                     Total         $328,000

     Funding Sources:

  Previously approved by Council:
  Heather St. Bike Route push button upgrades 12/31/5071/999                                                        $15,000
  Heather St. Bike Route public consultation 12/31/5072/999                                                          $2,500
  Lakewood Dr. Bike Route push button upgrades 12/31/5091/999                                                        $5,000
  Lakewood Dr. Bike Route public consultation 12/31/5092/999                                                         $2,500
  Nanton Avenue Bike Route public consultation 12/31/5082/999                                                        $2,500
  Georgia Street Improvements 12/01/4838/999*                                                                       136,500

  Provincial Cycling Network Program                                                                                164,000

  * to be reimbursed upon approval of 1997 Streets Basic Capital Budget
                                                                                                      Total         328,000

                                            *     *     *     *     *