U/B-1 CITY OF VANCOUVER M E M O R A N D U M FROM: City Clerk's Office DATE: January 27, 1997 FILE : 1756-1/3701-1 TO: Vancouver City Council SUBJECT: Photo Radar Revenue Sharing On March 26, 1996, City Council endorsed Photo Radar in Vancouver for a six-month trial period, with further approval to be contingent upon successful negotiation of revenue sharing with the Provincial Government. The relevant extract from the Council minutes of March 26, 1996 and Administrative Reports dated February 29 and March 14, 1996, are enclosed for information (limited distribution - on file in the City Clerk's Office). By letter dated January 2, 1997 (attached), the Vancouver Police Board now advises that efforts to negotiate Photo Radar revenue sharing with the Provincial Government have been unsuccessful. As the six-month trial period has expired, the Board submits the issue of continued Photo Radar for Council's consideration. CITY CLERK Att. VANCOUVER POLICE BOARD January 2, 1997 Members of Council City of Vancouver 453 West 12th Avenue Vancouver, B.C. V5Y 1V4 Dear Councillors, Re: Photo Radar Revenue Sharing Please be advised that on August 8, 1996, City representatives and I met with Premier Clark to discuss the position of the City and Vancouver Police Board with regards to Photo Radar revenue generated in the City. At the invitation of the Premier, on November 27, 1996, the Police Board met with the Honourable Lois Boone, Minister of Transportation and Highways, at which time the Board reiterated its position on the matter. At both meetings the Province was asked to provide revenue sharing by giving matching funds for: positions dedicated to traffic enforcement and vehicles/equipment associated with those positions; positions dedicated to safety programs for children; and community initiatives to promote safer driving such as Citizen speed watch. The Board has been told emphatically by the Premier and Minister Boone that there will be no revenue sharing provided to the City or Police Department as a result of Photo Radar. It remains Provincial Government policy that fine revenue from Photo Radar will be assigned to general revenue and that Vancouver will benefit from the program by reduced vehicle accidents, injuries and fatalities. On March 26, 1996, Council endorsed Photo Radar on a six-month trial with further approval contingent upon successful negotiation on revenue sharing with the Provincial Government. On August 1, 1996, the City's Standing Committee on City Services and Budgets requested the Police Board to renew discussions with the Province on the revenue sharing issue. The Board wishes to advise Council that, as outlined above, efforts to negotiate Photo Radar revenue sharing with the Provincial Government have been unsuccessful and there is little hope that the situation will change in the near future. As the six-month trial period for Photo Radar has expired, the Board remits the issue of continued Photo Radar in the City to the attention of Council and the Chief Constable. Sincerely, Mayor Philip Owen, Chair cc: Chief Constable R.J. Canuel, VPD Ken Dobell, City Manager Maria Kinsella, City Clerk Police Board Members.