P1 POLICY REPORT DEVELOPMENT AND BUILDING Date: December 11, 1996 Dept. File No. 96003 RW TO: Vancouver City Council FROM: Director of Land Use and Development SUBJECT: Proposed CD-1 Amendment - 7252 Kerr Street (Southview Lodge) RECOMMENDATION THAT the application by Neale Staniszkis Doll Adams Architects to amend the existing CD-1 By-law No. 4550 (No. 68) for 7252 Kerr Street ( Lots 3 and 4 of Lot A, D.L. 334, Plan 13993) by creating a new CD-1 to permit special needs residential uses, and amending the existing CD-1 to delete references to 7252 Kerr Street, be referred to a Public Hearing, together with: (a) draft CD-1 by-law provisions generally as contained in Appendix A; (b) draft conditions of approval contained in Appendix B; (c) plans received June 20, 1996; and (d) the recommendation of the Director of Land Use and Development to approve the application, as outlined in this report; FURTHER THAT the Director of Legal Services be instructed to prepare the necessary by-laws for consideration at the Public Hearing. GENERAL MANAGER'S COMMENTS The General Manager of Community Services RECOMMENDS approval of the foregoing. COUNCIL POLICY Southeast Sector Development Plan, approved in 1968. PURPOSE AND SUMMARY This report analyses a rezoning application to permit the redevelopment of an existing personal care home which has reached the end of its usefulness, both in terms of practical use and in meeting requirements under current Provincial regulations and policies for such institutions. The proposal would double the amount of development on the site, over an approximately 10-year period. The application has received favourable response from City departments and neighbouring residents, and staff recommend that the application be referred to Public Hearing and be approved. DISCUSSION Height: Residents immediately east of the site asked that the roofline along the eastern side of the proposal be modified to reduce the effect of the building height. The applicant has agreed to this change. On-street Parking Lay-by: The applicant wishes to provide a lay-by on East 58th Avenue adjacent to the main entry to the seniors housing component. The applicant feels that the lay-by "is important and necessary because it allows for safe drop-off and pickup" directly in front of this entry point. Engineering Services is prepared to provide a "Passenger-only Zone" in the same location, but does not support the lay-by, particularly given the ability to access entrances to the building from the internal parking area on the east side of the site. Condition 2 (ii) (Appendix B) requires the applicant to delete the lay-bys (a second had also been proposed on Kerr Street but is no longer sought by the applicant). The Seniors Advisory Committee supports the lay-by as it is seen as "necessary for those frail seniors as they embark from cars". CONCLUSION Staff recommend that this application be referred to Public Hearing and that the application be approved. * * * APPENDIX A DRAFT CD-1 BY-LAW PARAMETERS (7252 KERR STREET [SOUTHVIEW LODGE]) A) FOR 7252 KERR STREET Uses: Special Needs Residential Facility - Community Care - Class B. Special Needs Residential Facility - Congregate Housing, which may include self-contained residential units. Accessory Buildings and Uses customarily ancillary to any of the uses listed in this section. FSR: Maximum 1.25 Height: 3 Storeys. Parking: A minimum of 65 parking spaces are to be provided, developed and maintained in accordance with the Parking By-law and the specific requirements for each separate phase of development, and in accordance with the following standards: 1. one space for each six community care beds; 2. one space for every two congregate housing units; and 3. visitor parking to be provided at the rate of 10 percent of the total number of community care beds or congregate units which will exist at the end of each phase. The Director of Planning, on the advice of the General Manger of Engineering Services, will have regard for the parking needs of existing development on the site and may grant a relaxation in meeting the above-noted standards where such relaxation will not impact surrounding developments and residents or the parking needs of staff, residents or visitors to the site. B) FOR EXISTING CD-1 BY-LAW NO. 4550 (CD-1 #68) PLAN: Delete site from CD-1 District. APPENDIX B PROPOSED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL (7252 KERR STREET [SOUTHVIEW LODGE]) 1. THAT the proposed form of development be approved by Council in principle, generally as prepared by Neale Staniszkis Doll Adams Architects and stamped "Received City Planning Department, June 20, 1996"; and 2. THAT prior to the final approval by Council of the form of development, the applicant shall obtain approval of a development application by the Director of Planning. In considering development applications for each of the three phases, the Director will have regard for the following considerations: i) the roof line of the buildings along the easterly property line are to be redesigned to reduce the affect of the height on adjacent properties to the east; ii) lay-bys shown on Kerr Street and East 58th Avenues are to be deleted from the drawings; iii) existing and proposed crossings are to be combined into a single entry point on East 58th Avenue; iv) the bottom of the proposed parking ramp is required to be redesigned to provide adequate two-way traffic flow; v) two loading spaces are to be clearly indicated; vi) a class B passenger space (e.g., handi-dart) is to be provided as required by the Parking By-law; vii) design development to take into consideration the principles of CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) including reducing opportunities for: - theft in the underground parking area; - ground level break and enter; and - cutting through the property given the proximity to the mall. viii) attention to Fire Department concerns outlined in Appendix E of the Manager's report; and ix) submission of a landscape plan to include investigation of relocating some of the existing mature trees earmarked for elimination, to other parts of the site, where feasible. APPENDIX C Page 1 of 2 SITE AND SURROUNDING DEVELOPMENT The site is located on the northeast corner of Kerr Street and East 58th Avenue. The site has a frontage along Kerr Street of 101.5 m (333 ft.) and a frontage along East 58th Avenue of 103.9 m (341 ft.). The total site area is 10,445 m2 (112,433 sq. ft./1.04 ha [2.58 acres]). The site was rezoned in 1970 as part of the development plan for the then undeveloped "South East Sector" (now Champlain Heights) which was largely owned by the City. A development plan was approved by Council in 1968. The present building on the site was constructed as a personal care home for the elderly with 115-beds and associated dining, lounge, administrative and support areas. The development is now having to cope with higher levels of care and provincial standards which it can no longer meet. Proposed Development The redevelopment is proposed to occur in three phases: Phase 1 will see development of 57 self-contained congregate units to function as seniors assisted living residences for rent. Parking will be provided at the rate of one space for every two units. The new development will be connected to the existing centre block in order to allow residents to use existing common areas. Phase 2 will consist of a 96-bed multi-level care facility, to include convalescent care, special care and intermediate care beds. Parking will be provided at the rate of 1 space for every six beds. Phase 3 will provide for renovations to the central building plus 10 additional congregate units. When completed the overall development will reach a maximum floor space ratio of 1.25. APPENDIX C Page 2 of 2 In terms of the overall design, buildings are generally located in the same places as the existing site layout, but they are larger, both in terms of building footprint and height. A soft residential approach is used for the facades, with a gently sloped principal roof and pitched gables over bay windows. The key to the redevelopment is retention of the large grassed forecourt along Kerr Street which will continue to provide for passive recreation and greenspace for the residents of the project. With regard to the existing landscaping on the site, 38 of 72 trees located on the plan will be removed because of the redevelopment. A few of these may be relocated and a condition is established in Appendix B to provide for this investigation at the development permit stage. APPENDIX D PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT PLAN APPENDIX E Page 1 of 4 PUBLIC AND OTHER INPUT Public Input: Notice signs were posted on the site June 29, 1996. Early notification letters were mailed on August 9, 1996. To date, two letters have been received, expressing support for the redevelopment, but expressing concerns about the extent of disruption likely to be caused over the construction period. One of these letters was received from a resident of Highgate, the townhouse complex immediately south of the rezoning site, on the south side of East 58th Avenue. The individual expressed concerns about the changing nature of the development, with some residents likely to have a greater functional level than existing residents and wondered whether this would mean more visits to the site in terms of elderly friends and relatives of new residents. Noting that a fatality had occurred at the corner of 58th and Kerr in the time that the application is being processed, the resident suggested at the very least that a vehicle-sensitive light be installed for cars to safely make the left turn from East 58th Avenue to go south on Kerr Street. The resident also wondered about the removal of asbestos and the potential harm to surrounding residents. Engineering Services Comments: Engineering Services has no objection to the proposed rezoning provided the following issues are addressed at the appropriate stage: - Parking is to be provided as per the Vancouver Parking By-law. - The lay-bys on Kerr Street and East 58th Avenue are not supported and should be deleted from the drawings. - The existing and proposed crossings are to be combined into a single entry point on East 58th Avenue. - A redesign of the bottom of the proposed parking ramp is required to provide adequate two-way traffic flow. - The two loading spaces for this development are to be clearly indicated on the drawings. - A class B passenger space (e.g., handyDART) is to be provided as per the Vancouver Parking By-law. Fire Department's Comments: The Fire Department has indicated that fire access to Building la must comply with VBBL requirements of maximum of 15 metres from curb to principal entrance. Depending upon Phase 2 design, a secondary access may be required, fire lane included. The Vancouver Fire Department advises that the applicant considers looking at the fire safety equipment design for cost considerations, building may be considered as a hi-rise. APPENDIX E Page 2 of 4 The applicant has responded as follows: The new south building (Phase 1) will be a separate building with a fire rated firewall separation between it and the existing building. Two response locations will be required, one at the new building which will have a front entrance onto 58th Avenue and the second will be the existing response location, i.e., the entry from the east parking access driveway which meets fire lane design. The new building will have independent fire suppression and emergency systems. The second phase will be a separate development permit application sometime in the next 5-10 years. Our understanding is that the discussion and this confirmation of the items above has cleared up the concerns of the Fire Department at the rezoning stage. The Fire Department agrees with this understanding. Permits and Licenses: No soils assessment is required. Health Department: The City's acoustical criteria shall form part of the Zoning By-law, and an Acoustical Consultant's report shall be required which assesses noise impacts on the site and recommends noise mitigating measures. For the proposed Community Care Facility (adult care), plans will have to be submitted for approval to C.C.F.L., V.H.B. An acoustical report will be required and consultant's recommendations for mitigating measures must be incorporated into final design and construction. Social Planning: No public art required on social housing or special needs residential facilities. Seniors Committee of Council: The following letter was sent from the Seniors Advisory Committee to the applicant, on September 13, 1996: At the Seniors Advisory Committee meeting held July 26, 1996 the Committee wholeheartedly endorsed the concept behind the redevelopment of Southview Lodge. Particularly they endorsed the concept of continuum of care which is expressed in this project, with the addition of the multi-care level in the second phase. However, we were very disappointed to learn there is a possibility the Ministry of Health may not approve this project because that particular area of Vancouver has reached its quota of care facilities and other areas of Vancouver are in more need. APPENDIX E Page 3 of 4 We would argue it is important to allow seniors to "age in place" where possible. The building of a multi-care facility on Southview Lodge site would effectively provide a continuum of care to the residents thereby allowing them to "age in place". As a senior's health declines, they certainly do not need the added strain of moving out of their familiar surroundings and into a new neighbourhood. The Salvation Army has served the residents of South Vancouver for many years through its facility at Southview Lodge and the Seniors Advisory Committee to Vancouver City Council would like to see that continue. We therefore fully support this project. If we can be of assistance to you as you seek approval from the Ministry of Health, please let us know. Urban Design Panel: The Urban Design Panel reviewed this application on July 31, 1996. Comments are as follows: EVALUATION: SUPPORT (5-0) Introduction: The Rezoning Planner, Rob Whitlock, introduced this CD-1 application to allow redevelopment of the Southview Lodge, operated by the Salvation Army since 1974. Mr. Whitlock briefly described the site context. The project is to be developed in three phases. The first phase proposes to demolish the existing south wing and replace it with 57 self-contained rental apartments, connected to the existing centre block for access to common areas. Parking will be provided at a ratio of one space for every two units. The second phase, projected to be built in about 5-6 years time, (north wing) will comprise a 96-bed multi-level care facility to include convalescent care, special care and intermediate care. Phase 3 will provide for renovations to the centre building, plus an additional ten congregate units. When complete, the overall development will reach a maximum FSR of 1.2. The large forecourt on Kerr Street will be retained and will continue to provide passive recreation. Thirty-eight (38) of the existing 72 trees will be removed and a few of them may be able to be relocated on the site. The Planning Department has no major issues with this proposal and consider it to be a good form of development and appropriate density. Applicant's Opening Comments: Garth Ramsey, Architect, had nothing to add to the Planner s description of the project. Panel's Comments: After reviewing the model and posted drawings, the Panel commented as follows: The Panel unanimously supported this rezoning application. The proposed density, massing and positioning of the elements on the site are all appropriate in this context. Appendix E Page 4 of 4 With respect to the first phase, the Panel found the understated architectural expression of the south building very refreshing. In design development, attention should be given to ensuring there is a good relationship with the existing building, given the long-term phasing aspects of this project. The applicant's detailed report is commendable, including the very thorough tree assessment. As much relocation of existing trees is strongly encouraged. Applicant's Comments: The applicant has reviewed this report and provided comments in the form of a letter with attached drawings shown in Appendix F. APPENDIX G APPLICANT, PROPERTY AND DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL INFORMATION APPLICANT AND PROPERTY INFORMATION Street Address 7252 Kerr Street Legal Description Lots 3 and 4, D.L. 334, Plan 13993 Applicant Garth Ramsey, Neale Staniszkis Doll Adams Property Owner Governing Council of the Salvation Army, Canada West Developer - Same - SITE STATISTICS GROSS DEDICATIONS NET SITE AREA 10 445 m2 - 10 445 m2 DEVELOPMENT STATISTICS DEVELOPMENT PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT PERMITTED UNDER EXISTING ZONING ZONING CD-1 New CD-1 USES Personal Care Special Needs Residential Facilities DWELLING UNITS 115 existing 163 MAX. FLOOR SPACE 0.60 1.20 RATIO HEIGHT As existing * MAX. NO. OF 2-storeys 3-storeys STOREYS PARKING SPACES As existing 65 spaces FRONT YARD As existing * SETBACK SIDE YARD SETBACK As existing * REAR YARD SETBACK As existing * * in accordance with proposed phased form of development