I REPORT TO COUNCIL BICYCLE ADVISORY COMMITTEE December 4, 1996 INFORMATION 1. Term Report 1994-1996 Activities EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In the last 3 years there have been significant improvements in facilities for cyclists, primarily centering around the implementation of a backbone of bikeways. This program has had particular success in its popularity with cyclists, neighbourhoods and other interests. It is now being accelerated because of cost sharing available from the Provincial Cycling Network Program. After 4 years of preparation Bicycle Parking Standards were adopted in 1994 which will have significant long term benefits for cyclists, and at little cost to the City. The Bicycle Advisory Committee (BAC) feels a review of implementation of the standards is required in addition to further encouragement to provide parking facilities in existing buildings. Most recently, the Local Integrated Bikeway Standards Subcommittee (LIBS) developed a formula to measure traffic volumes and road widths in order to gauge the comfort level for cyclists. This will be a significant tool to review required improvements for proposed and existing bikeways. We recommend that the LIBS continue and further review other traffic calming barriers, for example traffic circles and bicycle-permeable barriers. Considerable time was spent on considering improvements to the Burrard Bridge, in particular the bicycle lane trial in June 1996. Unfortunately this issue is still unresolved and is a continuing source of frustration for cyclists and pedestrians. At this time the most promising opportunities centre around improvements relating to access to the Bridge. The BAC is concerned about the lack of action on this issue since the trials. SIGNIFICANT ACCOMPLISHMENTS Bicycle Parking Requirements (1994) Off-Broadway Bikeway (1994) Ontario Bikeway (1995) Cypress Bikeway (1996) RECOMMENDATIONS FOR NEXT BICYCLE ADVISORY COMMITTEE REVIEW AND IMPLEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE TRANSPORTATION PLAN The current BAC supports the strategy and action plans of the Draft Transportation Plan (see Appendix B). Once approved by City Council the new BAC should bring forward implementation suggestions and review progress. REVIEW AND UPDATE THE 1988 COMPREHENSIVE BICYCLE PLAN In particular the education recommendations need further work. The recent introduction of the Bike Smarts program in elementary schools is a good start though teenagers, adults and motorists also need to be targeted. CONTINUE REVIEWING IMPROVEMENTS TO THE BURRARD BRIDGE In particular emphasis should be on improvements for access to the Bridge including: Burrard Street, 4th Avenue to Davie Street; access to the Seaside Bicycle route from both ends and improvements to Cornwall Street. BEGIN PLANNING AND IMPLEMENTING DOWNTOWN BIKEWAYS Implementing bikeways Downtown will be more challenging and will require longer lead times with a more extensive public consultation process. Suggested pilot projects include Burrard St, from the Bridge to Canada Place and Pender St, from Stanley Park to the Adanac Bikeway. ENCOURAGE THE PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT TO TIGHTEN REGULATIONS OF DRIVERS LICENSES In particular the drivers test needs to specifically include knowledge of cycling regulations. Additionally, stronger penalties need to be directed to high risk drivers and repeat offenders. REAPPOINT A NEW BAC SIMILAR TO THE PRESENT STRUCTURE (4 representatives appointed by Council, 3 by Park Board, 3 by School Board, and 1 from Cycling BC). It is recommended that in future the Committee continue to meet following an election, until Council is ready to select the new committee, to avoid the committee being inactive over period of months awaiting reconstitution. Additionally it is recommended that the Committee have the ability to directly appoint interim School Board and Park Board appointed members because of resignations that may occur during the term, to promptly fill vacancies. In order to balance out work loads it is suggested that new committee members be expected to take on specific roles and projects. "John Whistler" John Whistler, Chair Bicycle Advisory Committee CITY MANAGER S COMMENTS: The City Manager submits the foregoing for INFORMATION. * * * * * OTHER ISSUES REVIEWED AT MONTHLY MEETINGS Stanley Park Transportation management Review of Major Development and Planning Projects including: North False Creek - Concord Oakridge/Langara Planning Study CP Rail Corridor between Cambie & Granville International Village Trade & Convention Centre Options Review of Transportation Planning Projects including: Boundary/Vanness Traffic Signal Strathcona Local Area Traffic Plan Traffic Control Measures on Jervis St. 38th & Granville Traffic Signal Pt Grey Rd & MacDonald Left Hand Turn Bay LRT to Coquitlam South West Marine Dr UBC Transportation Study Beach Ave Review of Bridge Safety Improvement projects including: Granville St Bridge Burrard St Bridge Second Narrows Bridge Lion's Gate Bridge Arthur Laing Bridge Management of Special Events including: Indy Race Adanac Bikeway Review Pedestrian and Cyclist Conflicts Managing In-Line Skaters Ridgeway Greeneway 7-Eleven Bikeway Comprehensive Bicycle Network Plan Motorized Bicycles Share the Road Publicity Campaign Bike To Work Week Promotion Campaign Volunteer Seawall Bike Patrol Bicycle Parking in Parking Corporation of Vancouver facilities Transportation Plan Provincial Cycling Network Program Helmet Legislation Bike Lockers Bike Racks on Public Property Changes to the Motor Vehicle Act Bicycle Courier Licensing Transit Priority Program 1997-99 Capital Program Downtown bikeways Speed limits, on and off road Public Participation at Committee Meetings COMMUNICATION WITH OTHER AGENCIES Burnaby Bicycle Advisory Committee Ministry of Transportation & Highways BC Transit BC Parkway Improvement Committee GVRD Bicycle Committee COMMITTEE MEMBERS Tiffany Burns Emma Dal Santo Elizabeth Earle Brian Larson Dolores MacDonald Craig Navin Matthew Nuttall Kam Padam Derek Sankey Karen Smith Helen Warn John Whistler - Chair John Wright - Vice Chair BICYCLE NETWORK SUBCOMMITTEE MEMBERS Barry Bogart Elizabeth Godley Dick Loomer Mathew Nuttall Sally Smith Doug Todd Ian Wasson Lorne Whitehead John Wright LOCAL INTEGRATED BIKEWAY STANDARDS SUBCOMMITTEE Barry Bogart Doug Todd Lorne Whitehead John Wright BICYCLE ADVISORY COMMITTEE December 4, 1996 PRESENT John Whistler, Chair Emma Dal Santo Elizabeth Earle Mather Nuttall Helen Warn John Wright ALSO PRESENT Peter Stary, Engineering Services Forrest Klotzbach, Engineering Services COMMENTS ON THE DRAFT TRANSPORTATION PLAN The Bicycle Advisory Committee (BAC) in general supports the strategy and action plans of the Draft Transportation Plan and feels implementation will significantly encourage cycling. The BAC noted the 2021 targets for cyclists were very modest and could be easily exceeded in both absolute numbers and as percentage of the modal split. It was further noted that implementation is quite achievable in an economic manner. The BAC felt that 'walking' and 'cycling' targets should be completely separate for both planning and monitoring. The BAC does not usually review pedestrian enhancements, as this is a subject beyond our mandate, and as pedestrians have different needs and priorities. Council may wish to consider a different mandate or forming a separate committee to deal with pedestrian issues. The BAC found the specific sections relating to cycling to be very comprehensive. It was noted cycling enhancements also need to be considered and planned for in all other sections in an integrated fashion with other modes. The BAC supports continued expansion of Bikeways which have been both economical to implement and widely supported in neighbourhoods. Important tasks of the next BAC will be to review the priority of development of future bikeways and to monitor their implementation. In particular the BAC liked the action plan to paint pavement bike logos on bikeways. The BAC supports painting bike lanes as part of the design of arterial bikeways. As this will be new to Vancouver it was noted that the initial routes would require a longer planning process with greater public consultation. This would be a strategic project for the next BAC to review. The recent implementation of Bicycle Parking Standards will provide significant long term benefits as redevelopment occurs. Encouragement is still needed for existing buildings and the BAC felt monitoring of this indicator is important. In particular it was felt the Broadway Corridor is deficient in secure parking. Proposed transit improvements should also benefit cyclists and the BAC felt future LRT and transit lines could be opportunities for bikeways. The proposed LRT from Coquitlam will provide challenges and the BAC felt it to be important that this project enhance cycling options on Broadway. Intermodal options with bikes on transit also needs to be pursued. The BAC felt it to be important to accommodate cyclists on arterials and truck routes unless there are compelling reasons not to. Though priority should be given to develop alternative bikeways many cyclists still need the option to chose the arterial. It was noted that the proposed Port Roadway will be a strategic arterial that many cyclists will desire to use, and would suggest a shoulder bikeway for this project. Historically cyclist education programs have been difficult to implement though recently the Bike Smarts program has been a start in elementary schools. Expansion of this and other education and promotion programs designed for teenagers and adults will be important to implement the Transportation Plan. In summary the BAC sees many opportunities with the Draft Transportation Plan with the potential to significantly increase the numbers of cyclists. The BAC would encourage speedy approval and implementation. * * * * *