                                                 ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT

                                           Date: December 4, 1996

   TO:       Vancouver City Council

   FROM:     City Clerk

   SUBJECT:  Councillor Clarke:  Attendance at the International Making
             Cities Livable Conference in Santa Fe, New Mexico


        THAT Council authorize Councillor Clarke to attend the
        International Making Cities Livable Conference in Santa Fe, New
        Mexico, at a cost of $1,712.00 (Cdn.).


        The City Manager RECOMMENDS approval of the foregoing.


   Council's travel policy, approved July 31, 1992, requires Council
   approval for travel within North America.


   This report requests approval for Councillor Jennifer Clarke to attend
   the 20th International Making Cities Livable Conference, in Santa Fe,
   New Mexico, April 15-19, 1997.


   The International Making Cities Livable Conference is attended by city
   officials, urban designers, architects, planners and many other
   professionals committed to making livable cities.  The Special Themes of
   this year's conference are:

   -    Creating Successful Urban People Places
   -    Containing Urban Sprawl
   -    New Urban Neighbourhoods
   -    The Good City for Children
   -    Maintaining Urban Identity
   -    Balanced Urban Tourism.

   A copy of the program is on file in the City Clerk's Office.  Attendance
   at the Conference would be beneficial to Councillor Clarke in her role
   as the newly-appointed Chair of the Standing Committee on Planning and

   Councillor Clarke is willing to pay for her accommodation while
   attending the Conference.  She requests approval of the following
   expenditures related to the Conference:

   Registration (if before February 1st)   $  678.00
   Return Airfare                             684.00
   Per Diem (7 days x $50.)*                  350.00

   Total                                   $1,712.00 (Cdn.)

   The funds are available in Council's travel account.

   (*)  In order to obtain the special air fare, it is necessary for
        Councillor Clarke to stay overnight in Santa Fe on Saturday, April
        19, 1997.

                                     * * *