                                                 ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT

                                           Date: December 13, 1996
                                           Dept. File No. WB 

   TO:       Vancouver City Council

   FROM:     Director of Land Use and Development

   SUBJECT:  Form of Development: 955 Seymour Street
             D.E. 401484 - CD-1 By-law Number 7673
             Owner of Development - DTS Investments Corp.


        THAT the approved form of development for 955 Seymour Street, being
        a portion of the CD-1 zoned sites known as 901-967 and 940-990
        Seymour Street, be generally approved as illustrated in Development
        Application Number DE401484, prepared by Kasian Kennedy Design
        Partnership and stamped "Received, City Planning Department October
        23, 1996", provided that the Director of Planning may approve
        design changes which would not adversely affect either the
        development character of this site or adjacent properties.


        The General Manager of Community Services RECOMMENDS approval of
        the foregoing.


   There is no applicable Council policy except that Council did approve a
   rezoning of this site, following a Public Hearing.


   In accordance with Charter requirements, this report seeks Council's
   approval for the form of development for a portion of the above-noted
   CD-1 zoned sites.


   At the conclusion of a Public Hearing on June 27, 1996, City Council
   approved a rezoning of this site and some adjacent lands from Downtown
   District (DD) to CD-1.  CD-1 By-law Number 7673 was enacted on November
   26, 1996 and companion guidelines (901-967 and 940-990 Seymour Street
   CD-1 Guidelines) were also adopted by Council resolution at that time. 
   These guidelines formally apply the Downtown South Guidelines (excluding
   Granville Street) to developments proposed on these CD-1 sites.

   The subject site is one of three which make-up the overall CD-1 Zone and
   is situated adjacent to the site of the Dominion Motors Building (901
   Seymour Street) which has now been designated a Municipal Heritage
   Building as a condition of the rezoning.  The refurbishing of the
   Dominion Motors Building will be the subject of a future development
   application.  In addition, the CD-1 By-law permits a transfer of density
   from 901-967 Seymour Street to the third site across the street at
   940-990 Seymour Street, and development of this site will also be the
   subject of a future application.

   The site and surrounding zoning are shown on the attached Appendix 'A'.

   Subsequent to Council's approval of the CD-1 rezoning, the Development
   Permit Board approved Development Application Number DE401484.  This
   approval was subject to various conditions, including Council's approval
   of the form of development.  The latter condition is one of the few
   outstanding prior to permit issuance.


   The proposal involves the construction of a thirteen-storey mixed-use
   building containing retail on the ground floor and a total of 170
   residential dwelling units.

   At the request of the applicant, and with support from staff, a specific
   form of development was not put forth at Public Hearing.  Staff believed
   there was sufficient development control within the CD-1 By-law
   regulations and the Downtown South Guidelines to eliminate the need for
   a form of development proposal at Public Hearing.  The proposed
   development has now been assessed against the CD-1 By-law and
   Council-approved Guidelines and responds to the stated objectives.

   With regard to possible noise impacts from the nearby Granville Street
   entertainment district (raised during Council s discussion of this
   rezoning), an acoustical consultant s report has been submitted which
   assesses noise impacts on the site and recommends noise mitigation
   measures to achieve acceptable noise criteria for residential dwelling
   units.  The applicant has undertaken to incorporate these measures into
   the design of the building and staff will ensure that the final building
   design meets this criterion and provides an adequate ventilation system
   as an alternative to opening windows during the summer months.  In the
   absence of a general Council policy, the Development Permit Board chose
   to not require a right-of-way over this site for noise and related
   nuisance from adjacent entertainment uses along Granville Street.

   Simplified plans, including a site plan and elevations of the proposal,
   have been included in Appendix 'B'.


   The Development Permit Board has approved Development Application Number
   DE401484, subject to various conditions to be met prior to the issuance
   of the development permit.  One of these conditions is that the form of
   development first be approved by Council.

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