SUPPORTS ITEM NO. 1 P&E COMMITTEE AGENDA DECEMBER 12, 1996 ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Date: December 3, 1996 File No.: 331E38 TO: Standing Committee on Planning and Environment FROM: City Building Inspector SUBJECT: Demolition of Nuisance/Dangerous Building - 331 East 38th Avenue RECOMMENDATION A. THAT Council rescind the Resolution dated July 9, 1996 requiring that the building at the above location be demolished, subject to conmpliance with B. B. THAT as a condition of the rescinding of the Resolution, Council require the owner to: i) submit a detailed construction schedule to the City Building Inspector no later than December 30, 1996; ii) commence active construction of the repairs to the building under Combined Development and Building Permit No. DB403178 immediately; iii) complete all work under Combined Development and Building Permit No. DB403178 by May 10, 1997; and iv) reimburse the City for its costs in dealing with this issue. C. THAT in the event that the owner fails to comply with any of the conditions outlined in Recommendation B above, Council request that the City Building Inspector report back with a status report and further recommendations. GENERAL MANAGER'S COMMENTS The General Manager of Community Services RECOMMENDS approval of the foregoing. COUNCIL POLICY Section 324A of the Vancouver Charter enables City Council by resolution or By-law to declare any building, in or upon any private or public lands a nuisance or dangerous to the public safety or health and by such By-law or resolution, to order that building to be removed by the owner, agent, lessee or occupier thereof. DISCUSSION On July 9, 1996 at the request of the neighbouring residents and City Building Inspector, Council passed a Resolution declaring that the vacant and fire damaged building at the above location was a nuisance and dangerous to public safety. This Resolution required that the owner of the property pull down and demolish the building and remove all discarded materials from the site by August 29, 1996. Subsequent to Council's Resolution, the owner of the property met with the Director of Permits and Licenses and staff and advised that he would obtain a Building Permit to repair the building. Combined Development and Building Permit No. DB403178 was issued on October 11, 1996. The owner was advised by staff that he would be required to present a formal submission to Council requesting that the Resolution be rescinded. This request was submitted on October 16, 1996.The owner was also advised in writing on November 19, 1996, that in order for staff to support his request, he would need to demonstrate his intentions to complete the repairs by May 10, 1997 by actively proceeding with construction and by submitting a detailed construction schedule. The District Building Inspector advises that construction is progressing slowly at this time, however, to date there has been no construction schedule submitted. If a satisfactory construction schedule is not submitted by December 30, 1996 and if real progress is not evident the City Building Inspector will report to Council again in January. * * * * *