                                                        POLICY REPORT
                           DEVELOPMENT AND BUILDING

                                      Date: November 26, 1996
                                      Dept. File No.: RW

   TO:       Vancouver City Council

   FROM:     Director of Land Use and Development

   SUBJECT:  Proposed Rezoning of 6111 Cambie Street
             (St. John Ambulance)


        THAT the application by Greystone Properties Ltd. to amend the text
        of CD-1 By-law No. 3907 for 6111 Cambie Street (Lot 1, Sub B, Block
        1008, D.L.  526, Plan 10803)  by creating  a new  CD-1 to permit  a
        mixed  use development with institutional and dwelling uses at 2.21
        FSR,  and amending the existing  CD-1 to delete  references to 6111
        Cambie Street, be referred to a Public Hearing, together with:

        (i)     draft  CD-1  by-law provisions  generally  as contained  in
                Appendix A;

        (ii)    draft conditions of approval contained in Appendix B;

        (iii)   plans received January 25, 1996; and
        (iv)    the  recommendation  of  the  Director   of  Land  Use  and
                Development  to  approve  the  application,  subject  to  a
                maximum density of 1.85 FSR as outlined in this report.

        FURTHER  THAT  the Director  of  Legal  Services be  instructed  to
        prepare  the  necessary by-laws  for  consideration  at the  Public


        The General  Manager of  Community Services RECOMMENDS  approval of
        the foregoing.


   Council has considered the following initiatives related to the Oakridge
   Langara study area, with dates of approval noted:

   -    Oakridge Langara Policy Statement, approved July 25, 1995;
   -    Oakridge Langara Public Benefit Strategy, approved June 13, 1996;
   -    Oakridge Lanagara Traffic Management  Plan, approved June 13, 1996;
   -    Development Cost Levy By-law, adopted September 25, 1996.


   This  report analyses  an application  by Greystone  Properties  Ltd. to
   allow  for redevelopment  of the  site at  6111 Cambie  Street with  two
   buildings,  eight and four  storeys in height,  containing the following

   -    a replacement facility for  St. John Ambulance, presently occupying
        the site; and
   -    67 dwelling units, with all units being 2-bedroom or larger.

   Residential uses  are  not  presently permitted  in  the  existing  CD-1

   The proposed  use of this site  is consistent with the  Oakridge Langara
   Policy Statement.  The proposed  density of 2.21 is  too high, as it  is
   based on providing funds for the replacement of St. John Ambulance which
   will  continue as  part of  the new development.   The  Policy Statement
   makes  density provision  for replacement  of existing  institutions but
   does  not make  provision  for "supplemental"  density  to pay  for  the
   construction  cost  of  that   replacement.  Staff  recommend  that  the
   application be referred to  Public Hearing, with the density  reduced to
   1.85 floor space ratio (FSR), the maximum in accordance with the  Policy


   Density:   The  applicant is  proposing a  total FSR  of 2.21.   This is
   considerably  higher  than  provided  by  the  Oakridge  Langara  Policy
   Statement, as shown in Table 1 below.  

                    Table 1 Oakridge Langara FSR Parameters

         FSR COMPONENT                    BASIS FOR FSR
           1.0 to 1.2        to be achieved on the basis of "an
                             acceptable form of development which
                             is sympathetic with the existing
                             neighbourhood, minimizes community
                             impacts, and provides significant
                             public benefits" as outlined in the
                             Policy Statement.

              0.25           for City-desired public amenity

              0.40           for existing institution
              1.85           Maximum achievable

   The applicant  has provided  a detailed  explanation for the  additional
   density,  contained  in   Appendix  C.    In   summary,  the  additional
   residential  density of  approximately  0.42 FSR  would contribute  $1.4
   Million toward  the  cost  of  rebuilding St.  John  Ambulance  in  this
   location.    Without  these   additional  funds,  St.  John  Ambulance s
   continued existence  on the site  may "not be  economically attractive",
   according to the applicant.

   Staff  appreciate the service to the  community at large provided by St.
   John  Ambulance  in   terms  of  both  training  and  medical  emergency
   assistance at major events, and  understand that St. John would  like to
   use  the proceeds  from  the rezoning  towards the  rebuilding  of their
   facility,  rather than  rely on  other means  of fundraising.   However,
   while the Policy Statement  makes provision for replacement of  existing
   institutions,  it   does  not  make   provision  for  funding   of  that
   replacement.  This, combined with concerns raised by the community about
   density and  height, led  staff to conclude  that a density  beyond 1.85
   cannot be  supported.  Furthermore,  the applicant  has shown in  sketch
   plans (shown in Appendix E), prepared at the request of  staff, that the
   density reduction produces a superior scheme, in terms of  both the West
   45th Avenue and Cambie Street building profiles.

   Public Benefit Contributions:  This site will be subject to the Oakridge
   Development  Cost Levy  (DCL) established  by Council  on June 13,  1996
   ($34.98/m2  or  $3.25/sq. ft.).  The  applicant  initially  proposed the
   inclusion  of  a  community  office;  however,  discussion  with    City
   Departments and  the Park Board  indicates no  identified need for  such
   space.    Specific  interests of  the  community have  included  a Crime
   Prevention Office (CPO) or a "neighbourhood meeting place".

   In considering the need for community office or a CPO,  staff  undertook
   a thorough inventory  of existing facilities in  the community early  in
   1996 as part of the  Public Benefit Strategy and concluded  that neither
   is  needed.  Some individuals have indicated  that the relocation of the
   Oakridge Police Substation has led to less security in the neighbourhood
   because police are  no longer in the  neighbourhood with the  equivalent
   frequency  and   that  the   previous  Police   presence  needs  to   be
   re-established.   The  Police Department  notes that  relative to  other
   areas, Oakridge Langara has one of the lowest crime rates in the city.

   With respect to a "neighbourhood meeting place", City staff believe that
   there  are sufficient  existing facilities  owned both  by the  City and
   privately, that funds should be spent on other amenities to meet  higher
   priorities  identified as part of the  Public Benefits Strategy that was
   developed  with  broad community  input  and  support.   In  particular,
   recreation  needs in  parks and  walking pathways  in the  community are
   listed as a high priority.

   A  separate  "in  camera"  report  will  address  total  public  benefit
   contributions which will accrue to this rezoning proposal.

   Schools:  School Board  staff have  expressed significant  concerns (see
   Appendix  F)  about  the  cumulative  effect  of  rezoning approvals  in
   Oakridge Langara,  particularly  relating  to  enrollment  at  Churchill
   Secondary  School,  without   any  compensating  contributions   towards
   addressing the  situation.  Preliminary analysis  by Planning Department
   staff indicates that the overall impact on school population as a result
   of rezoning initiatives  may be as low  as a 9% increase,  based on past
   trends, or  as high as 40% should  trends change. Planning staff believe
   that City  and School Board  staff should  monitor each application  and
   population trends in  Oakridge Langara,  with the  analysis forming  the
   basis for further discussion and recommendations to City Council and the
   School Board.

   Traffic Calming:   Staff  are recommending  that rezoning  applicants in
   Oakridge Langara also be asked  to pay direct costs for  traffic calming
   measures in the  immediate area  of each development.   In this  respect
   staff  have  established  a condition  of  approval  requiring  that the
   applicant contribute a proportionate amount of the costs towards traffic
   mitigation  measures along  West 45th  Avenue and  Ash Street  (with the
   applicants for 620 West 45th Avenue and Peretz School sites contributing
   the remainder).


   Assessment  of the rezoning application for  the St. John Ambulance site
   indicates that,  with the exception of the proposed FSR, the proposal is
   in keeping with  the Oakridge Langara Policy Statement.  Staff recommend
   that the  application be referred to  Public Hearing but with  an FSR of
   1.85 as identified in the Policy Statement, and be approved.

                                     * * *

                                                                 APPENDIX A

                         DRAFT CD-1 BY-LAW PARAMETERS


             Uses:     Institutional Use of a philanthropic or charitable
                       character (including St. John Ambulance);

                       Maximum 67 Dwelling Units; and

                       Accessory Uses customarily ancillary.

             FSR:      2.21, with residential use limited to a maximum of

             Height:   Easterly half:     24.4 m
                       Westerly half:     12.2 m

             Parking:  Residential parking - RM-4 standard 
                       Institutional parking - pursuant to Parking By-law 

   B)        FOR EXISTING CD-1 BY-LAW NO. 3907 (CD-1 [12])

             General:  Delete references to St. John Ambulance throughout

             Plan:     Delete Parcel 1 (St. John Ambulance site) from CD-1
                                                                 APPENDIX B
                                                                Page 1 of 2


                            FOR 6111 CAMBIE STREET

   1.    THAT the proposed  form of development  be approved by Council  in
         principle,  generally  as  prepared  by  Eng  &  Wright  Partners,
         Architects  and  stamped  "Received  City  Planning  Department  -
         January 25,  1996", provided  the Director of  Planning may  allow
         minor  changes  to  this form  of  development when  approving the
         detailed scheme as outlined in 2 below; and

   2.    THAT  prior  to the  final  approval by  Council  of  the form  of
         development, the applicant  shall obtain approval of a development
         application  by the  Director  of  Planning.   In  considering the
         development  application, the  Director will  have regard  for the
         following considerations:

         (a)  changes  as a  result of the  reduction of  the FSR  to 1.85;

         (b)  design improvements to the Ash Street  building, to provide a
              better  residential  scale  and  expression  along  West 45th
              Avenue  and Ash Street,  noting comments of the  Urban Design
         (c)  changes to  meet Fire Department  requirements (identified in
              Appendix F of the Manager s report);
         (d)  retention or relocation of existing trees where possible;
         (e)  design development  to reduce opportunities for  theft in the
              underground parking area;
         (f)  design development to reduce opportunity for break and enter;
         (g)  design development to reduce opportunities for graffiti; and
         (h)  design  development  to reduce  fear  for  residents  and for
              vulnerable  appellations  in  the   neighbourhood,  such   as

   Prior  to enactment of  the CD-1 by-law,  the owner shall  undertake the
   following at no cost to the City:

   3.    make arrangements to the  satisfaction of  the General Manager  of
         Engineering Services:

         (i)    for  removal/relocation of  the existing  wood pole  in  the
                lane,  and  corresponding easement  on Lot 1,  which affects
                access to the parking and loading;

                                                                 APPENDIX B
                                                                Page 2 of 2

         (ii)   for provision  of concrete sidewalk on the east  side of Ash
                Street from West  45th Avenue, south, to the south  property
                line of the site; and

         (iii)  for undergrounding of all services for this site  to be from
                the closest suitable pole;

   4.    execute  an  agreement,  satisfactory  to  the  Director of  Legal
         Services  and  Manager  of  the  Housing  Centre,  providing  that
         occupancy  or possession of dwelling  units shall not be denied to
         families with children,  with the exception  of units that may  be
         designated as senior citizens' housing*; and

   5.    contribute  $21,000 towards  traffic calming  measures along  West
         45th Avenue and Ash Street;

   6.    pay to the City  a public benefit contribution in an amount  to be
         determined by City Council.
   *NOTE:  Senior citizens  housing not presently part of proposal.

                            ADDITIONAL INFORMATION

   Site And Surrounding Development

   The site  is located on the  southwest corner of Cambie  Street and West
   45th Avenue.   It has a frontage  along Cambie Street of  50.1 m (164.33
   ft.) and a  depth along West 45th  Avenue of 85.4  m (280.14 ft.).   The
   total site area is 4 370.6 m2 (47,046 sq. ft.)

   The St. John  Ambulance site is part of a  larger L-shaped CD-1 District
   governing five institutional sites:

   -    St. John Ambulance, 6111 Cambie Street;
   -    the Chinese Presbyterian Church, at 6137 Cambie Street;
   -    the Alliance Francaise de Vancouver, at 6161 Cambie Street;
   -    a  portion of the Oakridge  Regular Baptist Church,  at 6261 Cambie
        Street; and
   -    the Vancouver Peretz Institute, at 6184 Ash Street.

   This site is one of many created as part of the subdivision and rezoning
   of  CPR holdings in the Oakridge Langara  area in the mid-1950s.  Almost
   all  development in the area, including the Oakridge Shopping Centre and
   many   apartment  buildings   were  developed   in  the   late-1950s  or

   To the  west of the site,  across Ash Street, is the  unoccupied site of
   the former Oakridge  Police Substation  which is also  the subject of  a
   current  rezoning  application.   North of  the  site, across  West 45th
   Avenue,  is the Oakridge Shopping Centre.  The Policy Statement provides
   for development up to 18.29 to  24.4 m (60 to 80 ft.) on  the south-east
   corner of the Shopping Centre site.  

   Lands immediately  across Cambie Street to  the east may be  rezoned for
   multiple dwellings through privately-initiated applications, pursuant to
   the Policy Statement. To the  south of the CD-1 District, on  both sides
   of  Cambie  Street,   properties  are  zoned  RT-1  and  developed  with
   two-family  dwellings.   Under  the Policy  Statement,  these sites  are
   defined  as  a   reserve  sub-area , where  rezoning  may  be considered
   subject to the unanimous support of the property owners or if a decision
   occurs with respect to transit along Cambie Street.  

   Oakridge Langara Policy Statement

   The  Oakridge Langara  Policy  Statement provides  for redevelopment  of
   this, and several other sites, as follows:

         Stacked townhouses and ground-oriented low-rises should be allowed
        on sites  in the locations shown  in Figure 4.   Densities on these
        sites could range  from 1.0-1.2 FSR with potential for  up to a 20%
        increase for the provision of City desired public benefits. 

         Increases  in  overall site  density  beyond  the residential  FSR
        outlined  in chapter  3 may  be considered in  order to  retain the
        institutional use, but only  if the mixed-use proposal is  shown to
        minimize impact  on  the  community  while  providing  city-desired
        public benefits in return. 

   The evaluation  criteria for approval  of projects at  various densities
   throughout Oakridge Langara are described as follows:

         All  of  these  density  targets  for  specific  sites  assume  an
        acceptable  form  of  development  which is  sympathetic  with  the
        existing neighbourhood, minimizes  community impacts, and  provides
        significant public benefits such as outlined in Appendix A - Public
        Benefits.    The final  approved  densities  could therefore  range
        marginally  below or  above  the  density  targets based  upon  the
        detailed design process and  the extent that residential livability
        concerns, as well as other public objectives, are satisfied. 

   Appendix   A,   Public  Benefits,   provides   that   community  amenity
   contributions,  in  cash or  in kind,  should  be collected  as  part of
   rezonings to  be used to pay  for City desired public  benefits in cases
   where  a public benefit is  not included with  the proposed development.
   The needed public benefits are described as follow:

         If the policies  in this  document are followed,  demand could  be
        created  over a  20Ò year  period for  the following  amenities and
        replacement housing (based on the City s established standards):

        -   1 daycare  Class A  and out-of school care facility;
        -   6.48 ha (16 ac.) of park space;
        -   160 units of replacement housing; and
        -   1 235.57 m2 (13,300 sq. ft.) of community centres space. 

   Proposed Development

   The proposed density is 2.21, with the following components:

   -    1 488 m2  (16,024 sq. ft.)  for St.  John Ambulance facility  (0.34
        FSR); and
   -    8 171  m2 (87,955 sq. ft.)  for 67 dwelling units (1.87  FSR).  All
        dwelling units are intended to be 2-bedroom or larger.

   Total  floor  space  is 9  660  m2  (103,979  sq.  ft.).   Two  building
   components are proposed.  The St. John Ambulance  will occupy two floors
   of  an eight storey building fronting Cambie  Street, 24.4 m (80 ft.) in
   height, with dwelling units completing the remainder of the building.  A
   four-storey residential building will  face onto Ash Street, 12.2  m (40
   ft.) in height.   Parking for  175 cars is  to be provided  underground,
   with access from the lane.

   Details of the proposed development are shown in Appendix D.

   The Director of  Land Use  and Development proposes  separating the  St.
   John site  from its  existing CD-1  which governs  four sites  in total.
   This is an opportunity to  begin providing each of the respective  sites
   with individual regulation;  however, each  site will be  dealt with  as
   rezoning is initiated on behalf of each.

   Applicant s Rationale:

   The  applicant  has  provided the  following  rationale  for  the higher

    St.  John  Ambulance  is a  non-profit  society  which  has served  the
   community from this location for 33 years.  The redevelopment of the now
   obsolete  St. John Ambulance training  and administration centre at West
   45th and Cambie Street is an expensive undertaking.  The proposed 16,000
   sq. ft. of new space complete with  underground  parking is  expected to
   cost up to  $3.2 Million including furniture and fixtures.  In addition,
   St.  John  Ambulance  must fund  temporary  accommodation  for  one year
   including  the cost  of moving  in and  out while  the project  is under
   construction.   This is estimated to  cost $300,000.  St. John Ambulance
   is  also concerned with the  possibility of reduced  revenues during the
   year they operate out of temporary accommodation.

   Without an adequate residential density  to sell, the continued presence
   of  St. John Ambulance  at the Cambie  Street and West  45th Avenue site
   would not be  economically attractive.   It is likely  that without  the
   presence  of St. John Ambulance, a residential density of 1.45 FSR could
   easily  be  justified on  the site  given the  policies  set out  in the
   Oakridge Langara Policy Statement.

   Under this  rezoning  application, the  requested  density of  2.21  FSR
   includes  the  St. John  institutional  space,  leaving the  residential
   component  at 1.87 FSR.  The additional residential density (above 1.45)
   of  .42 represents just under  20,000 sq. ft.  of additional residential
   area,  which  at  a  per  square  foot  buildable  land  value  of  $70,
   contributes  $1.4  Million  toward  the  cost  of  rebuilding  St.  John
   Ambulance in this location."

   Landscape Resources: Trees along Cambie Street are to be preserved where

   Public Contributions:

   The  extent of  public benefit  contributions is  to  be addressed  in a
   separate   in camera   report,  in accordance  with established  Council

                                                                 APPENDIX D

                              FORM OF DEVELOPMENT

                            FOR 6111 CAMBIE STREET

                                                                 APPENDIX F
                                                                Page 1 of 5

                            PUBLIC AND OTHER INPUT
   Public Input

   Rezoning  notification signs were posted  on site on  February 19, 1996.
   On  March  12,  1996,  366  early  notification  letters  were  sent  to
   surrounding property owners.

   Two letters, one unsigned, have been  received to date, objecting to the
   rezoning.  The  first suggests  that  St.  John Ambulance  be  relocated
   elsewhere  and  that  generally  the author  is  dissatisfied  with  the
   Oakridge Langara process and the  rezoning.  The second letter  requests
   that  the  building s  height  be  reduced, with  four  to  six  storeys

   On February  27, 1996, the applicant  sponsored an open  house which was
   attended by approximately 100 people.   All were supportive of St.  John
   Ambulance  continuing to exist on site.   Many people were interested in   the possible  purchase of  units.   A small  number of  individuals were
   unhappy with both the density and the height.  

   Engineering Department
   "The  Engineering  Department has  no  objections to  the  proposed text
   amendment provided  the following issues  are addressed prior  to by-law

   -  arrangements   to  the   satisfaction  of  the   General  Manager  of
      Engineering  Services for  removal/relocation  of  the existing  wood
      pole in the lane, and corresponding easement  on Lot 1, which affects
      access to the parking and loading;

   -  arrangements  to   the  satisfaction   of  the   General  Manger   of
      Engineering Services  for provision of concrete  sidewalk on the east      of  Ash Street  from West 45th  Avenue, south, to  the south property
      line of the site;

   -  parking  requirement  is  to be  as  per  the  RM-4  standard of  the
      Vancouver Parking By-law and institutional  parking requirement is to
      be as per the Vancouver Parking By-law; and

   -  undergrounding  of all  services  for this  site is  to  be from  the
      closest existing suitable pole."

   Permits and Licenses

   Permits and Licenses has undertaken an historical check of land uses  on
   this site and indicated no soils assessment is required.

   Fire Services
    Building  must comply  with hi-rise  requirements.   Separate addresses
   required to all  principal entrances.  Drawing is not  dimensioned.  The
   distance  from curb to principal  entrance must be less than  15 m.  New
   hydrant may be required.   Subject to meeting above requirements at  the
   development application stage, project is supportable."

                                                                 APPENDIX F
                                                                Page 2 of 5

   Social Planning

    Public art  contributions apply to  rezoning of 15 000  m2 (161,463 sq.
   ft.) or greater.   The above rezoning is smaller  in aggregate than this
   area and a contribution is not required. 

    The City's acoustical  criteria shall form part  of the Zoning  By-law,
   and  an Acoustical Consultant's report shall be required to assess noise
   impacts on the site and recommend noise mitigating measures.

   The Noise Control By-law does not require amendment. 

   School Board

   The  following comments  are extracts  from a  letter from  School Board
   staff, identifying issues related to schools in the area:

   "As with other development proposals  coming forward in this  community,
   the individual project  may have merits,  but the cumulative  effects of
   the changes need to be assessed and placed in context.

    The  project  lies  within  the  Jamieson  Elementary  School  and  the   Churchill Secondary School catchment areas.  There is available capacity
   at Jamieson at  present, but this will likely disappear  with the number
   of  new multiple dwelling  units suitable  for families which  are being
   proposed  in the immediately  vicinity.  As noted  in the proposal, this
   development  has residential units  suitable for  children, and  a large
   number of ground-oriented units.

    Previous comments  about the  over-crowding at  Churchill apply  in our
   review of  this application.  It  is assumed that  the attractiveness of
   the school program and its relative  proximity to this site, along  with
   the   number  of   family-type   residential  units,   will  result   in
   secondary-age children  who will be seeking  accommodation at Churchill.
   The school is over capacity at present and this proposal will contribute
   to the difficulties already existing at the school.

    In general,  the proposal appears  to be  in keeping  with the  general
   directions  taken by other  new projects in  the area.   The request for   additional FSR should only be considered in light of the broader picture
   emerging  from  increased  development  potential  in  the  area.    The
   anticipated  enrolment increases from  this and other  new projects will
   contribute  to capacity  problems  at Churchill  and  may begin  to  put
   capacity pressures on Jamieson."

   School Board staff also expressed  concerns that the proposed density is
   not in  keeping with the  spirit of the  Policy Statement and  would add
   traffic to the local street system; also that the objective of providing
   affordable housing is not addressed.

                                                                 APPENDIX F
                                                                Page 3 of 5

   CPTED Review

   "This  site is  located in  a low  to medium  crime impact  environment.   However,  theft of auto and theft from auto is high due to the proximity
   to  the   shopping  centre.      Environmental  design   should   reduce
   opportunities  for theft  from  auto,  theft  of  auto,  bicycle  theft,
   mischief such as graffiti and break and enter.  Design that reduces fear
   should also be considered.

   1)   design  development  to  reduce  opportunities  for  theft  in  the

        Note to Applicant:  This can be achieved by:

        -  fully  securing  the underground  parking  and bicycle  storage,
           separation   of  residential  and   commercial  users  including
           elevator access; and

        -  relocating  south exit stairs from parking in semi-private areas           within the  view of  residents and  away from  public view,  and
           ensuring  access to bicycle parking is fully secured (preferably
           within the security of the garage).

   2)   design development to reduce opportunities for break and enter;

        Note to Applicant:  This can be achieved by:

        -  deleting  opportunities  for  cutting through  the  property, by
           deleting  areas of  concealment in  front of  ground level units
           (particularly in street oriented units); and

        -  having exit  stairs from  parking exit beside  the lobby  rather
           than   through  the   lobby  (in  coordination   with  the  Fire

   3)   design development to reduce opportunities for graffiti; and
        Note to Applicant:  This can be  achieved by deleting blank exposed
        walls and planter walls on  the street and lane and replacing  with

   4)   design development  to reduce fear for residents and for vulnerable
        populations in the neighbourhood such as seniors.

        Note to Applicant:   This can be achieved by considering night time
        users and providing areas with good prospect and adequate lighting.
        Provide  good  visibility in  the  underground  in accordance  with
        Section 4.12 of the Parking  By-law and paint underground walls and
        ceiling white."

                                                                 APPENDIX F
                                                                Page 4 of 5
   Urban Design Panel (Minutes of Meeting of February 28, 1996)
    Evaluation: Support (10 - 0)

   Introduction:   The  Rezoning  Planner,  Rob  Whitlock,  presented  this
   application for a Text Amendment to the existing CD-1 on  the site which   was part of the  original rezoning for the area.   The proposal, a joint
   venture project between St. John Ambulance and  Greystone Properties, is
   for a new 2-storey facility for St. John Ambulance (along Cambie Street)
   with  six  floors of  residential  above,  plus a  4-storey  residential
   component  along Ash  Street,  for  a  total of  67  residential  units.
   Proposed density is  2.21 FSR and  the height ranges  from 60-80 ft.  on
   Cambie Street and 40  ft. on Ash Street.   The project also includes  an
   1,800 sq. ft. community space at grade.

   Noting the  prevailing policy statement provides for  the crafting of an
   FSR  in the  order of  1.85, the  areas of  concern identified  by staff
   relate to the implications on the massing of the requested 2.21 FSR.  In
   addition to overall  comments, the advice of the Panel  is sought on the
   bulkiness of the  West 45th Avenue frontage, whether  the massing on the
   lane to the south should be broken down, and shadow impact on West  45th
   Applicant's  Opening  Comments:  Allan  Gjernes,  Greystone  Properties,
   provided  some background to the proposal and Wally Pierce explained St.
   John Ambulance  involvement in the project.  Martin Bruckner, Architect,
   described the design rationale  and Randal Sharp reviewed  the landscape

   Urban  Design Panel's Comments:     After reviewing the model and posted
   drawings, the Panel commented as follows:

   The Panel unanimously supported this application.

   The  Panel strongly supported the  proposed use and  thought the project
   would be  beneficial to the  community.   The Panel also  considered the
   general massing  to be appropriate in  this location, although a  lot of
   refinement will be  necessary at the  next stage  of development.   Some
   Panel members suggested the massing could be higher on Cambie Street.
   The concerns expressed by the Panel related to the form  of development,
   mainly that the proposal looks like two separate  projects.  There needs
   to be  much better integration  between the  commercial and  residential
   uses, and the principles of  view and sun should be addressed  as design
   development proceeds. A comment was made that while the West 45th Avenue
   and Ash facades  seem appropriate they do not yet  read as townhouses. A
   stronger residential expression is needed.

   A recommendation  was made by one Panel member that  if it is decided to
   have enclosed balconies on the  Cambie Street side, then this should  be
   taken into account in the early stages of the exterior design.

                                                                 APPENDIX F
                                                                Page 5 of 5
   With respect to materials and  finishes, it was recommended the  project
   reflect what is in  the area, especially on Cambie Street.   There was a
   strong recommendation for  the use of brick on facade,  including at the
   higher levels of the building.

   Separating  the buildings at the lane  was not seen to be  an issue.  It
   was  noted the  parking lot  site across  the street  (Oakridge Shopping
   Centre site) will likely be ultimately redeveloped up to 80 ft.

   With respect to landscaping, concerns were expressed about the  ramp and
   it was recommended this be reworked on at the next stage.  The courtyard
   should be  maximized.   One Panel member  questioned whether  the visual
   connection with  the park will  work, suggesting  it might be  better to
   internalize the courtyard. 

   Applicant s Comments
   For over two years Greystone Properties Ltd. has been working  with City
   Staff and the Oakridge  Community to make  the redevelopment of the  St.
   John Ambulance site a reality.

   During  the Oakridge  Langara Planning  Study, the  St. John s  site was
   recognized  for it s unique ownership characteristics  and  location and
   as such was one of three sites given an 80 ft.  height limitation.  With
   this height  limit, a density of  2.21 FSR fits comfortably  on the site
   with the proposed  eight storey and four  storey building massing.   The
   density  was unanimously  supported by  the Urban  Design Panel  when it
   reviewed the rezoning  application.  In Kerrisdale  at West 42nd  Avenue
   and    West   Boulevard,    Greystone    completed    a   four    storey
   residential/commercial building  with a  density of 2.24.   The  project
   fitted comfortably into that community.

   As  mentioned in this  report, the 2.21  FSR equates to  $1.4 million in   additional revenue to  St. John  Ambulance to be  used for both  capital
   costs  and   ongoing  operational  expenditures.     The  added  density
   represents  20,000  sq.  ft.  of   additional  building  area  of  12-13
   residential units.   These units  would, in  our minds,  have a  minimal
   impact on the community,  but represent a significant financial  benefit
   to St. John Ambulance.

   However, if necessary, St. John ambulance may be willing to proceed with
   the rezoning  at the lower density of 1.85, so that the organization can
   finally  move forward  with its rebuilding  plans in order  to provide a
   wider range of  first aid and emergency  services to the  lower mainland

                                                                 APPENDIX G



       Street Address                    6111 Cambie Street

       Legal Description                 Lot 1, Sub. B, Block 1008, D.L. 526, Plan 10803
       Applicant                         Greystone Properties Ltd.

       Architect                         Eng and Wright, Architect
       Property Owner                    St. John Ambulance

       Developer                         Greystone Properties Ltd.


                                                 GROSS                  DEDICATIONS                  NET

       SITE AREA                                4 371 m2                     -                     4 371 m2
                                            (47,051 sq. ft.)                                   (47,051 sq. ft.)


                                                                                                    RECOMMENDED                                        DEVELOPMENT PERMITTED UNDER      PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT     DEVELOPMENT (if
                                              EXISTING ZONING                                     different than

       ZONING                               CD-1 (#12) (4 Sites)               New CD-1                  -

       USES                           Accessory uses, Child Day Care    Institutional Use of 
                                      Facility, Church,                 Philanthropic or
                                      Institutional Use of              Charitable character,                                      Religious, Philanthropic or       including St. John
                                      Charitable character, Parking     Ambulance;
                                      Area Ancillary to a principle     Dwelling Units
                                      use on an adjacent site

       DWELLING UNITS                          Not Permitted                   67 units
       MAX. FLOOR SPACE RATIO                      0.635                         2.21                  1.85

       MAXIMUM HEIGHT                          9.1 m (30 ft.)               24.4 m (80 ft.)

       MAX. NO. OF STOREYS                     Not specified                   8 Storeys
       PARKING SPACES                           As Existing                       175