                                 POLICY REPORT
                                URBAN STRUCTURE

                                             Date: November 25, 1996 
                                             Dept. File No. 5305-3 

   TO:       Vancouver City Council

   FROM:     Director of Central Area Planning

   SUBJECT:  Proposed Rezoning of the North-East Corner of the 1200 Block
             West Hastings Street


        THAT the Director of Land Use and Development be instructed to make
        application to extend the Coal Harbour Official Development Plan to
        cover  the Central Waterfront District  portion of the  site on the
        north-east corner of the 1200 Block West Hastings Street (new legal
        now being  registered is: Lot K,  Block 29, D.L. 185,  Plans 92 and

        FURTHER THAT this application be referred to Public Hearing.

        AND  FURTHER THAT the Director  of Legal Services  be instructed to
        prepare the necessary by-law for consideration at Public Hearing.


        The General  Manager of  Community Services RECOMMENDS  approval of
        the foregoing.


   Relevant Council Policies for the site include:

       Central Area Plan, adopted December 3, 1991;
       Coal Harbour Official Development Plan, adopted November 1990.


   As part  of the enactment  of Marathon s   Harbour Green  Neighbourhood 
   (501 Bute Street)  the zoning and subdivision pattern for  the north end
   of the 1200 Block West Hastings have been changed. Instead of two narrow
   triangular parcels, a new 
   subdivision  down  the  centre  of  the  block creates  two  rectangular
   development  sites. The  western portion  of the  block is  proposed for
   non-market  housing as  part  of the  Harbour  Green Neighbourhood.  The
   eastern  portion is  a private  development site  with a  split Downtown
   District and Central Waterfront District (CWD) zoning. 

   Unfortunately, the CWD zone which  covers most of the site is  no longer
   regulated by an official development plan. Consequently, the CWD portion
   of the site is un-regulated in terms of height and  floor area, and only
   broadly regulated  as to use  by the  CWD zone itself.  To correct  this
   situation it  is recommended that  the Coal Harbour  ODP be  extended to
   cover the CWD portion of this site.

   Figure 1. Site and Zoning


   During the preparation of the Coal Harbour ODP, the diagonal subdivision
   of the north side of the 1200 block West Hastings was noted as an issue.
   The diagonal boundary  reflected the existing  escarpment edge with  the
   upland triangular parcel used for parking and a lower level incorporated
   in the railyards.

   Specific  direction  was  given  to resolve  this  boundary  during  the
   sub-area  rezoning  stage.  As part  of  the  501  Bute (Harbour  Green)
   rezoning, a property exchange was negotiated between Marathon Realty and
   the other owner, Firwood Holdings, which resulted in the creation of two
   rectangular sites. The new boundary was reflected in the ODP maps posted
   at  the Harbour  Green  public hearing  with  the eastern  private  site
   outside the ODP boundary. The by-laws which were presented for enactment
   on November 26 reflect this change.

   There is,  however, a problem  on the eastern  portion of this  block. A
   large  portion of  the  new lot,  including  the majority  of  Firwood s
   original site and the triangular portion which has  been added, is zoned
   Central Waterfront District (CWD).  While this zoning still exists,  the
   Official Development  Plan which  regulated amount  of use,  density and
   height on this site was  repealed in 1990 when the Coal  Harbour ODP was
   adopted.  The net  result  is that  the  majority of  this  site is  not
   regulated save for  the CWD  zoning district schedule  which lists  only
   permitted uses in very generic, broad terms. This was  not a significant
   problem  with  the original  triangular site  due  to the  difficulty of
   development; however, the recent acquisition of Marathon  land makes the
   site now viable for major development.

    At any time we could be faced with a development application at a height
   and FSR which would be inappropriate, even in the downtown  context. The
   Development  Permit Board would have  no regulations to  measure such an
   application against, creating  a difficult and controversial  situation.
   This can be corrected by extending the Coal Harbour Official Development
   Plan to cover  all but  the small DD  section of this  block. This  will
   provide a temporary fix. 

   As soon  as possible, staff  will meet with  the property owner  to work
   together on developing a new, more appropriate zoning for this site.


   The  subdivision  negotiated  through the  Harbour  Green  Neighbourhood
   rezoning  (501 Bute)  has  created a  private  development site  on  the
   north-eastern end of the 1200 block  West Hastings Street which, for the
   most  part,  is  not regulated  by  an  existing  ODP.  To correct  this
   situation in the short term it  is recommended that the Coal Harbour ODP
   boundary  be extended to  include the CWD  portion of this  site. In the
   long term, staff will enter into a cooperative process with the property
   owner to develop an appropriate zoning for this split-zoned site.

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