
                             ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT

                                           Date: November 26, 1996
                                           Dept. File No. 

   TO:        Vancouver City Council

   FROM:      Manager of Real Estate Services

   SUBJECT:   Demolition of House - 5333 Chester Street


        A.    THAT Council approve the demolition of the residential rental
              building at 5333 Chester Street legally described as Lot 19,
              Block 2, District Lots 668, 669 and 670, Plan 1209, with the
              cost of demolition estimated to be $8500.00 charged to the
              Sundry Rental Account 60/09/9114/396.

        B.    THAT Council authorize the Director of Legal Services to
              execute a reference Plan on behalf of the City establishing
              the South 17 feet of Lot 19 for road and West 2 feet for


        The General Manager of Corporate Services RECOMMENDS approval of A
        and B.


   The Zoning and Development By-law Section 10.12 outlines the procedure
   for demolition of residential rental accommodation.


   On July 22, 1986 Council approved the acquisition of the single-family
   dwelling at 5333 Chester Street for the future widening of East 37th
   Avenue (see Appendix A).  The house has been residential rental
   accommodation since that time and it is a capital asset.



   The subject property is improved with a two bedroom basement home
   situated on a 3,630 square foot RS-1S zoned lot.  The house, built in
   1911, is vacant and it is not on the Vancouver Heritage registry.

   Due to the age of the dwelling it is in a deteriorating condition and it
   is estimated that it would require an expenditure of at least $30,000 to
   bring it up to an acceptable living standard.  The current rental income
   for the property is $750.00 per month or $9,000.00 per annum.  The
   additional right-of-way to establish a 50 foot road allowance requires
   the dedication of a 17 foot strip from the property onto which the
   building encroaches.  Following the dedication the remaining 16 foot
   strip can be sold to the adjoining property owner to the north for
   consolidation with their lot.


   Considering the age of the house, the cost of upgrading and that it is
   currently vacant, the Manager of Real Estate Services recommends that
   the house at 5333 Chester Street be demolished.  This could lead to
   discussions with the private owner to the north to purchase 16 feet of
   the lot for consolidation with their property and the dedication of the
   remaining 17 foot portion for road purposes.  The cost of demolition to
   be charged to the Sundry Rental Account 60/09/9114/396.

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