                             ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT

                                                    Date: November 4, 1996 

   TO:       Vancouver City Council

   FROM:     Director of Finance

   SUBJECT:  1997 Grant Installments


        THAT installments be made to the following organizations,
        beginning January 1997, in advance of consideration of the 
   individual 1997 operating grants :

                                      1997 Installments

        Van Art Gallery Assoc         $155,500 Monthly
        Van City Planning Comm           3,900 Monthly
        Van Museum Commission           25,200 Biweekly
        Van Maritime Museum Soc         10,600 Biweekly
        Pacific Space Centre Soc        17,700 Biweekly


   The General  Manager of  Corporate Services RECOMMENDS  approval of  the


   Council s policy is to  provide installments of the operating  grants to
   allow these organizations to  meet their operating needs, in  advance of
   consideration  of  their  grant  requests  in the  normal  grant  review


   In past years, the  City has disbursed operating grants to the Vancouver
   Art Gallery  Association, Vancouver City  Planning Commission, Vancouver
   Museum Commission,  Vancouver Maritime Museum Society  and Pacific Space
   Centre Society in installments throughout  the year. Installments to the
   Vancouver Art Gallery Association and Vancouver City Planning Commission
   are paid monthly, while the other three organizations are paid biweekly.
   In each case, the installments are  timed to meet the operating expenses
   of the organizations.

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   This report recommends that  installments be continued as in  past years
   with payments  commencing  in  January 1997,  in  advance  of  Council s
   consideration  of   the  1997  grant   requests.  The  amounts   of  the
   installments  are  based on  the 1996  operating  grants as  approved by

                              1996            1997
                              Grant        Installments

   Van Art Gallery Assoc    $1,865,400          $155,500 monthly
   Van City Planning Comm       47,162             3,900 monthly
   Van Museum Commission       655,900            25,200 biweekly
   Van Maritime Museum Soc     276,000            10,600 biweekly
   Pacific Space Centre Soc    460,600            17,700 biweekly

   These disbursements  are advances only. After  Council considers funding
   level  for  these  organizations as  part  of  the  normal grant  review
   process,  the  installments  will   be  adjusted  to  reflect  Council s
   approvals for 1997.        

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