REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES
                            CITY SERVICES AND BUDGETS   

                                November 28, 1996

          A Regular Meeting of the Council of the City of Vancouver was
     held on Thursday, November 28, 1996, at 10:55 A.M., in Committee Room
     No. 1, Third Floor, City Hall, following the Standing Committee on
     City Services and Budgets meeting, to consider the recommendations of
     the Committee.

          PRESENT:                 Mayor Owen
                                   Councillor Bellamy
                                   Councillor Chiavario
                                   Councillor Clarke
                                   Councillor Kennedy
                                   Councillor Price
                                   Councillor Puil
                                   Councillor Sullivan

          CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE:   Judy Rogers, Deputy City Manager 

          CLERK TO THE COUNCIL:    Tarja Tuominen


     MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
     SECONDED by Cllr. Bellamy,
          THAT this Council resolve itself into Committee of the Whole,
     Mayor Owen in the chair.

                                                      - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                                COMMITTEE REPORTS

     Report of the Standing Committee
     on City Services and Budgets
     November 28, 1996               

          Council considered the recommendations of the Committee, as
     contained in the following clauses of the attached report:

                                                                     cont d

                           COMMITTEE REPORTS (CONT D)

     Report of the Standing Committee
     on City Services and Budgets
     November 28, 1996 (cont d)      

          Cl. 1:   Status of Proposed Charter Amendments
          Cl. 2:   Establishment of a City of Vancouver
                   and Ministry of Attorney General
                   Community Safety Funding Program
          Cl. 3:   Grant Request for a Temporary Winter Shelter
          Cl. 4:   1996 Community Public Art Grants
          Cl. 5:   Staffing Required to Improve By-Law
                   Enforcement for Licensed Establishments
                   and for Problem Premises
          Cl. 6:   1997 Business License
                   Fees and Liveaboard Fees
          Cl. 7:   Freedom of Information & Protection of
                   Privacy Act:  Staffing Requirements

     Clauses 1, 5, 6 and 7

     MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
          THAT  the  recommendations  of  the Committee,  as  contained  in
     Clauses 1, 5, 7 and 7 of this report, be approved.

                                             - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

     Clauses 2, 3 and 4

     MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
          THAT  the  recommendations  of  the Committee,  as  contained  in
     Clauses 2, 3 and 4 of this report, be approved.

                                             -  CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY AND
                                                BY THE REQUIRED MAJORITY

                                MANAGER'S REPORTS

     1.   Administrative Report
          November 19, 1996        

     Proposed Closure of Portions of Carrall Street,          File: 1150-3 
     Cordova Street and the Lane South of Cordova Street

     MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,

                                                                     cont d

                            MANAGER S REPORTS CONT D

          A.   THAT  Council authorize the  Director of Legal Services
               to sign on behalf of the City Reference  Plans attested
               to  by  B.J.  Oke,  B.C.L.S.,  representing  a   survey
               completed  on October  30,  1996,  marginally  numbered
               S-9237  and representing a survey completed on November
               13,  1996,  marginally  numbered  S-9257  defining  the
               horizontal  limits  of the  encroachments  onto Carrall
               Street, Cordova  Street and  the lane south  of Cordova
               Street  (see Appendix "A" &  "B") by the  building at 8
               East Cordova, and apply to raise  title to the portions
               of Carrall Street, Cordova Street and the lane South of
               Cordova Street  defined on the said  Reference Plans in
               the name of the City of Vancouver.

          B.   THAT  all those volumetric  portions of Carrall Street,
               Cordova  Street and  the lane  South of  Cordova Street
               included  within  the  heavy outlines  and  illustrated
               isometrically on plans prepared  by B.J. Oke, B.C.L.S.,
               dated October 30,  1996 and marginally  numbered S-9238
               and S-9239  and dated November 13,  1996 and marginally
               numbered S-9258 and S-9259, reduced copies of which are
               attached hereto  as Appendix  "C", "D",  "E" & "F",  be
               closed, stopped-up, and that  an easement be granted to
               the owner of abutting Parcel "B", Block 8, District Lot
               196,  Plan  LMP  24609,  to  contain  portions  of  the
               existing building which encroaches onto Carrall Street,
               Cordova Street  and the  lane south of  Cordova Street.
               The  easement  to be  for the  life of  the encroaching
               portion of  the existing  building on said  Parcel "B",
               and  to be to the satisfaction of the Director of Legal

          C.   THAT  the fees  for document  preparation, registration
               and use  of the easement referred  to in Recommendation
               "B" are to be  in accordance with those charged  for in
               an  agreement  prepared  pursuant  to  the Encroachment

                                             - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


     MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
          THAT the Committee of the Whole rise and report.

                                             - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


     MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
     SECONDED by Cllr. Bellamy,
          THAT the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted.

                                                      - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


     1.   A By-law to amend By-law No. 6510, being the
          Sign By-law (Amendments to Regulate Billboards)

     MOVED by Cllr. Clarke,
     SECONDED by Cllr. Bellamy,
          THAT the By-law be introduced and read a first time.

                                             - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

          The  By-law was  read  a first  time  and the  Presiding  Officer
     declared the By-law open for discussion and amendment.

          There being no amendments, it was

     MOVED by Cllr. Clarke,
     SECONDED by Cllr. Bellamy,
          THAT the By-law be given second  and third readings and the Mayor
     and City Clerk be authorized to sign and seal the By-law.

                                             - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


     A.   Closure of Portions of Carrall                      File: 5753-3 
          Street, Cordova Street and the 
          Lane South of Cordova Street  

     MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
     SECONDED by Cllr. Kennedy,
          THAT WHEREAS:

          1.   The City  of Vancouver is  the owner of all  the streets and
               lanes lying within the limits of the City of Vancouver;

                                                                     cont d
                                 MOTIONS CONT D

          2.   Portions of the building constructed on Parcel "B", Block 8,
               District  Lot 196,  Plan  LMP 24609,  encroach onto  Carrall
               Street, Cordova Street and the lane South of Cordova Street;

          3.   The portions of Carrall Street, Cordova Street and  the lane
               South of  Cordova Street  were dedicated by  the deposit  of
               Plan 184;

          4.   To  provide for the  registration of an  easement to contain
               the said  encroachments, as  required  by Section  7 of  the
               Condominium  Act, it  is  necessary to  raise  title to  the
               portions of streets and lane encroached upon;

          5.   To enable Council to grant the required easement  to contain
               the  encroachments, it is necessary for Council to close and
               stop-up  the   volumetric  portion   of  streets   and  lane
               encroached upon.

     THEREFORE  BE IT  RESOLVED  THAT the  Director  of Legal  Services  be
     authorized to make application on behalf of the City of  Vancouver, to
     raise title in the name of the City of Vancouver to:


          That  portion of Cordova Street, dedicated by the deposit of Plan
          184,  included within the heavy  outline and that  portion of the
          lane  South  of  Cordova  Street,  dedicated  by  said  Plan 184,
          included  within  the  heavy  outline  and  hatched,  both  on  a
          Reference Plan, attested to by B.J. Oke, B.C.L.S., representing a
          survey completed on October 30, 1996, marginally numbered S-9237,
          a copy of which is attached hereto; and 


          That  portion of Carrall Street, dedicated by the deposit of Plan
          184,  included within  the  heavy  outline  and that  portion  of
          Cordova Street,  dedicated by said  Plan 184 included  within the
          heavy  outline and hatched, both on a Reference Plan, attested to
          by B.J.  Oke, B.C.L.S., representing a  survey completed November
          13, 1996, marginally numbered S-9257, a copy of which is attached
          hereto; and

     BE IT  FURTHER  RESOLVED THAT  all those  volumetric portions  Carrall
     Street,  Cordova Street and the lane South of Cordova Street dedicated
     by the deposit of Plan 184, described as follows:

                                                                     cont d
                                 MOTIONS CONT D


          That volumetric  portion of  Cordova Street, included  within the
          heavy outline  and illustrated isometrically on  a plan certified
          by B.J.  Oke, B.C.L.S.,  dated October  30,  1996 and  marginally
          numbered S-9238, a copy of which is attached hereto; and


          That  volumetric portion  of the  lane South  of  Cordova Street,
          included within the  heavy outline and illustrated  isometrically
          on a plan certified by B.J. Oke, B.C.L.S., dated October 30, 1996
          and  marginally  numbered S-9239,  a  copy of  which  is attached
          hereto; and


          That  volumetric portion  of Carrall  Street included  within the
          heavy outline  and illustrated isometrically on  a plan certified
          by B.J.  Oke, B.C.L.S.,  dated November  13, 1996  and marginally
          numbered S-9258, a copy of which is attached hereto; and 

          That  volumetric portion  of Cordova  Street included  within the
          heavy outline  and illustrated isometrically on  a plan certified
          by B.J.  Oke, B.C.L.S.,  dated November 13,  1996 and  marginally
          numbered S-9259, a copy of which is attached hereto;

     be closed, stopped-up and an easement be granted to the abutting owner
     of  Parcel "B", Block 8, District Lot  196, Plan LMP 24609, to contain
     the portions of  the existing  building which encroach  onto the  said
     streets and lane.

                           ENQUIRIES AND OTHER MATTERS

     1.   Provincial Revenue Sharing Cuts                      File: 1756-3

          Councillor Bellamy distributed copies  for information of a Union
     of  British  Columbia  Municipalities   Member  Release  advising  the
     Provincial revenue sharing cuts are closer to 30%.

                       The Council adjourned at 11:05 a.m.

                              *    *    *    *    *
                                                                        REPORT TO COUNCIL
                                                            STANDING COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL
                                                            ON CITY SERVICES AND BUDGETS

                                NOVEMBER 28, 1996

          A  Regular Meeting of the  Standing Committee of  Council on City
     Services and Budgets was held on  Thursday, November 28, 1996, at 9:30
     a.m., in Committee Room No. 1, Third Floor, City Hall.

                    PRESENT:  Councillor Puil, Chair
                              Mayor Owen
                              Councillor Bellamy
                              Councillor Chiavario
                              Councillor Clarke
                              Councillor Kennedy
                              Councillor Price
                              Councillor Sullivan

                    ABSENT:   Councillor Hemer (Leave of Absence)
                              Councillor Ip
                              Councillor Kwan

      CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE:  Judy Rogers, Deputy City Manager

                     CLERK:   Tarja Tuominen

     Adoption of Minutes

          The  Minutes of the Standing Committee on City Services & Budgets
     meeting of October 24 and November 7, 1996 were adopted.


     1.   Status of Proposed Charter Amendments        File: 114 

          The  Committee  had  before  it an  Administrative  Report  dated
     October 28,  1996 (on file) in  which the City Manager  advises of the
     status  of  the  City's outstanding  requests  for  amendments to  the
     Charter, and recommends such amendments be pursued at the staff level,
     and through continued communication between the Mayor and the Minister
     of Municipal Affairs and Housing. 

          The  Administrative  Report  had  been  scheduled  for  Council's
     meeting on  November 5.   As  a delegation request  was received,  the
     report was referred to a future Standing Committee meeting.

                                                                     cont d
     Clause No. 1 cont d

          Merrilee  Robson, Member,  Citizens  Advisory  Group on  Property
     Taxation  (letter circulated),  expressed concern  some neighbourhoods
     would be  facing a 30% increase in taxes with the introduction of flat
     charges for sewer, solid waste and blue box services.   An another way
     to encourage conservation and charge fairly should  be looked at, such
     as limiting households to two cans.  

          Michael  Walker, Member,  Citizens   Advisory  Group on  Property
     Taxation, also  expressed concerns with the  proposed establishment of
     the solid waste utility.   If the City only changes the way it charges
     for garbage, sewage  and recycling  services, it will  not reduce  the
     amount of  sewage or garbage.   Staff should be requested  to look for
     real conservation methods  to reduce  the flow of  sewage from  homes.
     Flat charges will  not help conservation  and will  have an effect  on
     lower value properties.  

          In response to questions, Ken Stoke, General Manager of Corporate
     Services, advised the City is  attempting to receive  the power  to be
     able to  levy user fees for the  consumption of  services  in the same
     way it  can levy  fees for  the consumption of  water.   The Citizens 
     Advisory  Group  on  Property Taxation  is  looking  at  the issue  of
     consumption  of services and the effect of  a flat rate on lower value
     homes. The entire issue will be brought back to Council.  The earliest
     the City would be able to implement the collection of fees for garbage
     is January 1998, and  for sewer, January 1999.  The  requested Charter
     changes do not bind Council to any method of collecting for utilities,
     it simply gives the legal ability to collect through a utility.  Staff
     are looking at alternate methods.  Mr. Stoke also advised  the GVRD is
     conducting a study on universal metering of services.
          In response to a question on the impact  on tenants of collecting
     through a utility, Mr.  Walker reported the Citizens  Group  has asked
     staff to prepare a similar detailed look at tax impacts on multifamily
     dwellings as was prepared for the residential class. 

          The following motion  by Councillor Kennedy was put  and carried.
     The Committee therefore


          A.   THAT  the  City  Manager  and  the  Director  of  Legal
               Services be instructed to request and pursue passage of
               the Charter amendments  attached to the  Administrative
               Report dated  October 28, 1996   as Appendices  "A" and

                                                                     cont d
     Clause No. 1 cont d

          B.   THAT the  Mayor be requested to  continue communication
               with   the Minister  of Municipal Affairs  and Housing,
               stressing  the importance  of  the  Charter  amendments
               requested and outstanding at this time, and asking that
               the Minister support the advancement of  these critical
               amendments  to the Provincial Legislature for enactment
               during the Spring 1997 legislative session.

                                             - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

     2.   Establishment of a City of Vancouver                File: 1756-3/
          and Ministry of Attorney General                           3701-6
          Community Safety Funding Program    

          The  Committee  had  before  it an  Administrative  Report  dated
     October 25, 1996 (on file) in which the City Manager, Chief Constable,
     Director of Community Services-Social Planning, and General Manager of
     Corporate Services recommend approval of  the establishment of a joint
     City of Vancouver  and Ministry of  Attorney General Community  Safety
     Funding Program and an annual grant program budget of $150,000.

          The  Administrative  Report  had  been  scheduled  for  Council's
     meeting on  November 5.   As  a delegation  request was  received, the
     report was referred to a future Standing Committee meeting.
          Judy Rogers,  Deputy City Manager, advised the Province has given
     a commitment to match the annual grant program budget of $150,000.  In
     response  to questions on securing core funding , Ms. Rogers confirmed
     the province  is particularly interested  in program  funding for  the
     Community  Safety offices.   Another viable option  for the individual
     Community Safety Offices is to secure private core or program funding.

          The delegation was not present.

          The  following motion  by  Councillor  Chiavario    was  put  and
     carried.  The Committee therefore


          A.   THAT Council approve establishment of the joint City of
               Vancouver  and Ministry  of Attorney  General Community
               Safety Funding Program.

                                                                     cont d
     Clause No. 2 cont d

          B.   THAT Council approve an  annual grant program budget of
               $150,000 to the Community  Safety Funding Program for a
               minimum of three years. A matching fund of $150,000 per
               year for the next three years has been confirmed by the
               Ministry  of  Attorney  General. The  $150,000  for the
               grant  program to  be  provided in  the 1997  Operating
               Budget, without offset.

                                             - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

     3.   Grant Request for a                               File: 2204/4659
          Temporary Winter Shelter

          The  Committee  had  before  it an  Administrative  Report  dated
     November 13, 1996 (on file) in which the Manager of the Housing Centre
     recommends approval  of  a grant  of  up to  $50,000  for a  temporary
     shelter to be operated  by Lookout Emergency Services Society  at 8982
     Hudson Street, between December 1,  1996 and May 31, 1997.   The grant
     is to be subject to a matching grant, and free rent, from the Province
     and approval of the necessary permits.

          Karen  O Shannacery,  Executive Director,  Lookout  Emergency Aid
     Society, advised the  Society is seeing a  new  homeless  person, i.e.
     young  teenagers.    The  Society will  be  participating  with  other
     Downtown organizations in conducting a homeless count in February.  
          Sam Campbell spoke in support of the recommendation.  

          The  following motion  by the  Mayor was  put  and carried.   The
     Committee therefore


          THAT  Council  approve a  grant equal  to  20% of  the final
          budget to a maximum of $50,000 for a temporary shelter to be
          operated  by  Lookout  Emergency Services  Society  at  8982
          Hudson St. between Dec.  1, 1996 and May 31, 1997,   subject
          to  a matching grant from the Province (plus free rent), and
          subject to  approval of the necessary  permits, with funding
          to be provided from the Demolition Fee Reserve.

                                             - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

     4.   1996 Community Public Art Grants                           2154-2

          The  Committee  had  before  it an  Administrative  Report  dated
     November 13, 1996 (on file) in which  the Director, Office of Cultural
     Affairs outlines  24 applications  received for 1996  Community Public
     Art grants, describes the evaluation process, and recommends grants to
     13 community projects.

          Bryan Newson, Public Art Program Manager, and Lorenz von  Ferson,
     Cultural Planner, briefly reviewed  the report and recommendations and
     responded to questions.

          The following motion by Councillor Chiavario was put and carried.
     The Committee therefore


          A.   THAT Council approve grants  totalling  $ 83,000  to 13
               organizations listed  in Table 1  of the Administrative
               Report dated November  13, 1996, source of funds  to be
               $58,000  of  City  funds  and  $  25,000  of  Vancouver
               Foundation,  in  the  Public  Art  Unallocated  Capital

          B.   THAT  funds  be  released   on  the  authority  of  the
               Director, Office  of Cultural Affairs  after Park Board
               approval of projects intended for Park sites, and after
               civic  staff have resolved any outstanding technical or
               administrative concerns.

                                             - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

     5.   Staffing Required to Improve By-Law                  File: 306-12
          Enforcement for Licensed Establishments 
          and for Problem Premises               

          The  Committee had before it  a Policy Report  dated November 19,
     1996 (on  file) in  which the  Directors of Permits  and Licenses  and
     Central  Area Planning, in  consultation with the  Directors of Social
     Planning, Finance,  Legal Services  and the Chief  Constable recommend
     the creation of five new positions in the Law and Permits and Licenses
     Departments  to coordinate  enforcement for  problem premises.     The
     Directors  recommend the funding of the positions come from a Business
     License fee increase.

                                                                     cont d
     Clause No. 5 cont d

          Paul  Teichroeb,  Assistant  Director  of  Licensing,  Permits  &
     Licences Department, presented an overview of  the report.  Currently,
     there  are  no dedicated  staff  to be  proactive  in following  up on
     problem premises. The requested overtime budget of $30,000 is required
     for  follow-up  after 9:00  p.m.   Extensive  record keeping  would be
     required  to monitor  premises to  set sliding  fee rates  for problem
     premises.   Once  the  new business  licensing  technology is  up  and
     running in March, staff will have the ability to report back on action
     taken with premises.  

          In  response  to a  question, Judy  Rogers, Deputy  City Manager,
     reported the City is moving well using cross-departmental resources to
     deal with problem premises.   

          During discussion, the Committee noted the importance of having a
     link with the Law Department and the  Neighbourhood Integrated Service
     Teams.    Members also suggested license fees for pubs and bars should
     be higher than those currently proposed. 

          The following motion by  Councillor Kennedy was put  and carried.
     The Committee therefore


          A.   THAT  Council  approve a  License  Coordinator and  two
               clerical support positions in the  Permits and Licenses
               Department, and a Lawyer  and one half clerical support
               position  in the Law  Department, as  regular full-time
               positions as set out in Appendix A of the Policy report
               dated   November  19,   1996,   at  a   1996  cost   of
               approximately $309,800;

               FURTHER THAT the staff positions outlined in Appendix A
               be approved subject to  job evaluations by the Director
               of Human Resource Services; 

               AND  FURTHER THAT  an  annual overtime  budget  of
               $30,000 be  allocated to the Permits  and Licenses
               Department for evening  and weekend inspections by
               the Property Use Inspectors.

          B.   THAT the  ongoing costs  for this program  expansion be
               recovered through Business License  fees as proposed in
               the accompanying report on 1997 Business Licenses.

                                             - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                  (Councillor Bellamy not present for the vote)

     6.   1997 Business License                               File: 1755-3 
          Fees and Liveaboard Fees

          The  Committee  had  before  it an  Administrative  Report  dated
     November  12, 1996 (on  file) in  which the  Directors of  Finance and
     Permits and  Licenses seek  approval for an  inflationary increase  in
     business licenses and a  zero percent increase in liveaboard  fees for
     1997.  In addition, the Directors provide options for funding five new
     positions  for liquor license  and problem premise  coordination at an
     annual cost of $339,800.

          During discussion, the Committee  noted the Provincial government
     is  cutting  grants  to  municipalities,  but the  cost  of  providing
     municipal services keeps increasing.
          In response  to questions,  Hugh Creighton, Director  of Finance,
     advised  an additional  5% would  probably recover  the administrative
     costs of handling business licenses.

          Francie  Connell,  Director  of  Legal  Services,  confirmed  the
     Vancouver Charter allows fees to be set to recover costs.  

          The  following  motion by  Councillor  Chiavario    was  put  and
     carried.  The Committee therefore


          A.   THAT  business license  fees be  increased for  1997 as
               outlined  in the  Administrative Report  dated November
               12, 1996   and detailed  in Appendix A  of the  report,
               representing  a general inflationary  increase of 1.0%,
               except for those fees for non-profit activity as listed
               in Appendix B.

          B.   THAT  the  fees  for  liveaboard  boat  owners  not  be
               increased in 1997.

        C.   THAT the Director of Legal Services be instructed  to
             prepare  the   necessary  By-law  to  implement   the
             revised fee schedule for January 1, 1997.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

        The following  motion by  Councillor Kennedy  was put  and
   carried.  The Committee therefore

                                                            cont d
   Clause No. 6 cont d


        D.   THAT  business  license  fees   recommended
             above  be increased   an  additional  4.0%,
             plus an  18.0% increase to business license
             fees for  liquor-related establishments  as
             listed in  Appendix C,  to offset  the cost
             of five  new positions  for liquor  license
             and problem premise coordination.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

   7.   Freedom of Information & Protection of       File: 1150-3 
        Privacy Act: Staffing Requirements    

        The  Committee  had before  it  an  Administrative  Report
   dated  November 18,  1996 (on  file)  in  which the  City Clerk
   provides an  update on the  City's experience under the Freedom
   of Information and Protection  of Privacy Act  and recommends a
   new  full-time  position  of  Coordinator  of  Information  and
   Privacy be established.

        The  Administrative  Report was  scheduled  for  Council's
   meeting on November 26.  As  a delegation request was received,
   the  report  was  referred  to  the  City  Services  &  Budgets
   Standing Committee meeting.

        Jeanette Black,  representing  C.U.P.E.  Local  15  (brief
   filed),  opposed   the  recommendation  that  the  position  of
   Coordinator of Information and Privacy be  an excluded one.  In
   1996, only 5 out of 103  Freedom of Information (FOI)  requests
   were from unions.  The report  states the Coordinator would  be
   responsible for  policy development;  the  Records Manager  for
   the City of Vancouver and Planners  also develop policy and are
   unionized staff.  In addition, Council  dictates policy.    The
   previous  incumbents were  in the  Bargaining Unit.    Excluded
   staff cost more for the City.  Exclusion is generally based  on
   being responsible for hiring and firing.   Should the  position
   be approved  as excluded, the Union  will have  no recourse but
   to appeal to the Labour Relations Board.

        Maria Kinsella, City Clerk, stated there are many  support
   staff positions in the City which are excluded and do not  cost
   the City  more in wages.   The position will  be established at
   the same pay-grade level whether it  is an excluded position or
   not.  The FOI  Coordinator will be  asked to examine  files  of
   fellow  City employees  and  may be  dealing  with  information
   which  may  put  the Coordinator  in  a  conflict  of  interest

                                                            cont d

   Clause No. 7 cont d

        The following motion  by Councillor Chiavario was put  and
   carried.  The Committee therefore


        A.   THAT the  temporary position  of Coordinator  of
             Information and Privacy not  be extended  beyond
             December  31, 1996.   In  its place,  a  regular
             full-time  exempt  position  be  established  to
             deal  with  the  Freedom   of  Information   and
             Protection  of  Privacy  Act,  subject  to   job
             evaluation by the Director of Human Resources.

        B.   THAT the costs associated  with this position be
             funded  from  within  the existing  City Clerk s
             Department Operating Budget, without offsets.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                 The meeting adjourned at 10:55 a.m.

                          *   *   *   *   *