SUPPORTS ITEM NO. 4 CS&B AGENDA NOVEMBER 28, 1996 ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Date: November 13, 1996 TO: Standing Committee on City Services and Budgets FROM: Director, Office of Cultural Affairs SUBJECT: 1996 Community Public Art Grants RECOMMENDATIONS A. THAT Council approve grants totalling $ 83,000 to 13 organizations listed in Table 1, source of funds to be $58,000 of City funds and $ 25,000 of Vancouver Foundation, in the Public Art Unallocated Capital Account. B. THAT funds be released on the authority of the Director, Office of Cultural Affairs after Park Board approval of projects intended for Park sites, and after civic staff have resolved any outstanding technical or administrative concerns. THE GENERAL MANAGER S COMMENTS: The General Manager of Community Services submits A & B for CONSIDERATION. COUNCIL POLICY On May 28, 1996, Council approved $ 100,000 for the Community Public Art program. Its objectives are to encourage and assist artists and communities to collaborate on public art projects which contribute to community development and create lasting art legacies. Approval of grant recommendations requires eight affirmative votes. PURPOSE The Office of Cultural Affairs received 24 applications for 1996 Community Public Art grants, totalling $ 146,469. This report outlines the applications, describes the evaluation process, and recommends grants to 13 community projects. SUMMARY Table 1 (following) summarizes the 13 grants recommended by the Director of the Office of Cultural Affairs. Appendix A provides details of the recommended projects; Appendix B lists the 11 projects not recommended for funding; and Appendix C provides the guidelines and criteria of the Community Public Art program. Table 1 - Projects Recommended Grants are recommended to the following non-profit societies which are the organizational partners in the community public art projects described in Appendix A. Community Organizations Requested Recommended Mount Pleasant Community Assoc. 10,000 6,000 Britannia Community Services Centre 10,085 2,000 Hastings Community Centre Association 7,810 4,500 Vancouver Art Forum Society 5,523 5,000 Strathcona Community Centre Assoc. 25,000 11,250 Reach for the Arts Society 9,576 6,500 Fraserlands Riverside Residents Assoc. 20,000 13,000 L Association des Parents de L Ecole Bilangue 2,498 2,000 Stanley Park Ecology Society 22,372 15,000 Mid-Main Comm.Health Centre Society 18,750 2,000 Thunderbird Community Centre Assoc. 5,750 5,750 Tradeworks Training Centre Soc. 13,300 7,000 Queen Elizabeth Elementary Annex 5,890 3,000 Total $146,469 $83,000 Approval of the recommendations in Table 1 leaves no unallocated funds in the 1996 Community Public Art budget. BACKGROUND On May 28,1996, City Council approved a 1996 allocation of $100,000 to the Civic Public Art Program and a draft budget outlining expenditures. The draft budget was based on the assumption that the Vancouver Foundation would also participate in the program. The Foundation's contribution is now confirmed as $25,000 toward projects recommended in this Report. BUDGET 1996 Community Public Art Program City funding approved $ 100,000 Vancouver Foundation $ 25,000 $ 125,000 Costs: Program expenses $ 7,200 Facilitator $ 13,500 $ 20,700 *Maintenance Reserve $ 9,300 Insurance $ 2,000 Materials costs for Artist-in-Residence Program $ 10,000 $ 21,300 Recommended for projects $ 83,000 * Approved by Council on Oct. 8, 1996 DISCUSSION The 24 applications received were first reviewed by the staff Public Art Technical Team to identify departmental jurisdictions and requirements (risk management, permit needs, engineering implications, and Park Board approval requirements). Applications were then evaluated by a review panel consisting of four community representatives familiar with the program goals, plus the program facilitator and a Cultural Planner. The four community panellists rated the applications for the best fit with the program goals, with staff providing support and comments. The panellists were: Marg Meikle, Public Art Committee Karen Stanley, artist, community volunteer Sheila Hall, artist Karen Parker, youth representative Grants were recommended to thirteen applicants, with preference given to projects that: presented a clear and well-developed plan of action and budget; identified lasting art legacies which are technically feasible, new or innovative, and respond to a community issue or concern; and demonstrated strong community support and involvement in the design and implementation of the project. A detailed description of Program guidelines and criteria is contained in Appendix C. * * * * * APPENDIX A 1 of 4 DESCRIPTION OF RECOMMENDED PROJECTS Mount Pleasant Community Centre Association Title: Banners on Broadway This project will create neighbourhood street banners extending along East Broadway from Guelph Street to Victoria Drive. The project will be led by an artist/co-ordinator and banners will be created through an extensive series of workshops involving Mount Pleasant residents of all ages. Requested: $ 10,000 Recommended: $ 6,000 Britannia Community Services Centre Title: Children s Animal Pathway Creation of a stepping stone pathway with animal designs for the children's play area of Victoria Park. Area residents have done extensive preparation for the project and will offer workshops where children and adults can make artwork contributing to the pathway. Requested: $ 10,085 Recommended: $ 2,000 Hastings Community Centre Association ( for Clinton Neighbourhood Committee) Title: Clinton Park Kiosk The community at Clinton Park proposes the building of a kiosk to serve as both a meeting place and a public notice board. The Committee has developed a preliminary design with an artist, and is seeking support for further community involvement to finalizing its appearance, and for the cost of materials and fabrication. Requested: $ 7,810 Recommended: $ 4,500 Vancouver Art Forum Society Title: December 6th Discussions Residents of the downtown eastside, in collaboration with an artist familiar with placing works in public venues, will produce artwork for a set of bus shelter posters. The posters will deal with the theme of violence against women and will be displayed in bus shelters for a 4 week period to coincide with the Dec. 6 commemoration of women victims of violence. In addition, the posters will be displayed in downtown eastside service organizations and the Central Library. Requested: $ 5,523 Recommended: $ 5,000 APPENDIX A 2 of 4 Strathcona Community Centre Association Title: The Glass Hand Project Working with students at Seymour School and youth at Strathcona Community Centre, two artists working with glass and having the appropriate equipment will create cast-glass hands and other object to be embedded in concrete benches set out in the Strathcona area. Requested: $ 25,000 Recommended: $ 11,250 Reach for the Arts Society Title: Hands Across the Heights The project proposes to build a number of concrete refuse containers surfaced with artwork made from pottery fragments, hand prints, and found objects. The containers will be created by residents and installed in the Champlain Heights area . Requested: $ 9,576 Recommended: $ 6,500 Fraserlands Riverside Residents Association Title: Historical Markers The organizers are proposing to display small plaques marking historic events or places in the memory of South-East Vancouver residents. In order to obtain these events, the project will train local youth in oral history techniques so that they may interview long-time residents of the area. A number of locations important to residents have already been "mapped" during an earlier phase of the program. Approximately 150 stainless steel markers will be mounted on civic lamp standards or other appropriate street furnishings. Requested: $ 20,000 Recommended: $ 13,000 L Association des Parents de L'Ecole Bilangue Title: Peopling the Playground Located on west 15th avenue between Alder and Spruce streets, the organizers propose to decorate portions of a 330 foot concrete wall adjacent to the school's playground. With input from the surrounding neighbours, the artist and students will produce a mural that reflects the variety of activity and diversity of people using the school grounds. This project furthers the greening program initiated by the parents of L Ecole Bilingue. Requested $ 2,498 Recommended: $ 2,000 APPENDIX A 3 OF 4 Stanley Park Ecology Society Title: Earth Maze In close consultation with Parks staff, and working with students from two West End schools, the organizers will produce a maze made of rammed earth decorated with images from the ecology of Stanley Park. Rammed earth is compressed soil mixed with 10% cement, earthen in appearance and reasonably durable. The proposed location is near the old zoo area. Funds are recommended for the project's development costs, to ensure the maze is well designed, and for a high level of community participation. The grant is subject to Park Board approval and evidence that additional funds to complete the project are in place. Requested: $ 22,372 Recommended: $ 15,000 Mid-Main Community Health Society Title: Riley Park Bus Stop Project Design and development funds are recommended toward the creation of up to four bus shelters or bench/shelter combinations at the intersection of 25th and Main. The volunteers and organizations involved in the project have selected this major intersection as a key place to identify the entrance to the neighbourhood. Requested: $ 18,750 Recommended: $ 2,000 Thunderbird Community Centre Association Title: Community Mural With little or no arts opportunities in the surrounding area, the Thunderbird Community Centre will work with residents and an artist to produce a mural for the outside of the centre which reflects the interests of residents and users of the facility. Requested: $ 5,750 Recommended: $ 5,750 Tradeworks Youth Training Society Title: Downtown Vertical Garden and Mural The Society proposes to create a combination of planting and murals that would be designed and constructed by street youth . Funds are recommended for the design and development stage in order to ensure a well-executed garden/mural project once a site has been finalized. Requested: $ 13,300 Recommended: $ 7,000 APPENDIX A 4 OF 4 Queen Elizabeth Elementary School Annex Title: Woodland Circles Students and parents of Queen Elizabeth Annex will work with a local artist to produce stepping stones with images of plant life to enhance the play area of the school. Requested $ 5,890 Recommended: $ 3,000 APPENDIX B 1 OF 2 PROJECTS NOT RECOMMENDED Contemporary Art Gallery Title: An Interactive approach to Community Art. Documentation and CD ROM based on existing and "virtual" Community Art projects. Requested: $9,600 Neighbour to Neighbour Titles: Community Garden Art Creation of art markes made of organic materials for community gardens. Requested: $8,268 and $19,454. Tradeworks Youth Training Society Title: Community Totem Project Creation of a sculpture reflecting the diversity of the downtown eastside. To be located in Portside park. Requested: $17,300 Grunt Gallery Title: Mattering Map Project Placing art-works in small working-class diners in the Mount Pleasant area and providing a map for walking tours. Requested: $4,844 Britannia Neighbours Title: The Post Project Adorning existing posts in Mosaic Creek Park with art works. Requested: $10,220 Helen Pitt Gallery Title: Sign Language Outdoor art installation using colour photography for the back of parking signs in the Central Library precinct. Requested: $5,177 Trout Lake Community Centre Title: Kinetic Wind Sculpture Artists project for wind sculpture in John Hendry Park. Requested: $28,034 Ray-Cam Co-operative Centre Title: Wall of Dreams Wall mural for the interior of the gym. Requested: $10,097 Kitsilano Chamber of Commerce Title: Welcome to Kitsilano Sign at Cornwall and Burrard. Requested: $11,950 APPENDIX B 2 OF 2 PROJECTS NOT MEETING ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Capilano College Foundation Title: the Women's Monument To add tiles recognizing financial donors around the monument. Program funds are for new work, this project is already well under way. Additionally, a condition of its acceptance for a civic site was that no City funds be required for its fabrication, installation or maintenance. Requested: $ 6,840 Neighbour to Neighbour Title: Community Garden Catalogue Documentation of community gardens was proposed, however, program criteria do not extend to documentation projects. Requested: $ 8,268