                             ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT
                                                    Date:  November 8, 1996

   TO:        Vancouver City Council

   FROM:      Director of Finance, in consultation with the Director of the
              Vancouver Public Library

   SUBJECT:   Library Square Project - Final Financing Plan


        A.    THAT Council approve the final expenditures and revenues
              associated with the Library Square capital budget as detailed
              in the report.

        B.    THAT Council approve the financing plan to fund the $6.413
              million shortfall in revenue for the Library Square project
              with a loan from Capital Financing Fund (Solid Waste Capital
              Reserve) as described in this report. The loan will be repaid
              on terms and conditions as determined by the Director of
              Finance, with the source of funds for the repayment of the
              loan to be debt charges as funded in the annual operating


        The General Manager of Corporate Services RECOMMENDS approval of A
        and B, noting that the Library Square project represents the City's
        largest single capital expenditure/project to date. The project was
        completed on time and on budget with laudable participation by the
        Library Board and its staff, combined with the project management
        expertise of the City's Facilities Development group. The revenue
        shortfall noted in this report is attributable to a drop in the
        real estate market resulting in a lower selling price for the old
        central library site and from intense competition with other
        fund-raising campaigns, much of which reflects an economic outcome
        outside the control of the City.


   City Council, on January 31, 1995, approved the projected 1995
   expenditures and the revised funding sources of the Library Square
   project, and instructed the General Manager of Corporate Services to
   report back on a financing plan for the revenue shortfall at the
   completion of the project. 

   This report presents the final expenditures and revenues associated with
   the Library Square project, identifies a revenue shortfall, and
   recommends that the City enter into an internal financing arrangement to
   address the shortfall.


   On May 26, 1992, and in January 1993, Council approved budgets for the
   Library Square project totalling $106.81 million and, in January 1993,
   Council authorised the borrowing of $62.70 million to fund the PWC
   Tower, for a total project budget of $169.51 million.

   On January 31, 1995, Council approved the projected capital expenditures
   for 1995 and the revised funding sources, and instructed the General
   Manager of Corporate Services to report back on a financing plan for the
   revenue shortfall at completion of the project, with interim funding
   provided from internal sources.

   In April 1995, Council approved the extension of the term of the Library
   Square capital campaign to December 1995, and approved an additional
   operating budget of $138,800 to be funded from the capital campaign


   A. Expenditures

   Library Square project has been completed. A summary of the current
   approved budget and the final expenditures are as follows :

                              Approved     Final
   Item                       Budget       Expenditures
                              ($ 000)      ($ 000)

   Competition                   574          574
   Capital Campaign-Phase I      500          468

   Capital Campaign-Phase II     639          721
   Land                        7,000        7,000
   Fees and Disbursements     12,149       12,175
   Construction              113,772      115,840
   Furniture and Fit-Up       12,246       11,844
   Public Art                    550          552
   General Administration      2,525        2,690
   Tower Financing            14,364       14,363
   Contingency                 2,730            0  (1)
   GST                         2,600        2,400
   BCBC Leasehold Improvement  1,579        1,579  (2)
   Discount on Debenture         149          149
   Total                    $171,377     $170,355
   B. Sources of Funds              
                              Current           Final
   Item                       Approved Budget   Revenues
                              ($ 000)           ($ 000)

   1991 - 1993 Capital Plan   36,600            36,600
   Sale of Old Site (Net)     22,171            22,203
   Property Endowment Fund    10,400            10,400
   Parking Site Reserve        7,700             7,700
   Capital Financing Fund      9,999             9,999 (3)
   Mortgage - Office Tower    62,700            62,700
   Interest Earnings           1,087             1,637
   Parking Revenue to May 1995    49                 0
   Unencumbered Rent(net)      2,229             1,849
   Provincial Childcare Grant    388               350
   Management Fee              1,690             1,690
   Capital Campaign           12,639             8,814 (4)
   Add l financing             3,725             6,413 (5)
   Total Sources of Funds   $171,377          $170,355


   (1)   Contingency for the project has been removed reflecting the 
         completion of the project.

   (2)   BCBC leasehold improvement approved by Council in July 1995,to be
         recovered from future rent payments from BCBC.

   (3)   Includes an additional financing of $1.579 million for BCBC
         leasehold improvement as approved by Council in July 1995.

   (4)   Reflects total capital campaign revenue pledged and collected
         to-date against the target of $12.639 million, a shortfall of
         $3.825 million.

   (5)   The $6.413 million represents the revenue required to fund the
         net adjustments to the project, including a shortfall in the sale
         of the old site due to a drop in the market value of the land,
         and a shortfall in the proceeds of the capital campaign due to
         competition from other concurrent fund raising initiatives. 
   C. Financing Plan

   The Director of Finance proposes that the revenue shortfall of Library
   Square project of $6.413 million be financed with a loan from the
   Capital Financing Fund (Solid Waste Capital Reserve). The term of the
   loan will be for a ten year period with the 1996 interest rate set at 7%
   per annum. In future years, the terms and conditions of the loan will be
   determined by the Director of Finance based on the market conditions at
   that time.  
   This loan of $6.413 million will be repaid by debt charges as funded in
   the City s operating budget. For 1996, the partial year s cost is
   $258,600 and funding is available within the current operating budget.
   For 1997 - 2006, the annual debt charges will be provided for in those
   operating budgets.

                           *     *     *     *     *