REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING

                               November 7, 1996

        A Regular Meeting of Vancouver City Council was held on Thursday,
   November 7, 1996 at 2:00 p.m., in Committee Room No. 1, Third Floor,
   City Hall, following the Standing Committee on Planning and Environment
   meeting, to consider the recommendations of the Committee.

             PRESENT:       Mayor Owen (Enquiry Item 2)
                            Councillors Bellamy, Chiavario, Clarke, Hemer,
                            Ip, Price, Puil and Sullivan

             ABSENT:        Councillor Kennedy 
                            Councillor Kwan

   CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE:   Ken Dobell, City Manager

   CLERK TO THE COUNCIL:    Denise Salmon


   MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
   SECONDED by Cllr. Hemer,
        THAT this Council resolve itself into Committee of the Whole,
   Deputy Mayor Ip in the Chair.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                               COMMITTEE REPORTS

   Report of Standing Committee
   on Planning and Environment
   November 7, 1996            

        Council considered the recommendations of the Committee, as
   contained in the following clauses of the attached report:

        Cl.1      Environmental Grants
        Cl.2      Display Site for Interurban Car 1207
        Cl.3      Proposed Text Amendments to the Downtown 
                  O.D.P. and Amendments to the Downtown 
                  South Design Guidelines
        Cl.4      Accessible and Usable Dwellings Project-
                  Status Report
                          COMMITTEE REPORTS (CONT'D)

   Report of Standing Committee
   on Planning and Environment
   November 7, 1996            

   Clause 1

   MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
        THAT the recommendations of the Committee, as set out in Clause 1
   of the attached report, be approved.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY AND
                                             BY THE REQUIRED MAJORITY

   Clauses 2, 3 and 4

   MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
        THAT the recommendations of the Committee, as set out in Clauses 2,
   3 and 4 of the attached report, be approved.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


   MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
        THAT the Committee of the Whole rise and report.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


   MOVED BY Cllr. Hemer,
   SECONDED BY Cllr. Bellamy,
        THAT the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                          ENQUIRIES AND OTHER MATTERS

   1.   AIDS Monument                                          File: 4113-3

        Councillor Puil advised BCTV had conducted a phone-in survey on the
   AIDS Memorial proposed for Stanley Park, and 96% of the callers were
   opposed to its location in Ceperley Park, to the east of the Fire Engine
   and overlooking the Bicycle Path.

   MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
   SECONDED by Cllr. Chiavario,
        THAT due to the overwhelming public concern and the lack of proper
   public consultation, the Park Board be requested to revisit the decision
   on the location of the AIDS Memorial.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                   (Mayor Owen was not present for the vote)

                                   *   *   *
         (The Mayor returned during discussion of the following item)
                                   *   *   *

   2.   Club Keno in Liquor License Premises                   File: 2633-3

        Mr. Paul Teichroeb, Deputy Chief License Inspector, advised he had
   spoken with the Manager of Communications for the Lottery Corporation,
   who confirmed five Club Keno machines have been installed in the
   following licensed premises:

        -    Eldorado, on October 28
        -    Avanti's Pub, on October 29
        -    Royal Canadian Legion at 2205 Commercial, on October 24
        -    Royal Canadian Legion at 727 East 49th, on October 29
        -    Dover Arms, on October 24

        Inspectors have visited the above premises, and all machines are
   currently in use.  The above premises have been requested to remove the
   machines, and all but the Dover Arms have agreed to do so if so ordered.

        A seven day order to remove the machines will now be issued.
   Discussions with Lottery Corporation lawyers are expected to continue on
   Tuesday, November 12, 1996.  The City could seek an injunction or lay
   charges if all machines are not removed within seven days.

                                   *   *   *

                        Council adjourned at 4:15 p.m.

                                   *   *   *

                               REPORT TO COUNCIL

                         STANDING COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL
                          ON PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT

                               November  7, 1996

        A Regular Meeting of the Standing Committee of Council on Planning
   and Environment was held on Thursday, November 7, 1996, at 2:00 p.m. in
   Committee Room No. 1, Third Floor, City Hall.

        PRESENT:                 Councillor Price, Chair
                                 Mayor Owen
                                 Councillor Bellamy
                                 Councillor Chiavario
                                 Councillor Clarke
                                 Councillor Hemer
                                 Councillor Ip
                                 Councillor Kennedy
                                 Councillor Puil
                                 Councillor Sullivan

        ABSENT:                  Councillor Kwan 

        CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE:   Ken Dobell, City Manager

        CLERK:                   Denise Salmon

   1.   Environmental Grants                                   File: 2252-3

        The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated October
   22, 1996 (on file), in which the Director of Environmental Health, in
   consultation with the General Managers of Engineering and Corporate
   Services, Director of Permits & Licenses and Medical Health Officer
   recommended approval of a request for a grant from the Strathcona
   Community Gardeners Society, and submitted for consideration two
   additional grant requests, from the Oceans Blue Foundation and Better
   Environmentally Sound Transportation Association.

        The General Manager of Community Services recommended approval of
   the $20,000 grant to the Strathcona Community Gardeners Society and
   submitted for Council's consideration approval of a grant of $24,000 to
   the Oceans Blue Foundation and $15,000 to the Better Environmentally
   Sound Transportation Association.

   Clause No.1 Continued

        Mr. Doug Glen, Environmental Health, advised the two applications
   submitted for consideration do not meet all grant criteria approved by
   Council.  Oceans Blue Foundation, although very supportive of City
   policies, may not primarily benefit the city's residents.  This is the
   second year of funding for B.E.S.T.'s program, but the first time a 
   grant has been requested, specifically for funding three-quarters of the
   salary costs of a full time project coordination for the 1997 Bike to
   Work Week.   All aspects of its program are very supportive of City

        Ms. Cheeying Ho, B.E.S.T., advised the Alternative Transportation
   Centre provides education, resources and consultation services to help
   individuals and organizations use alternative modes of transportation. 
   The ATC coordinates Bike to Work Week, which was initiated in Vancouver
   this year.  B.E.S.T. is requesting a grant to cover three-quarters of
   the salary cost of a full time project coordinator for the 1997 Bike to
   Work Week. For the event to be successful, a full time coordinator is
   needed to proceed with fund raising, planning and organization of
   various activities.  This will be a one-time grant for start-up funding,
   and reflects goals set out in the City's draft Transportation Plan. 

        Ms. Coralie Mackie, Executive Director, Oceans Blue Foundation,
   advised the Foundation is a non-profit organization and registered
   society that develops practical programs for environmentally responsible
   tourism in port cities.  She further advised Oceans Blue was involved in
   the development of "Keep Greater Vancouver Spectacular" this year.  The
   six-week city-wide clean-up campaign led by Tourism Vancouver and the
   City of Vancouver collected 90 tonnes of garbage.  The request for
   financial support is for creation of a manual to accompany the Keep
   Greater Vancouver Spectacular (KGVS) program.  Funding has also been
   requested from The Vancouver Foundation and the G.V.R.D.  She further
   advised funds collected from the "how to" manual would go directly to
   the City.

        In response to a question from Council, Ms. Mackie advised the
   manual will be available in French, and other languages as requested.

        The following motion by Mayor Owen, was put and carried.  The
   Committee, therefore,

   Clause No.1 Continued


        A.   THAT Council approve a grant of $20,000 to the Strathcona
             Community Gardeners Society for their "Environmental Systems
             Project"; source of funds to be the Environmental Grant Fund
             in the Solid Waste Capital Reserve.

        B.   THAT Council approve a grant of $24,000 to the Oceans Blue
             Foundation for their "Keep Greater Vancouver Spectacular"
             community-wide clean-up program; source of funds to be the
             Environmental Grant Fund in the Solid Waste Capital Reserve.

        C.   THAT Council approve a grant of $15,000 to the Better
             Environmentally Sound Transportation Association for their
             "Bike to Work Week" program; source of funds to be the
             Environmental Grant Fund in the Solid Waste Capital Reserve.

                                      -    CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY AND
                                           BY THE REQUIRED MAJORITY

   2.   Display Site for Interurban Car 1207                     File: 5558

        The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated October
   17, 1996 (on file), in which the General Manager of Engineering Services
   sought Council approval for a display site and building for Interurban
   Car 1207.

        Mr. Peter Bremner, Transportation Engineer, advised due to traffic
   congestion, parking and view concerns raised by merchants and residents, 
   Council earlier this year requested staff to review alternate locations,
   other than Second Avenue west of Anderson,  for storage and display of
   Interurban Car 1207.

         Engineering staff reviewed a number of alternate sites adjacent
   the Creek; however, existing track for demonstration runs of the car
   currently exists only at Sixth Avenue and Moberly.  An open house to
   seek neighbourhood input was held in September and, in addition, 1400
   notices were delivered to surrounding residents and businesses.   Of the
   23 comments sheets returned, 20 supported  this site.

   Clause No.2 Continued

        Engineering staff are recommending the Street Car display and
   storage building be located adjacent to Moberly Road, as shown in Figure
   1 of the City Manager's Report dated October 17, 1996.  This site is
   close to the transit loop and walkway access and the storage building
   would act as a noise buffer for area residents.  However, Figure 2 is
   also an option, with four of the survey respondents in favour of moving
   the storage building further to the east.

        Mr. Dale Laird, Trolleys & Museums Society (TRAM), advised TRAM
   preferred the Figure 2 location for the street car building.  He
   explained the easterly location would allow for more security, due to
   the adjacent Police building.  More parking was also available adjacent
   this location.  In addition, Mr. Laird requested the display location
   for the Street Car also be moved further to the east to address possible
   safety concerns related to vision blockage if located too near the 6th
   and Moberly intersection.

        The following motion by Councillor Bellamy was put and carried. 
   The Committee, therefore,


        THAT Council approve the building site for Interurban Car 1207 be
        located on the former CP Rail False Creek corridor east of Moberly
        Road as shown on Figure 2 of the Manager's Report dated October 17,        1996;

        FURTHER THAT the location for display of the Street Car be
        relocated further east from the Moberly Road/6th Avenue crossroads
        to address safety concerns, including possible vehicular view

                                      -    CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                                    *  *  *

   Conflict of Interest

        Councillor Kennedy declared a conflict of interest on Item No. 3
   and left the meeting. The Councillor did not return for the remainder of
   the meeting.
                                    *  *  *

   3.   Proposed Text Amendment to the 
        Downtown O.D.P. and Amendments to       File: 5001-6/8007-15
        the Downtown South Design Guidelines                 8007-3         

        The Committee had before it a Policy Report dated October 25, 1996
   (on file), in which the Directors of Land Use & Development and Central
   Area Planning recommended proposed amendments to the Downtown Official
   Development Plan (DODP) and to the Downtown South Guidelines.  

        The General Manager of Community Services recommended approval of
   the proposed amendments to both the DODP and Guidelines, and submitted
   average floor-to-floor height guidelines for consideration, noting
   Options C2 and C3 of the Policy Report each provide increasing

        Mr. Ralph Segal, Senior Development Planner, provided an overview
   of the proposed text amendments to the Downtown O.D.P. and amendments to
   the Downtown South Design Guidelines.  Also before Council were
   schematics demonstrating three possible build-out scenarios reflecting
   consideration items C1, C2 and C3.

        The changes to the DODP would:

   1)   permit live/work uses in the low-rise portion of developments;
   2)   give the Development Permit board discretion to relax the height
        limit of 70 feet on small sites to accommodate increased density
        for low cost and social housing; and
   3)   add a section to emphasize the importance of the public realm in
        the downtown.

   The proposed changes to the Downtown South Guidelines include:

   1)   language to emphasize the importance of minimizing shadow impacts
        on public open space and shopping streets (Granville and Davie
   2)   guidelines to strengthen safety and security aspects of projects;
   3)   provision for self-contained live-work units in the low-rise
        portion of a development;
   4)   a guideline to tower floor plate size to encourage slim towers;
   5)   reduction of the rear yard setback in low-rise portion of
        development to 10 feet from 30 feet; and
   6)   guidelines to upgrade the lane environment by providing more

   Clause No.3 Continued

        In addition, an additional choice of amendments to the guidelines
   brought forward for consideration, would provide:

        Option C1: a 10-foot average floor-to-floor height and ensure
        compact, generously spaced buildings that minimize shadow impacts,

        Option C2: a 12-foot average floor-to-floor height, which would
        provide a wider variety of units types; however, the additional
        building volumes of this option would generate additional shadow
        and view impacts, or

        Option C3: would not pursue any floor-to-floor control.

        Mr. Rick Scobie advised the Guidelines do not need to go to Public
   Hearing, but can be referred for discussion.

        Mr. Gerry Kennedy, Kaisan Kennedy Design Partnership, advised due
   to late receipt of the report he had not had time to study it in detail. 
   He encouraged Council to move discussion of the whole issue to Public
   Hearing, and suggested the proposed amendments to the Downtown South
   Guidelines appeared akin to downzoning.  Mr. Kennedy further questioned
   the need for a set average floor-to-floor height, noting controls
   currently exist through setbacks, height limits, FSR, view cones, Urban
   Design Panel and discretionary zoning.  Mr. Kennedy stated FSR was not
   an adequate measure to control volume.

        Mr. Chuck Brook, noted he had been a consultant to the City of
   Vancouver, together with Edwin Blewett, on an FSR study.  He described
   FSR as a 2-dimensional way to measure 3-dimensional buildings and urged
   Council move toward a more direct regulation of building volume and not
   density.  Mr. Brook further advised to achieve a streetscape wall in
   Downtown South, building regulations need to be relaxed below 70 feet,
   then closely regulated above that height.  He advised Council to either
   incorporate the 10-foot floor-to-floor height into the Guidelines, or
   allow applicants to decide what the maximum building height will allow.

        Mr. Scobie advised this report is an attempt to standardize FSR,
   and produce a standard set of rules.  He further noted the referenced
   FSR Study is currently on the back burner due to staffing allocations to
   the building review process.

   Clause No.3 Continued

        Mr. Graham McGarva, highlighted Vancouver's urban design success,
   noting Vancouver is a city of slender towers and a spectacular
   landscape.  He suggested the proposed guidelines will continue this
   tradition, but also allow the opportunity for creative design.  He
   further emphasized the need for a clear process, as outlined in Table 1
   of Section 4.1.3 of the Draft Downtown South Guidelines.  He suggested
   the 10-foot floor-to-floor height is adequate, but favours Option C3, as
   long as recommended floor plate size guidelines are strictly adhered to.

        Mr. Leo Ferry, Downtown South Redevelopment Impacts Committee,
   urged the guidelines be adopted before another project similar to 1268
   Seymour comes forward.

        Mr. Sam Campbell, enquired if the lofts would be for sale or rent,
   as most artists can't afford their purchase price.  The Chair advised
   artists' live/work lofts were not part of the discussion at today's

        Ms. Dorothy Milne, expressed the need for clear guidelines as well
   as the importance of a good liaison between developers, builders and
   planners.  She also noted the allowable lofts should be suitable as
   spare bedrooms, but not become another rentable unit.

        Lengthy discussion followed on the option of sending all material
   forward to Public Hearing, or approving the recommended Downtown South
   Guidelines at today's meeting.  Mr. Scobie advised, legally, the
   Guidelines are not a part of the Public Hearing and can be approved now. 
   However, if not approved at today's meeting, any developments currently
   in process or forthcoming, would be processed under the existing
   Guidelines.  Mr. Segal advised two applications are currently in process
   for Downtown South, and both meet existing and proposed zoning.  Two
   more applications may be forthcoming.

        The following motion by Councillor Puil was put and carried.  The
   Committee, therefore,


        THAT  the following Recommendations A and B and Consideration Items
        C1, C2, and C3, as set out in the Manager's Report dated October
        25, 1996, and noted below, be referred to Public Hearing:

   Clause No.3 Continued

             A.   THAT the Director of Land Use & Development be instructed
                  to make application to amend the Downtown Official
                  Development Plan generally in accordance with Appendix A;

                  FURTHER THAT the Director of Legal Services be instructed
                  to prepare the necessary by-law;

                  AND FURTHER THAT the application and by-law be referred
                  to Public Hearing.

             B.   THAT the existing "Downtown South Guidelines (excluding
                  Granville Street)" be amended by Council to incorporate
                  the changes noted in Appendix B.

             C1.  THAT the Downtown South Guidelines (excluding Granville
                  Street) be further amended to incorporate the changes
                  noted in Appendix C, calling for an average
                  floor-to-floor height in residential developments not
                  exceeding 10 ft.


             C2.  THAT the Downtown South Guidelines (excluding Granville
                  Street) be further amended to incorporate the changes
                  noted in Appendix C, calling for an average
                  floor-to-floor height in residential developments not
                  exceeding 12 ft.


             C3.  THAT the Downtown South Guidelines NOT be further amended
                  to address a floor-to-floor height in residential

        FURTHER THAT, in the interim pending the Public Hearing,
        Recommendation B and Consideration Item C1 apply.

                                      -    CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

   4.   Accessible and Usable 
        Dwellings Project - Status Report                      File: 4651-3

        The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated October
   29, 1996 (on file), in which the Director of Land Use & Development
   summarized the current thinking and draft proposals for the Accessible
   and Usable Dwellings Project (AUDP).  A report back of the final
   recommendations is also recommended following review with the AUDP
   working committee, Seniors, and Disability Issues Advisory Committees.

        The General Manager of Community Services recommended Council
   receive for information the status report.

        Ms. Janet Digby, Zoning Review Planner, summarized the draft
   proposals of AUDP as follows:

        -    a set of performance objectives establishing the minimum level
             of accessibility to, and usability of, basic dwelling

        -    a design strategy that relies, to varying extents, on
             additions and modifications of dwelling features on the part
             of the occupant;

        -    a design technique that allows designers to develop a design
             response to suite the unique parameters of each project;

        -    a voluntary implementation strategy based on 'underwriting'
             additional development risks by providing support in the form
             of knowledge, incentive and certification programs; and

        -    a proposal to decentralized implementation through
             partnerships with relevant organizations.

        The following motion by Councillor Puil was put and carried.  The
   Committee, therefore,


        THAT Council receive for information the status report on the
        Accessible and Usable Dwellings Project (AUDP) which includes a
        summary of the dwelling design and implementation strategies
        currently under consideration.

   Clause No.4 Continued

        AND THAT staff report back the final recommendations of the
        Accessible and Usable Dwellings Project (AUDP), following review by
        the AUDP Working Committee and the Special Council Advisory
        Committees on Seniors and Disability Issues.

                                      -    CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                  (The Mayor left the meeting at this point.)

                                    *  *  *

                     The Committee adjourned at 3:50 p.m.

                                    *  *  *