
                                 POLICY REPORT
                           DEVELOPMENT AND BUILDING

                                             Date: 1996 10 11
                                             Dept. File: 96024-LC

   TO:       Vancouver City Council

   FROM:     Director of Land Use and Development

   SUBJECT:  Proposed CD-1 Text Amendment for 1606 West 1st Avenue


        THAT the application by Burrowes Huggins Architects to amend CD-1
        By-law No. 7476 for 1606 West 1st Avenue [Lot I, Block 219, DL 526,
        Plan LMP 24606] to expand the permitted office uses to include
        Health Care Office and Health Enhancement Centre, be referred to a
        Public Hearing, together with:

        (i)  the draft CD-1 By-law amendment, generally as contained in
             Appendix A; and

        (ii) the recommendation of the Director of Land Use and Development
             to approve the application, subject to the condition contained
             in Appendix B;

        FURTHER THAT the Director of Legal Services be instructed to
        prepare the necessary by-law for consideration at the Public


        The General Manager of Community Services RECOMMENDS approves of
        the foregoing.


   Relevant Council policies for this site include:

       Burrard Slopes IC Districts Interim Policies, adopted June 24,
       Central Area Plan, adopted December 3, 1991.

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   This report assesses an application to amend CD-1 By-law No. 7476 which
   applies to the site at 1606 West 1st Avenue to expand the permitted
   office uses to include Health Care Office and Health Enhancement Centre.
   Staff support the proposed text amendment as the proposed uses are
   consistent with the Burrard Slopes IC Districts Interim Policies which
   identifies the uses as compatible with residential development.

                                 MAP GOES HERE



   Uses:   The permitted  uses in the existing  CD-1 By-law include retail,
   service, manufacturing, residential and office, but not including Health
   Care  Office or  Health Enhancement  Centre. All  permitted uses  are in
   accordance with the Burrard  Slopes IC Districts Interim  Policies which
   allow  above-grade  residential  in   a  mixed-use  building  where  the
   accompanying non-residential  uses  are residentially  compatible.  This
   application requests that two additional uses that were specifically not
   permitted  in the CD-1 By-law  due to their  higher parking requirement,
   namely Health Care Office and Health Enhancement Centre, be permitted to
   provide  for the  medical,  dental and  related  health needs  of  local
   residents. Staff  support the proposed  uses, which are  also considered
   compatible with residential uses according to the Burrard Slopes Interim
   Policies, if the higher parking requirement is met.

                                     - 3 -

   Parking:  At the time of the original rezoning of the site to  CD-1, the
   applicant did not seek  Health Care Office or Health  Enhancement Centre
   uses because the  parking requirement  is higher than  for other  office
   uses  and the  then proposed  parking would  not accommodate  the higher
   requirement. However, the development that was subsequently approved and
   is under construction will contain 118 parking spaces,  which is 19 more
   spaces than  required.    The  development  can  therefore  now  provide
   adequate parking to accommodate  all types of office use.  On this basis
   staff support  the amendment  to the CD-1  By-law to permit  Health Care
   Office and Health Enhancement Centre.

   Density:    The CD-1 By-law  limits the maximum floor  space ratio (FSR)
   for office uses to 1.00. The applicant proposes no change  to this limit
   and intends to accommodate the Health Care Office and Health Enhancement
   Centre uses  within the portion of  the floor area already  approved for
   office use.


   Staff  support the proposed expansion  of office uses  to include Health
   Care  Office  and  Health  Enhancement  Centre. The  proposed  uses  are
   consistent with  the  Burrard  Slopes  Interim Policies,  and  would  be
   accommodated within  the  approved densities  for  this site.    Parking
   requirements for these uses  would also be met. Staff recommend that the
   rezoning  application   be  referred   to  a   Public  Hearing   with  a
   recommendation  from the Director of Land Use and Development to approve
   it,  subject to the draft CD-1 By-law  amendment as shown in Appendix A,
   and to the proposed condition of approval as listed in Appendix B.

                                           * * * * *

                                                                              APPENDIX A

                            PROPOSED TEXT AMENDMENT
                             1606 West 1st Avenue

   Amend Section 2 (c), Uses, of CD-1 By-law No. 7476, as follows:
   (strikeout indicates amendment)

    (c)    Offices Uses,  but not  including Health  Care Office, or  Health
           Enhancement Centre, 
                                                                 APPENDIX B

                        PROPOSED CONDITION OF APPROVAL

   (a)     That prior to enactment of the amending bylaw, and at no cost  to
           the City, the registered owner shall:

           (i)   make  suitable arrangements,  to the  satisfaction  of the
                 General    Manager    of    Engineering    Services,   for
                 undergrounding  of   all  new  electrical  and   telephone
                 services  within and  adjacent the  site from  the closest
                 existing suitable service point.

                                                                 APPENDIX C

                            ADDITIONAL INFORMATION

   Site  and  Surrounding Area:    The  site at  1606  West  1st Avenue  is
   irregularly shaped and located at the southwest corner of Fir Street and
   West  1st  Avenue.  A  four-storey mixed-use  development  is  currently
   under-construction  and  will  include office,  retail,  restaurant  and
   residentially-compatible  light  manufacturing  uses  on  the  first and
   second floors, and 31 dwelling units on the third and fourth floors. The
   project will provide 118  parking spaces in 1 1/2  levels of underground
   parking that will  be accessed from the lane at  the southwest corner of
   the site.

   Lands  to  the  south and  west  are  generally  zoned IC-1  (Industrial
   District) and developed with a variety of low-scale commercial and light
   industrial uses.  Immediately to the west, adjoining the site, is a CD-1
   zoned   property  containing   a  mixed-use   (residential/  commercial)
   development.   Lands to  the north  and east  are zoned  M-2 (Industrial
   District) and FCCDD (False Creek Comprehensive Development District). To
   the north,  across West  1st Avenue,  is a surface  parking lot  and the
   Pennyfarthing  six- to  eight-storey residential  development, with  the
   Seaforth Armouries and Molsons  Brewery situated at the westerly  end of
   the block, adjacent  to Burrard Street. To the east,  across Fir Street,
   are the existing  CPR railway tracks.  Further east  is the False  Creek
   residential neighbourhood.

   Social and Environmental Implications:   There are no implications  with
   respect to the  Vancouver Children's Policy  or Statement of  Children's
   Entitlements. The proposed rezoning  neither contributes to nor detracts
   from the objective of reducing atmospheric pollution.

                                                                 APPENDIX D


   Public Input   An information sign was installed on the site on July 19,
   1996. On  July 26,  1996,  staff mailed  a  notification letter  to  703
   surrounding property  owners. Written and verbal  comments were received
   from 21 individuals, 13 of  whom were in favour of the proposal and 8 of
   whom were opposed. The primary concerns were the impact on the area from
   the additional parking  and traffic associated with Health  Care Offices
   and the potential for the offices to be used for an abortion clinic or a
   drug treatment centre.  

   General Manager of  Engineering Services Comments  Engineering  Services
   has no  objection to the  proposed text amendment provided  that any new
   telephone  and electrical  services are  undergrounded from  the closest
   existing suitable service point. 

   Applicant's Comments The applicant has been provided with a copy of this
   report and has the following comments:

    Please be advised that we have reviewed the rezoning report and support
   the terms and conditions as stated. 

                                                                 APPENDIX E


    APPLICATION BY      Burrowes Huggins Architects
    PROPERTY OWNER      Aragon Development Corporation

    DEVELOPER           Aragon Development Corporation


    STREET ADDRESS      1606 West 1st Avenue

    LEGAL DESCRIPTION   Lot I, Bl 219, DL 526, Plan LMP 24606
    SITE AREA           2 275 m2 (24,486 sq. ft.)

    WIDTH               68.6 m (225 ft.)

    DEPTH               36.0 m (118 ft.)


                            DEVELOPMENT             PROPOSED 
                            PERMITTED UNDER         DEVELOPMENT
                            EXISTING CD-1 ZONING

    USES                    Dwelling Units,         Dwelling Units,
                            Manufacturing, Retail,  Manufacturing, Retail,
                            Service, Office except  Service, Office
                            Health Care Office and
                            Health Enhancement
    FLOOR SPACE RATIO       Maximum - 2.50          No Change
                            (Office Uses - 1.00)

    MAXIMUM HEIGHT          15.3  m (50  ft.)       No Change

    PARKING AND LOADING     Parking for office      No Change
                            uses according to
                            Parking By-law