P3 POLICY REPORT DEVELOPMENT AND BUILDING Date: 1996 10 22 Dept. File No. MvH TO: Vancouver City Council FROM: Director of Land Use and Development, in consultation with the Director of Legal Services SUBJECT: Amendment of Zoning and Development Fee By-law RECOMMENDATION A. THAT Schedule 2, Zoning By-law Amendments, of the Zoning and Development Fee By-law No. 5585 be readjusted to 1996 as shown in Appendix A; FURTHER THAT the Director of Legal Services bring forward the necessary by-law amendments. B. THAT, should RECOMMENDATION A be approved, refunds reflecting the difference between the current fees established in Schedule 2 and the proposed fees be provided for rezoning applications submitted after August 1, 1996. GENERAL MANAGER'S COMMENTS The General Manager of Community Services RECOMMENDS approval of A and B and notes that, if RECOMMENDATION A is approved, a By-law will be presented for enactment later on this day. COUNCIL POLICY On August 1, 1996, Council enacted By-law No. 7611 to increase fees by 7 percent in the Zoning and Development Fee By-law to fund tree program costs. PURPOSE The purpose of this report is to correct an oversight whereby, on August 1, 1996, rezoning fees were inadvertently increased along with development application fees. Only the development application fees were intended to be increased to help fund the staff associated with the amended Private Property Tree By-law. BACKGROUND On July 30, 1996, Council approved a recommendation to increase development application fees to recover costs for the staff involved in application review under the amended Private Property Tree By-law. Although the recommendation referred only to application fees for "Development Permits", fee increases for "Rezoning By-law Amendments" were also inadvertently included in the report. By-law No. 7611 was enacted on August 1, 1996, and amended the Zoning and Development Fee By-law to increase fees for rezoning applications. DISCUSSION A portion of the cost recovery associated with the Private Property Tree By-law is to come from the increase in development application fees as stated in the companion policy reports to the July 30, 1996 report to Council. Since rezoning fees were not intended to be a source of cost recovery for the Private Property Tree By-law, these fees should be reduced to those as existed prior to August 1, 1996. Proposed revisions to Schedule 2 are shown in Appendix A. CONCLUSION The fee increases for Zoning By-law Amendments, enacted by Council on August 1, 1996, should be readjusted to the fee schedule existing prior to that date. These fees were inadvertently included in the report recommending Zoning and Development Fee By-law amendments to increase development application fees to help off-set costs associated with the Private Property Tree By-law. * * * APPENDIX A Page 1 of 4 SCHEDULE 2 ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENTS Existing Fee Proposed Fee (as existed prior to Aug 1/96) CHANGE ZONING DISTRICT (EXCEPT TO CD-1) 1. For an amendment to the Zoning District Plan to redesignate from one zoning district to any other zoning district except a new Comprehensive Development District: Up to 4 000 m2 site area $ 3,210.00 $ 3,000.00 For each additional 100 m2 of site area or part thereof $ 55.00 $ 50.00 Maximum fee $ 32,100.00 $ 30,000.00 TEXT AMENDMENTS (EXCEPT CD-1) 2. For an amendment to the text of the Zoning and Development By-law $ 6,420.00 $ 6,000.00 NEW CD-1 (NOT CONTEMPLATED IN AN ODP) 3. For an amendment to the Zoning District Plan to redesignate from a zoning district to a new Comprehensive Development District that is not contemplated in an Official Development Plan: (a) where the site area is smaller than 40 000 m2: Up to 4 000 m2 site area $ 10,700.00 $ 10,000.00 For each additional 100 m2 of site area or part thereof $ 105.00 $ 100.00 (b) where the site area is 40 000 m2 or greater: For the first 40 000 m2 $103,800.00 $ 97,000.00 For each additional 100 m2 of site area or part thereof $ 215.00 $ 200.00 APPENDIX A Page 2 of 4 SCHEDULE 2 ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENTS Existing Fee Proposed Fee (as existed prior to Aug 1/96) AMEND CD-1 (NOT CONTEMPLATED IN AN ODP) 4. For an amendment, in terms of permitted uses and regulations, to an existing Comprehensive Development District By-law that is not contemplated in an Official Development Plan: (a) where the site area is smaller than 40 000 m2; Up to 4 000 m2 site area $ 10,700.00 $ 10,000.00 For each additional 100 m2 of site area or part thereof $ 105.00 $ 100.00 (b) where the site area is 40 000 m2 or greater: For the first 40 000 m2 ` $103,800.00 $ 97,000.00 For each additional 100 m2 of site area or part thereof $ 215.00 $ 200.00 NEW CD-1 (CONTEMPLATED IN AN ODP) 5. For an amendment to the Zoning District Plan to redesignate from a zoning district to a new Comprehensive Development District that is contemplated in an Official Development Plan: Up to 4 000 m2 site area $ 26,750.00 $ 25,000.00 For each additional 100 m2 of site area or part thereof $ 215.00 $ 200.00 AMEND CD-1 (CONTEMPLATED IN AN ODP) 6. For an amendment, in terms of permitted uses and regulations, to an existing Comprehensive Development District By-law that is contemplated in an Official Development Plan: Up to 4 000 m2 site area $ 26,750.00 $ 25,000.00 APPENDIX A Page 3 of 4 SCHEDULE 2 ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENTS Existing Fee Proposed Fee (as existed prior to Aug 1/96) For each additional 100 m2 of site area or part thereof $ 215.00 $ 200.00 REDUCED FEES FOR LARGE SITES WITH LIMITED CHANGES 7. Notwithstanding sections 3(b), 4(b), 5 and 6 of this schedule: (a) For an amendment to the Zoning District Plan to redesignate from a zoning district to a new Comprehensive Development District that is contemplated in an Official Development Plan or that is not contemplated in an Official Development Plan but relates to a site area of 40 000 m2 or greater; or (b) For an amendment, in terms of permitted uses and regulations, to an existing Comprehensive Development District that is contemplated in an Official Development Plan or that is not contemplated in an Official Development Plan but-relates to a site area of 40 000 m2 or greater; provided, in both cases, (i) the approved or existing form of development is retained on at least 75% of the site area; or (ii) the floor space ratio of buildings already existing on the site is not increased by more than 25% or 0.5. whichever is the greater; or (iii) the Director of Planning determines that the application is similarly limited in scope having regard to use and form of development: Up to 4 000 m2 site area $ 10,700.00 $ 10,000.00 For each additional 100 m2 of site area or part thereof $ 105.00 $ 100.00 Maximum fee $ 42,800.00 $ 40,000.00 APPENDIX A Page 4 of 4 SCHEDULE 2 ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENTS Existing Fee Proposed Fee (as existed prior to Aug 1/96) AMEND CD-1 (ONE SECTION ONLY) 8. Notwithstanding sections 4, 6 and 7 of this schedule: For an amendment to an existing CD-1 By-law where no more than one section requires amendment $ 4,280.00 $ 4,000.00 RESUBMISSION DUE TO CHANGE IN COUNCIL COMPOSITION 9. Notwithstadning any other section of this schedule, for the resubmission of an application which is unable to be enacted because of a change in the composition of Council, provided the resubmission does not alter the application and is made within 6 months of an election by-election $ 1,070.00 or $ 1,000.00 15% of the otherwise applicable fee, whichever is greater.