A5 ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Date: October 8, 1996 TO: Vancouver City Council FROM: General Manager of Community Services and Director of Permits & Licenses SUBJECT: Document Imaging/Management System - Second Phase RECOMMENDATION A. THAT Council approve the financing of the second phase of the Document Imaging/Management System with a loan of up to $500,000 from the Capital Financing Fund (Solid Waste Capital Reserve), to cover the one-time costs to convert paper documents in the Data Resource Centre, on terms and conditions as determined by the Director of Finance. B. THAT Council approve funding for equipment and furniture at an estimated one-time cost of $90,000, covered under "A" above. C. THAT Council approve the establishment of a Transition Team consisting of 4.0 F.T.E. of temporary full-time positions for up to one year, subject to job evaluation by the Director of Human Resource Services, to provide indexing service to converted paper documents at the Data Resource Centre, at an estimated one-time cost of $132,000, covered under "A" above. D. THAT Council approve the establishment of a regular full-time clerical position, subject to job evaluation by the Director of Human Resource Services, to provide written and verbal information pertaining to the legal occupancy of properties, at an estimated cost of $40,000. E. THAT Council approve the fee for service for providing information related to legal occupancy of properties as the repayment method for the $500,000 loan and to fund cost of the additional regular full-time position, with the fee schedule proposed as follows: Residential Properties $20 per request Commercial Properties $100 per request F. THAT Council approve the issuance of tender document for the design, supply and implementation of the paper document conversion process in the Data Resource Centre. - 2 - COUNCIL POLICY On February 3, 1994, Council resolved: "THAT, during the term of the 1994-1996 Budget Management Program, any proposed increases in program and/or service levels be offset by corresponding spending reductions elsewhere in the City's operating budget or by increases in non-taxation revenues, subject to Council discretion." PURPOSE The purpose of this report is to request Council approval to initiate the second phase of the Document Imaging/Management System (DOMINO) to convert the 400,000 paper documents in the Data Resource Centre to imaging documents at a one-time cost of $500,000, and on-going support cost of $40,000 for an additional regular full-time clerical position; to secure a loan of $500,000 from the Capital Financing Fund (Solid Waste Capital Reserve) to fund the project; to institute a fee for service for providing legal occupancy of properties to the public and private sectors; and to seek approval to issue a tender document for the design, supply and implementation of the conversion process. BACKGROUND On March 28, 1996, Council approved a Corporate Document Imaging/Management System at a capital cost of $2.82 million, and awarded the contract to Andersen Consulting for the implementation of the system. The system has been running live since the end of July, well ahead of the project schedule, and with costs contained within the budget. As reported to Council, the original project plan proposed that once the design and implementation stages of the system have been completed, staff will commence the conversion of the paper documents in the Data Resource Centre to imaging documents over the next two to three years. Staff have reviewed the current situation and the needs, and believe that the use of the three filing methods: microfiche (for documents received before 1994 labour dispute); paper documents (400,000 documents received during and after 1994 labour dispute); and imaged documents (24,000 documents received since end of July, 1996) is very inefficient. In order to capture the benefits of the system as quickly as possible and to provide a more acceptable service level, staff propose to accelerate the conversion process of the paper documents with the use of additional resources. - 3 - DISCUSSION One of the duties of the staff in Community Services is to research the property files located centrally in the Data Resource Centre (DRC), and to provide information related to the legal occupancy of residential and commercial buildings, currently at no charge. This service details the number of legal dwelling units in a building, and types of uses permitted in a commercial property. It is provided to realtors and leasing agents to ensure that the property is accurately listed, and to prospective tenants to ensure that the property is developed in accordance with the by-law requirements. Seven staff are involved on a part-time basis in the process. For commercial properties, the service is only provided at the Development Information & Application Counter (DIAC), while enquiry for residential properties is also available by phone. It is estimated that 1,144 enquiries on commercial properties and 1,560 enquiries on residential properties are processed annually. Researching the file is a time consuming process. Although the implementation of the Document Imaging/Management System (DOMINO) has dramatically improved the process for current documents, historical information is still being accessed from paper files and microfiche in the Data Resource Centre. It requires the customers to wait at the counter and be served on a 'first-come first-serve' basis. With the staff having to leave the counter to research the files at the Data Resource Centre, both microfiche and paper documents, it results in further delay to the other customers. The proposed solution will convert the current 400,000 paper documents to imaged documents using temporary internal resources to prepare and index the documents, and outside resources for the scanning process. The main features of the proposal are : 1. Requests will be processed at a centralized location with dedicated staff. This will free up staff involved in the current process to deal with other business and enable staff the do the research at their desks without having to go to the Data Resource Centre; 2. Records will be consolidated from three media (microfiche, paper and DOMINO) into two media (microfiche and DOMINO). This will eliminate the possibility of lost or misfiled documents. With the declining use of microfiche files, the high cost and uncertain quality of the conversion from microfiche to imaged documents, it was decided that it is not advisable to convert the microfiche to imaged documents. 3. It will free up considerable floor space on the second floor. - 4 - Conversion Process Several options have been reviewed by staff with the assistance from Andersen Consulting. They include: - a complete outsourcing of the conversion process; - a complete 'in-house' conversion process; - conversion on an 'on demand' basis; - a combined 'in-house/outsourcing' process. These options were evaluated and rated based on the accuracy, timeliness and cost of each of the processes. It was determined that the combined in-house/outsource option is the best for the City. This option utilises the expertise and resource of an outside vendor to perform the scanning and the basic indexing, which will be completed in three months. The detailed indexing will be performed by the temporary staff and is estimated that it will be completed within one year. Financial Implication The conversion project will cover the 400,000 paper documents currently in the Data Resource Centre, and the project cost is estimated to be $500,000 : A. Outside contract costs for scanning $270,000 and basic indexing include set up of high speed scanners on site in City Hall, conversion of 400,000 paper documents to imaging format, and basic indexing. B. Furniture, equipment and license cost. 90,000 Data wiring, furniture and equipment for the 4 temporary staff and 1 regular staff. C. Project Management 8,000 D. 4.0 FTE of temporary full time staff $132,000 (for 1 year) $500,000 As well, an additional regular full-time clerical position is required to process the estimated 2,700 requests for information related to the legal occupancy of buildings each year. These requests are currently handled on a part-time basis by five staff in the Development Information and Application Counter in Planning - 5 - and two staff in the Correspondence Branch in Permits & Licenses. The addition of this position will relieve the seven staff from the process and enable them to concentrate on other duties. The impact of the changes will be included as part the Development and Building Review process currently underway in Community Services Business Group and report back to Council at a later date. It is proposed that the project cost of $500,000 be financed with a loan of $500,000 from the Capital Financing Fund (Solid Waste Capital Reserve), to be repaid over a six year period. The other terms and conditions of the loan will be determined by the Director of Finance. To repay the loan, as well as the cost of the additional clerical position, it is proposed that a new fee be instituted on requests for information on the legal occupancy of property. For requests on residential properties, the fee is $20 per request, and $100 for commercial properties. It is anticipated that with dedicated staff assigned to the process and having current documents retrievable through the Document Imaging/Management System, the turnaround time can be significantly reduced. A cash flow analysis of the project is attached as Appendix 'A'. Conclusion The conversion of the 400,000 paper documents currently in the Data Resource Centre will greatly improve the efficiency in responding to requests for legal occupancy of residential and commercial properties and significantly reduce the turnaround time. In order to pay for the cost of this improved service, a capital investment of $500,000 is needed, and users are required to pay a fee for the service in order to pay off the loan. * * *