
                             ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT

                                                     Date: October 30, 1996
                                                     File No.  CREP062.wpd 

   TO:       Vancouver City Council

   FROM:     General  Manager  of  Engineering  Services  and  Manager   of
             Purchasing Services

   SUBJECT:  Tender No. 39-96-03, Supply of Refuse Transfer Semi-Trailers


        THAT Council accept the low bid from Knight Trailer Company for six
        Knight model KC312 refuse transfer semi-trailers at a total cost of
        $500,286 ($79,500.50 each, plus $1,492.50 each for truck &  trailer
        tire fenders, plus  $2,388 each for T-1 steel sub  frame), plus the
        Provincial  Sales  Tax, the  7% Goods  and  Services Tax  (less any
        municipal rebate  received) and the Provincial  Environmental Levy,
        subject  to  a  contract  satisfactory  to  the  Director of  Legal


   The  policy  of  Council is  to  award  contracts  for the  purchase  of
   equipment,  supplies and services that will give the highest value based
   on quality, service and price.

   Contracts with a value over $300,000 are referred to Council.


   Tenders for the above were opened  on September 30, 1996 and referred to
   the General  Manager of Engineering  Services and Manager  of Purchasing
   Services for  report.    The Provincial  Sales  Tax, the  7%  Goods  and
   Services Tax  (less any municipal  rebate received)  and the  Provincial
   Environmental Levy are  in addition to all pricing shown  in this report
   and in the tabulation.  A copy of the tabulation of bids is on file with
   the  Manager of Purchasing Services.   Funds are provided from the Truck
   Plant Account.


   This  tender called for prices  for Refuse Transfer  Semi-Trailers.  Six
   (6)  trailers are  required and  two (2)  bids were  received with  base
   prices of $79,500.50 and $101,500.00 each.

   Bid No. 1 -  Knight Trailer Company  submitted the low  bid, which meets
   specifications and is acceptable.

                   *        *        *        *        *