LATE DISTRIBUTION FOR COUNCIL NOVEMBER 5, 1996 A10 ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT DATE: October 25, 1996 To: Vancouver City Council From: City Manager, Chief Constable, Director of Community Services-Social Planning, and General Manager of Corporate Services Subject: Establishment of a City of Vancouver and Ministry of Attorney General Community Safety Funding Program RECOMMENDATION A. THAT Council approve establishment of the joint City of Vancouver and Ministry of Attorney General Community Safety Funding Program. B. THAT Council approve an annual grant program budget of $150,000 to the Community Safety Funding Program for a minimum of three years. A matching fund of $150,000 per year for the next three years has been confirmed by the Ministry of Attorney General. The $150,000 for the grant program to be provided in the 1997 Operating Budget, without offset. COUNCIL POLICY On July 11, 1996, City Council approved in principle an annual grant program fund of $150,000 for community crime prevention and community safety activities, subject to negotiating matching funding from the Provincial Government. City Council, on February 3, 1994, approved that during the term of the 1994 - 1996 Budget Management Program, any proposed increases in program and/or service levels be offset by corresponding spending reductions else where in the City s operating budget or by increasing non-taxation revenues, subject to Council discretion. Approval of grant funding requires eight affirmative votes of Council. BACKGROUND On July 11, 1996, staff submitted a report to Council outlining options for Council's consideration in providing support for crime prevention activities through community safety offices. City Council adopted the option to provide grant funding to support specific crime prevention activities for community safety offices. Staff will also encourage and assist in negotiating for rent-free space in City facilities such as community centres and libraries, for operation of community safety offices where appropriate. Council also instructed staff to negotiate with the Provincial Government for matching funds to this program, to design an appropriate funding program, and to consult with the community safety offices on the application and review process. DISCUSSION A series of meetings had been held involving City staff from the City Manager's office, Social Planning, Vancouver Police Department and Budgets together with the Director of Crime Prevention Division, Community Justice Branch of the Ministry of Attorney General. An agreement was reached to establish a joint Community Safety Funding Program whereby the City and Province will each contribute $150,000 annually for a minimum of three years period. A review of the program will take place after three years. The shared contribution will provide up to $300,000 per year in program funding support to community safety offices in Vancouver. (see Appendix A for confirmation of program funds from the Province) City staff and Provincial staff also worked together and developed the grant program criteria, application format, review and evaluation process. All parties have agreed to the following guidelines: the purpose of the Community Safety Funding program is to support annual program activities, not core operational costs. However, we agreed that the proposed program can include a reasonable administrative, operational cost of 15-25%; both partners' contribution is fixed at $150,000 each at this time, regardless of the number of applications received; all three categories of community safety offices (crime prevention offices, neighbourhood offices, and ethno-specific offices, as identified in the July Council report) are all eligible to apply under this program; funding decision will be based on the merit of the grant application and the credibility of the organization; the level of funding recommended will be assessed according to the need, scope, and complexity of the activities proposed. Qualified program grant will be considered in the range of $10,000 to $30,000; A community consultation meeting was held on October 23 to discuss the proposed grant program. Board and staff members of all the community safety offices were invited and input was received for clarification and improvements to the funding criteria, review and assessment process, etc. The final version of the grant program information, guidelines, application, review process and evaluation are all included in Appendix B. CONCLUSION If City Council approves the City of Vancouver and Ministry of Attorney General Community Safety Funding Program and the annual grant budget of $150,000, the grant application process will being in November 1996. The review and assessment of all applications will take place in December 1996 and January of 1997 involving representatives from both the City and Ministry of Attorney General. A grant allocation report will be submitted to Council at the end of January for approval. The City's contribution of the Community Safety Funding Program will be in the Other Grants category administered by Financial Services. However, Vancouver Police Department and Social Planning will assist in the support and review process. * * *