4 CITY OF VANCOUVER VANCOUVER LIQUOR LICENSING COMMISSION October 24, 1996 A regular meeting of the Vancouver Liquor Licensing Commission was held on Thursday, October 24, 1996, at approximately 7:30 p.m. in Committee Room No. 2, Third Floor, City Hall. PRESENT: Councillor Kennedy, Chair Councillor Hemer Councillor Ip ABSENT: Councillor Kwan (Leave of Absence) ALSO PRESENT: Judy Rogers, Deputy City Manager Paul Teichroeb, Deputy Chief License Inspector Domenic Losito, Director, Environmental Health S/Sgt. Doug MacKay-Dunn, Police Department CLERK: Rae T. Wylson POWER TO ACT On January 11, 1994, Council, by the required majority, granted the Commission Power to Act on all unanimous decisions. The decisions of the Commission contained herein are unanimous and, therefore, stand approved. ADOPTION OF MINUTES The minutes of the Vancouver Liquor Licensing Commission meeting of September 26, 1996, were adopted as circulated. 1. 777 Pacific Boulevard - B.C. Place Stadium Class 'E' Stadium Liquor License File:2615-9 The Commission had before it an Administrative Report dated October 2, 1996 (on file), in which the Deputy Chief License Inspector advised of B.C. Pavilion Corporation s request for a City Council resolution endorsing its application for a Class 'E' Stadium liquor license at B.C. Place Stadium, 777 Pacific Boulevard. cont'd.... Clause No. 1 (cont'd) Paul Teichroeb, Deputy Chief License Inspector, advised a Class 'E' license would formalize the existing liquor practices at this facility. The following motion by Councillor Hemer was put and carried. Therefore the Commission, RESOLVED THAT the Vancouver Liquor Licensing Commission endorse the request from the B.C. Pavilion Corporation for a Class 'E' Stadium liquor license at B.C. Place Stadium, 777 Pacific Boulevard. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 2. 789 Homer (New Hotel) - 455322 B.C. Ltd. Class 'A' Lounge Liquor License File:2611-37 The Commission had before it an Administrative Report dated October 7, 1996 (on file), in which the Deputy Chief License Inspector advised of 455322 B.C. Ltd.'s request for a City Council resolution endorsing its application for a Class 'A' Lounge in three separate areas with a patron capacity of 225, 104 and 60 respectively, plus an outdoor patio consisting of 50 seats, in the hotel to be constructed at 789 Homer Street. Paul Teichroeb, Deputy Chief License Inspector, reviewed particulars of the report including the location of the project and the nature and number of licensed premises in the area. Mr. Teichroeb noted that staff recommend an 11:00 p.m. patio closing time. Discussion ensued regarding closing times of other licensed patios in the area. Most close at 11:00 p.m. Clarification was provided that the patio at this hotel will be closed and the patrons dispersed by 11:00 p.m. Dennis Coates, Mair Jensen Blair, representing the applicant, circulated a brief and floor plan (on file). cont'd.... Clause No. 2 (cont'd) Raphael Barta, applicant, advised the application is for a 26-storey, 227-room, executive all-suites hotel which will seek a four star rating. It is located in the transition zone between Yaletown and the Ford Theatre and the Downtown core. In response to questions from the Commission, Mr. Barta advised the licensed patio is on a setback and as such is not located on City property. The developers have had extensive discussions with the City's Planning Department regarding the patio and as a result the patio area has become quite defined. Work has begun to prepare the site and the hotel is projected to open in December 1998. The following motion by Councillor Hemer was put and carried. Therefore the Commission, RESOLVED THAT Council endorse the request from 455322 B.C. Ltd., for a Class 'A' Lounge liquor license, with 225 seats in area 1, 104 seats in area 2, 60 seats in area 3 and a maximum 50-seat patio (subject to Director of Planning review), in a new hotel complex at 789 Homer Street, subject to the outdoor patio closing at 11:00 p.m. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 3. 1150 Station Street - 484946 B.C. Ltd. Class 'D' Neighbourhood Pub File: 2614-13 The Commission had before it an Administrative Report dated October 7, 1996 (on file), in which the Deputy Chief License Inspector advised of 484946 B.C. Ltd. s request for a City Council resolution endorsing its application for a 30-seat Class 'D' Neighbourhood Pub at 1150 Station Street. The proposed hours of operation are 11:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m., seven days a week. Paul Teichroeb, Deputy Chief License Inspector, reviewed particulars of the report including the location of the project and the nature and number of licensed premises in the area. Mr. Teichroeb noted staff generally support this application but recommend a referendum to determine neighbourhood support. cont'd.... Clause No. 3 (cont'd) S/Sgt. Doug MacKay-Dunn, Vancouver Police Department, advised of Police concerns. This establishment is in close proximity to several problematic venues in the area. An increase in seats at this location may increase the already high demand for Police services in downtown eastside. The Police recommend a neighbourhood referendum be conducted. Dennis Coates, Mair Jensen Blair, representing the applicant, advised the applicant's proposal is for a venue similar in nature to an airport lounge. Its hours will coordinate with bus and train schedules at the station. The applicant feels problematic patrons will not be attracted to the pub given its location within the station. In response to questions from the Commission, Mr. Coates clarified that VIA Rail has provided the applicant with a lease, dependant upon the outcome of the application process. It was noted that VIA Rail and the bus lines support this application. Dan Greenwood, applicant, advised this venue will be a simple little lounge intended for the customers of the rail and bus lines. Mr. Greenwood confirmed there will be no off-premise sales. James Terry, Vice President Guest Services, Rocky Mountaineer Rail Tours, advised of his company's opposition to this application. Rocky Mountaineer Rail Tours has concerns with the possibility of a licensed premise in this location. The concerns noted included: - there are already problems with panhandlers and drunks in this area; - a licensed premise may necessitate increased security to ensure the safety of the offices in the building; and - the rails are a particularly dangerous area, especially for intoxicated persons. In response to questions from the Commission, Mr. Terry advised Rocky Mountaineer Rail Tours has approximately 44,000 passengers during the six-month period it operates. Its train departs at 8:00 a.m. and arrives at 5:30 p.m. VIA Rail runs three trains per week, arriving at 8:30 a.m. and departing at 8:00 p.m. Mr. Terry clarified that present security consists of two and sometimes three people on shift at one time. cont'd.... Clause No. 3 (cont'd) Mark Tradine, Manager, Customer Services, VIA Rail and Manager of the Train Station, advised that VIA Rail, Greyhound and the Station Management Group support this application. It is felt the applicant will provide a much needed place for the station's passengers to sit and relax. With regard to security, Mr. Tradine advised there are few break-ins at the station. The main security concern is with passengers who miss connections and hope to stay overnight in the station. Concerning the station's schedule, Mr. Tradine confirmed the hours of operation are 5:00 a.m. to 12:00 midnight. With regard to bus schedules, the first buses depart at 5:45 a.m. and the last arrival is at 12:00 midnight. There are presently two or three departures after 11:00 p.m. on any given evening year-round. In response to questions from the Commission, Mr. Coates confirmed it is the applicant's intent to serve specialty coffees to morning passengers. The specialty coffee area is located directly in front and outside of the licensed area. The Commission requested and received clarification from staff that the number of seats could not be increased without an increase in square footage and approval from the Commission. The following motion by Councillor Hemer was put and carried. Therefore the Commission, RESOLVED THAT the Vancouver Liquor Licensing Commission direct that consideration of the request by 484946 B.C. Ltd., for a Class 'D' Neighbourhood Pub liquor license at 1150 Station Street, be subject to the results of a referendum conducted in accordance with existing City guidelines and also subject to no entertainment or off-premise sales. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 4. 2784-2786 East Hastings Street - Steve Wong Class 'D' Neighbourhood Pub File: 2614-12 The Commission had before it an Administrative Report dated October 9, 1996 (on file), in which the Deputy Chief License Inspector advised of Mr. Steve Wong's request for a City Council resolution endorsing his application for a 65-seat Class 'D' Neighbourhood Pub at 2784-2786 East Hastings Street. The Chair acknowledged the approximately 25 people in attendance at the meeting concerning this item and requested a show of hands for those in support of the application. No support was indicated. Following this unofficial survey, staff and the applicant were invited to comment. Paul Teichroeb, Deputy Chief License Inspector, advised the location of this application is near the PNE in a residential neighbourhood. Staff recommend approval of the application be subject to a further assessment of impacts to the neighbourhood and improvements to the building. Staff have specific concerns regarding the proximity of this establishment to the residential neighbourhood. As well, response to the area notification has indicated considerable opposition. In addition to these concerns, the question of off-premise sales is yet to be addressed by the applicant. Tom Chow, the applicant's landlord, advised the applicant, Mr. Wong, conducted a private survey in the surrounding area which indicated support for the application. Mr. Chow noted Mr. Wong is willing to comply with the City's requirements in order to gain the Commission's approval for the application. Mr. Chow further noted that Mr. Wong has had experience operating a 250-seat nightclub and has confidence in his ability to deal with any challenges which may arise in the operation of this 65-seat neighbourhood pub. Steve Wong, applicant, advised the Deputy Chief License Inspector was provided with the results of his private survey. Mr. Wong noted entertainment will consist of TV stands and music. With regard to parking, there are 22 stalls beside the building with an entrance from Hastings Street. In response to questions from the Commission, Mr. Teichroeb confirmed receipt of the applicant's aforementioned survey. The results of the survey were not what staff would consider valid and so were not submitted for the Commission's consideration. cont'd.... Clause No. 4 (cont'd) In the ensuing discussion, the members of the Commission noted the correspondence and telephone calls each received expressing opposition to the application. Further, the Commission noted the number of speakers and public present at the meeting also expressing opposition to the application. The following motion by Councillor Hemer was put and carried. Therefore the Commission, RESOLVED THAT the Vancouver Liquor Licensing Commission advise the Liquor Control and Licensing Branch it does not support the request by Steve Wong for a Class 'D' Neighbourhood Pub liquor license at 2784-2786 East Hastings Street. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 5. Noise Complaints: Big Bam Boo Club File:2613-3 The Commission had before it an item of correspondence dated October 9, 1996 (on file), which identified concerns regarding noise arising from the Big Bam Boo Club. It was noted this issue was initially raised at a recently held Noise Task Force public hearing. Domenic Losito, Director of Environmental Health, provided a history of the City's file on the Big Bam Boo Club. Noise concerns regarding this venue have arisen in the past. The owners will comply for a time following City action but gradually noise levels escalate. The City has not taken any action to prosecute but is willing to do so if immediate compliance is not enacted. Stan Fiddas, Owner, Big Bam Boo Club, reviewed past endeavours to reduce noise emanating from the back doors of the Club. Mr. Fiddas noted $500,000 has been spent in addressing this issue and in bringing the building's fire standards up to code. The back doors, identified by City engineers as the main problem, serve as the fire exit and the only wheelchair entrance to the Club. With cont'd.... Clause No. 5 (cont'd) regard to further actions to reduce noise, the Club's sound engineer has proposed a mute system which would cause the music to dim should the back doors open. Another solution would be to relocate the fire exit/wheelchair entrance to the side of the building. This option, however, is considerably costly. Mr. Fiddas advised the Club would be willing to cooperate with the City to lesson the impacts of noise from its back doors on the residential neighbourhood. At the request of the Commission, staff provided information on the feasibility of entering into a sustainable agreement with the Club owner. Staff are willing to meet with the owner to initiate steps for a formal agreement to ensure compliance with noise regulations. Such a formal agreement would tie the business owner's license to compliance with the agreement. Mr. Fiddas indicated his willingness to meet with City staff concerning noise regulations and possible solutions concerning this issue as it relates to the Big Bam Boo Club. OTHER BUSINESS 6. Staff Recognition The Commission expressed its appreciation to staff for their work over the past year. 7. Next Meeting - January 1997 The next regular VLLC meeting will take place in January 1997. The Administrative Report from the Police providing an update on licensed premises was deferred to that meeting. * * * The meeting adjourned at approximately 9:15 p.m.