VLLC AGENDA
                                                OCTOBER 24, 1996   

                             ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT
                                           Date: October 9, 1996
                                           Dept. File No.2204IC.COV

   TO:       Vancouver Liquor Licensing Commission

   FROM:     Deputy Chief License Inspector

   SUBJECT:  2784-2786 East Hastings Street - Steve Wong 
             Class 'D' Neighbourhood Pub 


        A.   THAT the Vancouver Liquor Licensing Commission direct that
             consideration of the request by Steve Wong for a Class 'D'
             Neighbourhood Pub liquor license at 2784-2786 East Hastings
             Street, be subject to the results of a referendum conducted in
             accordance with existing City guidelines and subject to a
             12:00 midnight closing time;


        B.   THAT the Vancouver Liquor Licensing Commission advise the
             Liquor Control and Licensing Branch it does not support the
             request by Steve Wong for a Class 'D' Neighbourhood Pub liquor
             license at 2784-2786 East Hastings Street.


        The General Manager of Community Services submits the choice of A
        or B for CONSIDERATION.


   Council policy requires that new liquor license applications be subject
   to a referendum prior to receiving final consideration if the premises
   are located in close proximity to residential accommodation.


   Steve Wong is requesting a City Council resolution endorsing his request
   for a 65-seat Class 'D' Neighbourhood Pub at 2784-2786 East Hastings


   The subject premises are located in the C-2C1 (Commercial) zoning
   district (Appendix A).  The proposed hours of operation are Sunday to
   Thursday ll:00 a.m. to 12:00 midnight and Friday and Saturday 11:00 a.m.
   to 1:00 a.m.  Entertainment will be provided in the form of music,
   dancing and television.

   The surrounding area is mainly residential with commercial located along
   East Hastings and Renfrew Streets.  The PNE, which includes a number of
   liquor licenses, is one and a half blocks to the east.  There are three
   schools, one preschool, three religious centres and two parks in the
   area.  The closest liquor store is directly across the street.

   There is one Class 'A' Pub (118 seats), a Royal Canadian Legion and five
   licensed restaurants in the survey area.


   The application is for a neighbourhood pub on the lower floor of this

   two storey building.  The previous use was restaurant on both floors. 
   At this time, the applicant is uncertain of the proposed use on the
   upper floor.

   Mr. Wong has requested a 1:00 a.m. closing on Friday and Saturday
   nights.  The Liquor Control and Licensing Branch policy is to restrict
   hours to a midnight closing Sunday to Thursday, and consideration of a
   1:00 a.m. closing on Friday and Saturday.  The 1:00 a.m. closing may be
   a source of problems given the existing residential located directly
   across the lane.


   The Police Department does not oppose this application as the area has
   been fairly stable in a positive sense.  The hotel pub located one block
   away has not had any enforcement problems.

   The Environmental Health Division recommends the following to help
   minimize the noise impact on the neighbourhood:

   i)   The patrons and employees must only use the front doors on Hastings
        Street for entry and exit at night-time. 

   ii)  A solid fence should be installed on the south and west sides of
        the parking lot.  The fence will act as a noise barrier, as well as
        to restrict vehicle traffic to Hastings Street only.

   iii) No line-ups of customers permitted outside the building.  A waiting
        area can be provided on the inside of the building.

   iv)  Reassessment of the operation if it moves or expands from its
        presently proposed basement location to the main floor.

   The Planning Department has reviewed the application and notes that a
   neighbourhood pub is a "conditional" use in this district and would
   require a development permit application.  The review process for this
   type of development would include an assessment of the expected impact
   on nearby residential properties and compliance with the Neighbourhood
   or Marine Public House Guidelines adopted by Council.

   The Social Planning Department has no objection, subject to
   neighbourhood consultation through the referendum process.


   Staff has specific concerns about the close proximity of this premise to
   the surrounding residential neighbourhood.  It is recommended that
   initially this facility be restricted to a 12:00 midnight closing time
   on Fridays and Saturdays.  The applicant could re-apply in the future
   for a later closing, once it has been demonstrated that the business has
   been operated in a responsible manner.  The area notification and
   subsequent referendum will provide Council with input as to whether or
   not there is neighbourhood support for this proposal.

                                     * * *