VLLC AGENDA
                                                OCTOBER 24, 1996   

                             ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT

                                      Date: October 2, 1996
                                      Dept. File No.2199IC.COV      

   TO:       Vancouver Liquor Licensing Commission

   FROM:     Deputy Chief License Inspector

   SUBJECT:  777 Pacific Boulevard - B.C. Place Stadium
             Class 'E' Stadium Liquor License


        THAT the Vancouver Liquor Licensing Commission endorse the request
        from the B.C. Pavilion Corporation for a Class 'E' Stadium liquor
        license at B.C. Place Stadium, 777 Pacific Boulevard.


        The General Manager of Community Services RECOMMENDS approval of
        the foregoing.


   City Council policy is to not require a referendum for a major complex
   provided it is illustrated that there is little or no community
   opposition as determined by the neighbourhood notification.


   B.C. Pavilion Corporation is requesting a City Council resolution
   endorsing its request for a Class 'E' Stadium liquor license at B.C.
   Place Stadium, 777 Pacific Boulevard.


   B.C. Place Stadium, was originally licensed in June 1983, with a Class
   'E' Stadium and a Class 'A' Cultural Centre liquor license.  The Class
   'A' license has a capacity of 10,000 people and covers the private
   suites, media boxes, hospitality suites and disabled seating area on
   Level Three.  It also covers an area that has been
   converted to the B.C. Sports Hall of Fame.  All classes of liquor can be

   sold on Level Three under the Class 'A' license.  The Class 'E' license
   has a capacity of 60,000 people, and covers areas on the remaining three
   levels of the stadium and allows for the consumption of beer, wine,
   coolers and ciders.  At present the hours of sale for both licenses are
   11:00 a.m. to 12:00 midnight, seven days a week.

   In July 1995, the Liquor Control and Licensing Act was amended to permit
   the appropriate licensing of stadiums and convention centres.  The
   regulations permit sales between 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m., subject to
   restrictions by the General Manager, Liquor Control and Licensing

   The overall liquor capacity will be similar to what already exists, and
   will be set by the Fire Department capacity of the building. 


   The subject premises are located in the BCPED zoning district.
   GM Place, the B.C. Pavilion Complex and Expo Lands are within close
   proximity.  The area to the north is a mixture of retail, offices and

   residential buildings.

   This application will consolidate the liquor license for B.C. Place
   under one Class 'E' Stadium license.  It is anticipated that this venue
   will continue to operate as it has in the past and, therefore, no
   neighbourhood notification was carried out.

   The other City departments have no additional comments to add to this


   This application is supported by the Deputy Chief License Inspector as
   no additional impacts are anticipated as a result of this facility being
   licensed under a Class 'E' Stadium liquor license.

                                     * * *