SUPPORTS ITEM NO. 2 P&E COMMITTEE AGENDA OCTOBER 24, 1996 SIGNIFICANT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS 1. Address: 2790 Vine Street Present Zone: CD-1 Applicant: Roger Hughes (Arbutus) Staff: J. Barrett Date of Application: August 28, 1996 Proposal: Develop 2 buildings - one 4-storey and one 7-storey, with 110 dwelling units. Issues: Additional height on the 4-storey building. 2. Address: 2698 Vine Street Present Zone: CD-1 Applicant: Graham Crokart (Arbutus) Staff: J. Barrett Date of Application: September 4, 1996 Proposal: Develop 3 buildings - two 4-storey and one 7-storey, with 173 dwelling units. Issues: Building character and exterior materials. 3. Address: 11th Avenue Present Zone: CD-1 Applicant: Durante Kreuk (Arbutus) Staff: B. Pringle, J. Barrett Date of Application: N/A (not a development application) Proposal: 11th Avenue Greenway Issues: None identified to date. 4. Address: 1198 Pacific Street Present Zone: CD-1 Applicant: James Cheng Staff: J. Barrett Date of Application: October 2, 1996 Proposal: Development consisting of 440 dwelling units with retail, commercial and service uses. Included is a non-family, non-market building for 110 primarily 1-bed dwelling units. Issues: No major issues identified at this time. - 2 - SIGNIFICANT REZONING APPLICATIONS 1. Address: 2720 East 48th Avenue Present Zone: CD-1(7A) Applicant: Dalla-Lana Griffin Arch. Proposed Zone: CD-1(Amend) Staff: P. Mondor Date of Application: September 12, 1996 Previous Inquiry: No, but CD-1 amendment in 1989. Proposal: To replace 2 of 3 existing buildings on this site by a two-storey Multi-Level Care Facility (SNRF - Class B) providing 92 beds. Height of two storeys and floor space ratio of 1.0 is proposed, with surface and underground parking. Health Department, Seniors' Committee and Urban Design Panel supports. Open House in August raised no major neighbourhood concerns. 2. Address: 599 Carrall Street Present Zone: BCPED ("Block 17" - City-owned site) Proposed Zone: CD-1 Applicant: Davidson Yuen Simpson Arch. Staff: R. Whitlock, R. Segal, A. Bancroft-Jones Date of Application: September 16, 1996 Proposal: - Phase 2a - S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Multi-Level Care Facility; and - Phase 2b - Market housing plus minor retail. Issues: - 24-storey residential tower in market phase may draw attention in surrounding community; and - extent to which urban design objectives for area are met. 1996 10 16 PEN\003-2903.COV