LIMITED DISTRIBUTION SUPPORTS ITEM NO. 1 P&E COMMITTEE AGENDA OCTOBER 24, 1996 EXTRACT FROM REPORT TO COUNCIL STANDING COMMITTEE ON PLANNING & ENVIRONMENT OCTOBER 26, 1995 2. Vancouver International Airport File: 8035-2 Draft Master Plan The Vancouver International Airport authority has prepared a draft master plan which accommodates the substantial air-passenger and freight growth expected to occur over the next 20 years. The Committee had before it a Policy Report dated October 10, 1995 (on file), in which the Director of CityPlans, General Manager of Engineering Services and Director of Environmental Health, in consultation with the Director of Economic Development, recommended a response to those aspects of the draft plan which would have an impact on the City of Vancouver and its residents. Issues raised for Council's consideration were noise and other environmental concerns, land use to the north of the parallel runway, and transportation issues. The General Managers of Community Services and Engineering Services recommended Council support the draft plan subject to conditions generally as reflected in the recommendations of this report and summarized as follows: - A clear Airport Authority commitment to operating procedures which minimize airport noise in Southwest Vancouver; - Additional public review of design guidelines for the buffer area between the parallel runway and the conservation area; - Increased commitment to traffic demand management measures; - Support for various proposals to increase public transit use to and on Sea Island. Mr. Ted Sebastian, Planner, noted the City has supported airport growth and the Open Skies agreement in the past, conditional upon the airport acting like a good corporate citizen. Mr. Sebastian reviewed the issues of noise impacts, the area north of the runway, and transportation and discussed the rationale for staff recommendations. The following speakers supported the recommendations of the General Managers of Community Services and Engineering Services, with some additions: Mr. Alex Tunner, Vancouver representative, Airport Noise Management Committee Ms. Meg Brown, Vancouver representative, Airport Noise Management Committee Ms. Wendy Turner, Community Forum on Airport Development Mr. Mike McCarthy, West Southlands Ratepayers Association Ms. June Binkert, Save Our Parkland Ms. Jennifer Maynard, Southlands Ratepayers Association. Following are some of the comments made by the foregoing speakers: - Noise was a significant concern expressed by the speakers, who referenced both an increase in the number of flights and the configuration of the third runway as leading to potential increases in noise. The Airport Authority should be held to earlier commitments with respect to noise mitigation, in particular, operational restrictions on the use of the parallel runway; - Great care must be taken with development north of the runway to ensure there is no undue environmental impact on the preserve or the Lower Fraser Estuary, or on recreational opportunities for the area. The environmental preserve should be kept as large as possible; - Visual impacts arising from the development of the buffer zone and the proposed Industrial park to the east of the airport will also have to be addressed; - It was pointed out that transportation issues also have an impact on the surrounding residential neighbourhoods. In particular, concern was expressed about possible ferry links; - The speakers urged that public consultation continue and that residents be involved in discussion of implementation before anything is finalized; - Mr. Tunner and Ms. Brown indicated they would be filing briefs for the information of City Council, the Airport Authority and the Ministry of Transport. Mr. Joe Sulmona and Mr. Edward Aboly, Vancouver Airport Authority, advised there will be further opportunities for public input prior to adoption of the MasterPlan. They also confirmed that operational restrictions intended to mitigate noise will be adhered to. Terms of reference for the commercial zone will come after the MasterPlan is adopted, and there will be public input on design guidelines. It is the Airport Authority's philosophy to ensure access for airport users and the intention is to work with the Cities of Vancouver and Richmond and the Province to ensure this. The airport already generates the largest volume of transit users than any area except Downtown Vancouver. The representatives responded to queries with respect to the buffer zone, commercial development, timing of the public process, the airport bus, and options for use of the parallel runway. Queried further with respect to commitment, Mr. Sulmona noted that by 2015, increasing traffic will recessitate use of the runway for both take-offs and landings. Peak hours are also expanding. The Committee felt the Airport Authority should not regard its commitment to noise mitigation as time-limited, and felt that statements in the MasterPlan should be amended to reflect the original intention as closely as possible. The following motions by Councillor Hemer were put and CARRIED. Therefore, the Committee RECOMMENDED A. THAT Council recognize the economic importance of the airport and support expansion of airport facilities as described in the draft Master Plan subject to the final plan incorporating the following changes: a) the Aeronautical Noise Management section should clearly state the Airport Authority's commitment to strictly enforce operational restrictions on the use of the parallel runway to minimize noise impacts in Vancouver (primarily used for landings, no Stage 2 take-offs, no use 22:00 to 07:00, quietest configuration), and further that Master Plan statements indicating that after 2015, the north runway will be used for equal numbers of take-offs and landings, be amended to reflect this original intent as closely as possible; b) commercial land use north of the parallel runway should be limited to the minimum required for a safety buffer; c) the Airport Authority should develop design guidelines for the Airport North area in consultation with nearby residents, park users, and wildlife area managers with a view to minimizing impacts on these uses and maximizing visual screening; d) the design guidelines the Airport Authority proposes to develop for all airport buildings should include provisions to maximize the opportunity for workers and customers to walk, bike, and use public transportation for access; and e) Transportation Demand Management programs for all users of the airport should be strongly supported. B. THAT Council request that: a) the Airport Authority encourage B.C. Transit to introduce a direct downtown-airport bus route; b) B.C. Transit examine a direct peak period express bus route from Richmond to downtown Vancouver using the Number Two Road Bridge to accommodate commuters crossing Sea Island and the Arthur Laing Bridge; c) B.C. Transit examine means of providing improved service for airport employees; and d) the requirements, implications, and possible cost sharing for a high priority vehicle lane between the airport and the port be considered in the context of transit improvements in the Granville corridor. * * * * *