REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING

     A Regular Meeting of the Council of the City of Vancouver was held on
     Thursday, October 24, 1996, at 10:35 A.M., in Committee Room No. 1,
     Third Floor, City Hall, following the Standing Committee on City
     Services and Budgets meeting, to consider the recommendations of the

                    PRESENT:  Mayor Owen
                              Councillors Bellamy, Clarke, Ip,
                                        Kennedy, Puil and Sullivan

                    ABSENT:   Councillor Chiavario (Civic Business)
                              Councillor Hemer
                              Councillor Kwan (Leave of Absence)
                              Councillor Price

      CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE:  Ken Dobell, City Manager

       CLERK TO THE COUNCIL:  Tarja Tuominen


     MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
     SECONDED by Cllr. Bellamy,
          THAT this Council resolve itself into Committee of the Whole,
     Mayor Owen in the chair.
                                                      - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                                COMMITTEE REPORTS

     Report of the Standing Committee
     on City Services and Budgets
     October 24, 1996                

          Council considered the recommendations of the Committee, as
     contained in the following clauses of the attached report:

          Cl. 1:    "A Health Plan for Vancouver" Discussion Paper
          Cl. 2:    Occupational Health and Safety - Activity Report
          Cl. 3:    1996 Sister City Grants
          Cl. 4:    Community Services Grant -
                    Downtown Vancouver Tenants Association
          Cl. 5:    1997 Roundhouse Operating Budget
          Cl. 6:    Family Sports and Entertainment Centre

                         COMMITTEE REPORTS  (CONTINUED)

     Report of the Standing Committee
     on City Services and Budgets
     October 24, 1996    [Continued] 

     "A Health Plan for Vancouver" Discussion Paper
     Clause 1                                      

          This item was deferred to a future meeting.

     Clauses 2, 4, 5 and 6

     MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
          THAT the recommendations of the Committee, as contained in
     Clauses 2, 4, 5 and 6 of this report, be approved.

                                                      - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

     1996 Sister City Grants
     Clause 3               

          This item was referred to the Standing Committee on Planning &
     Environment meeting later this day.


     MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
          THAT the Committee of the Whole rise and report.

                                                      - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


     MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
     SECONDED by Cllr. Bellamy,
          THAT the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted.

                                                      - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


     1.   A By-law to amend By-law No.
          4450, being the License By-law
          (Family Sport and Entertainment Centre)

     MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy,
     SECONDED by Cllr. Clarke,
          THAT the By-law be introduced and read a first time.

                                                      - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

          The By-law was read a first time and the Presiding Officer
     declared the By-law open for discussion and amendment.

          There being no amendments, it was

     MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy,
     SECONDED by Cllr. Clarke,
          THAT the By-law be given second and third readings and the Mayor
     and City Clerk be authorized to sign and seal the By-law.

                                                      - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                       The Council adjourned at 10:40 a.m.

                              *    *    *    *    *

                                REPORT TO COUNCIL

                          STANDING COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL
                          ON CITY SERVICES AND BUDGETS

                                OCTOBER 24, 1996

     A Regular Meeting of the Standing Committee of Council on City
     Services and Budgets was held on Thursday, October 24, 1996, at 9:30
     a.m., in Committee Room No. 1, Third Floor, City Hall.

                    PRESENT:  Councillor Puil, Chair
                              Mayor Owen
                              Councillor Bellamy
                              Councillor Clarke
                              Councillor Ip
                              Councillor Kennedy
                              Councillor Price (Clauses 1 to 5)
                              Councillor Sullivan (Clause 6)

                ABSENT:       Councillor Chiavario (Civic Business)
                              Councillor Hemer
                              Councillor Kwan (Leave of Absence)

      CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE:  Ken Dobell, City Manager

                      CLERK:  Tarja Tuominen

     Adoption of Minutes

          The Minutes of the Standing Committee on City Services & Budgets
     meeting of September 26, 1996, were adopted.


     1.   "A Health Plan for Vancouver"                        File: 4101-6
          Discussion Paper             

          This item was deferred to a future meeting at the request of the
     Vancouver Health Board.


     2.   Occupational Health and Safety -                       File: 1303
          Activity Update                 

          On July 23, 1996, City Council considered an Adminis-trative
     Report dated July 10, 1996 (on file) providing information on changes
     in the Occupational Health & Safety Program, and the savings which
     have been realized through reduction in the WCB claims.

          Also before Council was a letter dated July 23, 1996 (on file)
     from Ken Davidson, President, CUPE Local 1004, requesting an
     opportunity to address Council on the report.

          Council received the report for information and agreed to invite
     the Union to a Standing Committee meeting to make a presentation.

          Karen Levitt, representing CUPE 1004 (brief filed), suggested the
     main focus of the Occupational Health & Safety (OH&S) program
     continues to be cost savings and not reduction of injuries.  However,
     sick leave costs have gone up.  One example of problems at the Central
     OH&S Committee level is denying the provision of sun-screen to City
     employees as a preventative measure.  There have been problems with
     transitional work assignments; individuals have been assigned duties
     beyond their capabilities and were reŸinjured.  CUPE 1004 wants
     something better for its members.

          Dave Rudberg, General Manager of Engineering Services, circulated
     copies of 1996 Program Performance Measures for Engineering Services
     (on file) which shows increases in instruction hours for safety
     training, safety related courses offered in 1996, and estimated costs
     for safety training and improvements in 1996.  Mr. Rudberg advised in
     the vast majority of cases, the OH&S program works well.

          Tom Timm, Assistant City Engineer, Water, Sewers & Yards
     Division, advised Engineering Services made a decision not to provide
     sun-screen once there was a widespread request for it, as it could not
     be provided across the Department.

          In response to questions, John Beckett, Manager, Occupational
     Health & Safety, advised the program helps 95% of the cases.  Less
     money is spent on appeals to WCB.  The focus of the program is on
     prevention.  Currently, the City's WCB costs are a little over the
     provincial average, and a little below the GVRD average.

     Clause No. 2 Continued

          During discussion, it was requested the Committee receive the
     City's sick leave figures broken down by departments over the last
     five years.

          The following motion by Councillor Bellamy was put and carried. 
     The Committee, therefore,


          THAT the presentation by the Canadian Union of Public
          Employees, Local 1004, on the Occupational Health and Safety
          - Activity Update, be received for information.

                                                 - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY     


     3.   1996 Sister City Grants                         File: 1040/2001-3

          The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated
     October 8, 1996 (on file), in which the Director of Finance, in
     consultation with the City Clerk, submitted for consideration requests
     for grants from the Guangzhou Friendship Society and the Vancouver-Los
     Angeles Sister Society.

          The Chair noted as there were only seven Committee members
     present and approval of grants requires eight votes, the item be
     referred to the Planning & Environment Standing Committee meeting in
     the afternoon.


     4.   Community Services Grant -                           File: 2154-3
          Downtown Granville Tenants Association

          The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated
     October 10, 1996 (on file), in which the Director of Community
     Services, Social Planning, advised the Downtown Granville Tenants
     Association no longer exists as a registered non-profit society and
     therefore recommended rescinding Council's approval of a 1996
     Community Services Grant of $25,500 to the Association.  The Vancouver
     Charter stipulates grants may only be given to registered non-profit
     societies.  The funding would be transferred to the unallocated
     portion of the Community Services Grants budget.

     Clause No. 4 Continued

          The Director also recommended a report back on organizational and
     funding options to meet the community development and advocacy needs
     of low income residents in Downtown South.

          Also before the Committee was a memorandum dated October 23, 1996
     (on file) from the City Clerk informing the Director of Legal Services
     has advised a rescinding motion is neither required nor appropriate. 
     The City Clerk suggested the following recommendation in place of
     Recommendation A in the Administrative Report:

          A.   THAT Council transfer the 1996 Community Services Grant
               in the amount of $25,000 previously allocated to the
               Downtown Granville Tenants Association to the
               unallocated portion of the Community Services Grants
               budget, to be available for emerging issues or
               unforseen circumstances.

          The following motion by Councillor Clarke was put and carried. 
     The Committee, therefore,


          A.   THAT Council transfer the 1996 Community Services Grant
               in the amount of $25,500, previously allocated to the
               Downtown Granville Tenant Association, to the
               unallocated portion of the Community Services Grants
               budget, to be available for emerging issues or
               unforeseen circumstances.

          B.   THAT Social Planning report back on organiza-tional and
               funding options to meet the community development and
               advocacy needs of low income residents in Downtown

                                                 - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY     

     5.   1997 Roundhouse Operating Budget              File: 1607-2/3102-3

          The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated
     September 26, 1996 (on file), in which the General Manager of Parks &
     Recreation recommended approval of a reduction of $225,900 to the 1997
     operating budget for the Roundhouse.  On August 1, 1996, Council
     approved an annual operating budget of $1,252,000 for the Roundhouse,
     subject to an initial reduction based on reduced operating hours.

          The following motion by the Mayor was put and carried.  The
     Committee, therefore,


          THAT Council approve a 1997 Roundhouse operating budget with
          a $225,900 reduction as described in the Administrative
          Report dated September 26, 1996.

                                                      - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                                  *  *  *  *  *

          The Committee recessed at 10:05 a.m. to allow time for the
     delegations for Item 6 to arrive, and reconvened at 10:30 a.m. with
     all members present, with the exception of Councillor Price and the
     addition of Councillor Sullivan.

                                  *  *  *  *  *

     6.   Family Sports and Entertainment Centre           File: 113/2633-3

          The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated
     October 18, 1996 (on file), in which the Corporation Counsel
     recommended amendments to Section 15.2(3) of the License by-Law to
     regulate Family Sports and Entertainment Centres.

          The Administrative Report was scheduled for Council's meeting on
     October 22, 1996, but as a delegation request was received, the report
     was referred to a Standing Committee meeting.

     Clause No. 6 Continued

          Connie Fogel, Citizens Against Gambling Extension, advised she
     was satisfied with the language proposed in the recommended by-law

          The following motion by Councillor Kennedy was put and carried. 
     The Committee, therefore,


          A.   THAT Section 15.2(3) of the License By-Law be amended
               so that it will now read:

               15.2(3)(a) No operator of a family sports and
               entertainment centre shall install, allow to be
               installed or otherwise provide for use on the premises
               any machine if it, or the operator, redeems successful
               play with money or with prizes which can be redeemed
               for money on the premises.

               15.2(3)(b) No operator of a family sports and
               entertainment centre shall install, provide or conduct
               prize games if the outcome of such game is determined
               by chance or mixed chance and skill.

          B.   THAT "Prize game" be defined to read:

               Prize game - means a game or automatic machine, the
               successful playing of which entitles the player to
               money, goods, wares or merchandise and the player pays
               money or other valuable consideration to play the game.

          C.   THAT the definition of Family Sports and Enter-tainment
               Centre be amended to accord with the amendment in
               Recommendation A.

                                                 - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY     

                       The meeting adjourned at 10:35 a.m.

                                *   *   *   *   *