CS&B COMMITTEE AGENDA
                                                      OCTOBER 10, 1996     

                              ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT

                                                  Date:  September 26, 1996

     TO:       Standing Committee on City Services and Budgets

     FROM:     General Manager of Parks and Recreation

     SUBJECT:  1997 Roundhouse Operating Budget


          THAT Council approve a 1997 Roundhouse operating budget with a
          $225,900 reduction as described in this report.


     In August 1996, Council approved a $1,252,000 Roundhouse operating
     budget, subject to an initial reduction based on reduced operating


     On August 1, 1996, City Council approved the annual operating budget
     for the Roundhouse in the amount of $1,252,000, and directed "...the
     City Manager to meet with the General Manager of Parks and Recreation
     to develop an initial operating budget based on reduced hours, with a
     program to phase in to the full budget of $1,252,000 over a period
     corresponding to the full development and occupancy of the area".  The
     following report recommends a reduced budget based on a seventy-two
     (72) hour base operating week for 1997, and provides a rationale.


     The budget has been reduced in the following areas:

          Salaries (3 positions)        $112,300
          Auxiliary staff                 24,700
          Program contracts               14,000
          Janitorial                      30,000
          Building maintenance            32,400
          Janitorial supplies             12,500
     The Council approved annual operating budget is based on 102 hours of
     operation per week. In order to reduce the hours of operation as
     required by Council in the initial year, staff made assumptions about
     preferred times for programming, and recommends a base week of
     operation of seventy-two (72) hours:

       Monday:              Closed

       Tuesday to Friday:   8:30 AM to 10:30 PM           (14 hours daily, 
                                                           56 hours weekly)

       Saturday:            8:30 AM to 5:30 PM            ( 9 hours daily  
                                                              and weekly)  

       Sunday:             10:30 AM to 5:30 PM            ( 7 hours daily  
                                                              and weekly)  

     During the first and last half-hour of operation each day the centre
     will be closed to the public to permit staff the time necessary to
     open and close the facility.  During closures the gymnasium and
     cultural centre wings can still be made available on a cost recovery
     or rental basis, since these areas can be isolated from the main
     centre and used independently.

     As a result of reduced hours, savings can be obtained by a smaller
     regular full-time staff, which has been reduced from ten positions to
     seven.  The positions of Operations Manager, one Recreation Facility
     Clerk, and one recreational clerk typist are not being filled at this
     time.  Auxiliary staff and vacation relief have also been reduced.

     Maintenance costs have been reduced substantially in the first year,
     since the building is still new.  It is important to note that the
     bulk of janitorial maintenance savings come from shutting the centre
     for one entire day (Monday), since there are only marginal differences
     between the maintenance require-ments of a full fourteen hour day and
     an eight hour one.

     Arts programming costs have been reduced, but have been kept at a
     level that reflects the intent of the Roundhouse to program actively
     as opposed to operating as a rental facility.  It also reflects the
     intense interest shown thus far in the Roundhouse by a large number of
     arts groups, from the local neighbourhood and across the city, who
     will experience considerable frustra-tion if the centre cannot provide
     levels of support found at other public cultural facilities.

     The total recommended reduction in the budget is $225,900, or 18% of
     the total approved operating costs.  Please see Appendix A for a
     breakdown of the budget figures.  Additional savings cannot be
     obtained without a further significant reduction in operating hours
     (such as remaining closed for another full day) and in program breadth
     since most core operational costs -- salaries, heating and air
     conditioning, maintenance, utilities -- remain fixed despite minor
     variations in hours and programs.


     This report has tried to balance a realistic minimum level of service
     with cost and operational factors for the first year of operation. 
     Staff believe the recommended level will allow the centre, at a
     significantly reduced initial cost, to remain a dynamic focus as the
     local community expands.  If the recommended budget is approved by
     Council, staff will report back on operating levels as part of the
     1998 budget request.

                                *   *   *   *   *