                             ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT

                                            Date: October 1, 1996
                                            Dept. File No. 739184

    TO:       Vancouver City Council

    FROM:     General Manager of Engineering Services
              Director of Community Planning

    SUBJECT:  Ridgeway Greenway - Design between
              Granville and Oak Streets, and at Ontario Street


         A.   THAT the proposed bulges between Granville and Oak Streets
              and the proposed right-out diverter at Granville Street not
              be constructed.

         B.   THAT the proposed closure of a half block of Ontario Street
              south of 37th Avenue not be constructed.

         C.   THAT a traffic circle with corner bulges be constructed at
              the intersection of Ontario Street and 37th Avenue.

         D.   THAT the Streets Maintenance Budget be increased by $500
              without offset, for the maintenance of the traffic circle
              proposed in this design, starting in 1997.


    On July 18, 1995, Council approved the Vancouver Greenways Plan.  On
    this date Council also approved the selection of the portion of the
    Ridgeway Greenway on 37th Avenue between Granville and Knight Streets
    as the city greenway pilot project.

    On June 27, 1996, Council approved the construction of the Ridgeway
    Greenway with two exceptions: the boulevard bulges proposed between
    Granville and Oak Streets, and the half block closure of Ontario Street
    at 37th Avenue.  Council directed staff to consult further with the
    neighbourhoods affected by these measures and to report back.


    The purpose of this report is to inform Council of the additional
    public input staff obtained regarding the design of the Ridgeway
    Greenway between Granville and Oak Streets, and at Ontario Street. 
    This report also recommends actions based on the responses received
    from the community.


    The development of the design for the Ridgeway incorporated an
    extensive public process which took place over an eight month period. 
    A large majority of the people who participated in this process
    expressed considerable support for the design.  In order to confirm
    public support for the proposed traffic improvements, a telephone
    survey was conducted by the Angus Reid Group.  This survey showed that
    the overall support for the greenway among the people surveyed was 85%.

    On June 27, 1996, staff reported to Council on the proposed design of
    the Ridgeway Greenway.  Council approved the construction of the
    Ridgeway Greenway with two exceptions:

    -    The boulevard bulges proposed between Granville and Oak Streets.

         Although overall support for the Ridgeway was high, support for
         the specific measures proposed between Granville and Oak was quite

    -    The half block closure of Ontario Street at 37th Avenue.  

         69% of the people surveyed supported this closure, however,
         several people appeared before Council expressing their concern
         about the impact of this closure. 

    Council directed staff to consult further with the people affected by
    these measures and to report back.

    Meetings were held on September 7th to discuss the proposals for both
    of these areas.  The meeting to discuss Granville Street to Oak Street
    was held at Vancouver College.  Property owners in the area bounded by
    Granville to Oak Street, and 33rd Avenue to 41st Avenue were notified
    of this meeting in writing.  The meeting to discuss Ontario Street was
    held at the Riley Park Community Centre.  Notification of this meeting
    was sent to property owners in the area bounded by Columbia Street to
    Main Street, and 33rd Avenue to 41st Avenue.  If anyone could not
    attend the meeting in their area they were provided with a form they
    could fill out and return to staff indicating whether they supported
    the proposed measures in their area.


    Boulevard Bulges - Granville to Oak

    The boulevard bulges along this stretch of 37th Avenue were intended to
    slow traffic, and make cycling and walking safer and more pleasant. 
    The concerns raised by the residents about these bulges were that they
    would become locations for people to drink and party at night and that
    during the day students from the nearby high school would congregate,
    eat their lunch, and litter.

    The people who attended the public meeting were unanimous in their
    opposition to the bulges.  The combined response from the September 7th
    meeting, mailed-in surveys, and phoned-in replies indicated that 32% of
    the respondents were in favour of the proposal and 68% were opposed.  

    During the public meeting, the right-out diverter at Granville Street
    was also raised as a concern.  The right-out diverter was intended to
    prevent people from using the new traffic signal at Granville Street to
    short cut along 37th Avenue.  A few people at the meeting felt that
    this diverter would be beneficial and would in fact make the
    intersection safer.  The majority of people at the meeting though were
    opposed to the construction of the diverter.  People who did not attend
    the September meeting were not polled on the diverter.

    Based on the strong opposition to these measures, it is recommended
    that they do not proceed.

    Half Block Closure of Ontario Street South of 37th Avenue

    This closure was intended to make the intersection of Ontario and 37th
    (which is also the intersection of two bicycle routes) safer for
    pedestrians and cyclists.  The concern raised by residents about this
    closure was that it would limit their access by car to destinations
    within their community.

    The combined response from the September 7th meeting, mailed-in
    surveys, and phoned-in replies indicated that 31% of the respondents
    were in favour of the closure and 69% were opposed to it.

    Since the primary concern expressed by the residents was the loss of
    access along Ontario Street, staff proposed the installation of a
    traffic circle with corner bulges as an alternative at the public
    meeting.  This alternative addresses staff's concern about safety and
    at the same time still permits access on Ontario Street.  No opposition
    to this alternative was expressed.

    Based on the strong opposition to the closure of the half block of
    Ontario Street, it is recommended that it not be implemented.  Instead,
    it is recommended that a traffic circle and corner bulges be
    constructed at the intersection of Ontario Street and 37th Avenue.


    -    Any funds that are not expended, due to the changes in scope
         recommended in this report, will be returned for reallocation to
         other Greenways projects.

    -    The traffic circle proposed for Ontario Street and 37th Avenue
         will have an annual maintenance cost for repair, landscaping and
         signage of approximately $500.  It is not appropriate to offset
         these costs from other maintenance budgets, therefore, it is
         recommended that the overall maintenance budget should be
         increased to accomodate the new traffic circle.  As an
         alternative, if resident volunteers can be encouraged to adopt the
         traffic circle and agree to maintain it, then the cost may be
         reduced to $100.

                 *     *     *     *     *