A6 ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Date: October 1, 1996 Dept. File No.000 301 TO: Vancouver City Council FROM: General Manager of Engineering Services SUBJECT: Proposed Encroachment of a Pedestrian Bridge over the Lane for Edith Cavell Hospital RECOMMENDATION THAT Council agree to the encroachment of the pedestrian bridge over the lane south of 12th Avenue, west of Sophia Street subject to the following conditions: i) The annual rental to be $1842, subject to review every 5 years, in accordance with the recommendation of the Manager of Real Estate Services. ii) Subject to the approval of Council, the encroachment agreement may be cancelled upon 6 months notice, if the area is required for municipal purposes. iii) The agreement to be to the satisfaction of the Director of Legal Services. iv) No legal right or obligation shall be created and none shall arise hereafter, until the documents are executed. COUNCIL POLICY There is no Council policy directly related to this matter. PURPOSE The purpose of this report is to seek Council's authority for the rental to be charged for the encroachment of the proposed pedestrian bridge and to provide for Council authorization, should the City wish to cancel the agreement prior to the demolition of the bridge. Had it not been for these two variations from the standard provisions of the Encroachment By-law, staff could have finalized this agreement without referral to Council. BACKGROUND On June 29, 1995, Council at Public Hearing, agreed to rezone the sites at 2835 and 2855 Sophia Street to allow the construction of a 'Community Care/Multi-Level Care Facility'. Prior to enactment, the applicant was to satisfy a number of conditions. The concept presented to Council involved two building components, one on either side of the lane, being joined by a multi-level pedestrian bridge over the lane. One of the conditions to be met, prior to enactment of the CD-1 By-law, is for arrangements to be made for the encroachment over the lane. We are proposing validating the bridge encroachment by an agreement prepared pursuant to the Encroachment By-law. DISCUSSION In order to provide for a rental based on current market rates, we requested the advice of the Manager of Real Estate Services. The rental recommended is considerably more than set out in the schedule to the by-law. It is therefore required that Council authorize the rental as recommended by the Manager of Real Estate Services. In addition, the owners of Edith Cavell Hospital have expressed concern that the City intends to have cancellation provisions in the proposed agreement. This is a standard provision in these types of agreements, and is intended to provide Council with the ability to use the streets and lanes of the City should the need arise in the future. To allay the concerns of the owners, we propose to provide for cancellation upon 6 months notice, after approval by Council. The owners' representative has indicated this is satisfactory to them. CONCLUSION The General Manager of Engineering Services recommends that the proposed pedestrian bridge over the lane south of 12th Avenue, west of Sophia Street, be validated under the provisions of the Encroachment By-law, subject to the conditions set out in this report. * * * * *