Date: October 3, 1996
                                                Dept. File No.      

   TO:       Vancouver City Council

   FROM:     General Manager of Engineering Services

   SUBJECT:  Payment-In-Lieu Parking Application
             869 Beatty Street


        A.   THAT Council approve in principle the offer of payment-in-lieu
             in the amount of $26,600 by Hong Kong Construction Ltd. for DE
             401419, for the waiver of 2 parking spaces required by Section
             4.1.2 of the Parking By-law; and

        B.   THAT the Director of Legal Services be requested to bring
             forward a by-law to amend Schedule A of the Parking By-law
             pursuant to Section 4.11.5 to effect this waiver.


   In 1986, Council approved payment-in-lieu parking provisions.


   An application pursuant to Section 4.11 of the Parking By-law has been
   received to waive the number of parking spaces required by Section 4.1.2
   of the By-law and to make payment-in-lieu.  The particulars of the
   application are as follows:

   Address:               869 Beatty Street
   Applicant:             Mark Ostrey for Hong Kong Construction Ltd.
   Zoning:                D.D.
   DE No.                 401419
   Type of Development:   existing 3-storey building with a previously
                          approved fourth floor addition with mezzanines -
                          change of use in basement
   Use:                   206m2 of excluded residential storage area
                          changed to commercial storage area
   Legal Description:     Lot B, Block 68, Plan VAP23202,
                          District Lot 541


   Parking Required:                   2
   Parking Provided:                   0
   No. of Spaces for Payment-In-Lieu:  2
   Recommended Amount/Space:           $13,300
   Total Payment-In-Lieu Amount:       $26,600

   A review of this application found that payment-in-lieu is appropriate,
   given the site constraints and the lack of opportunity to provide
   parking by another means.

                              *   *   *   *   *