SUPPORTS ITEM NO. 3 VLLC AGENDA SEPTEMBER 26, 1996 ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Date: July 30, 1996 Dept. File No.2198IC.COV TO: Vancouver Liquor Licensing Commission FROM: Deputy Chief License Inspector SUBJECT: 999 Canada Place, Vancouver Trade and Convention Centre Class 'E' Convention Centre Liquor License RECOMMENDATION THAT the Vancouver Liquor Licensing Commission endorse the request from the B.C. Pavilion Corporation for a Class 'E' Convention Centre liquor license at the Vancouver Trade and Convention Centre, 999 Canada Place. GENERAL MANAGER'S COMMENTS The General Manager of Community Services RECOMMENDS approval of the foregoing. COUNCIL POLICY City Council policy does not require a referendum for a major complex provided it is illustrated there is little or no community opposition as determined by the neighbourhood notification or if there is no residential accommodation within close proximity. PURPOSE B.C. Pavilion Corporation is requesting a City Council resolution endorsing its request for a Class 'E' Convention Centre liquor license at the Vancouver Trade and Convention Centre (VTCC), 999 Canada Place (Appendix A). BACKGROUND The VTCC was opened and licensed in 1987. The liquor license was issued as a Class 'B' Dining Lounge for the entire facility as there was no other appropriate category at the time. These regulations technically require that alcoholic beverages only be served with a meal to patrons seated at a table. In 1988, the VTCC sought the City's endorsement to change the existing license to a Class 'A' Lounge license. This endorsement was approved by Council on September 27, 1988, but was not followed through to completion due to the limitations of this type of license. Liquor could be served without food, but the maximum capacity was 225, and minors would not be allowed. This would have required a number of Class 'A' Lounge licenses, along with some areas licensed as Class 'B' Dining Lounge to permit minors. The LCLB recognized the need for a regulatory change to accommodate the VTCC, as well as new venues such as the Ford Centre for the Performing Arts and General Motors Place. In July 1995, the government amended the Liquor Control and Licensing Act which allowed the VTCC to apply for the new Class 'E' Convention Centre category of license and cancel the existing Class 'B' license. A new Class 'E' liquor license at VTCC will allow liquor service between 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 a.m., during specific events. Minors will be permitted during a meal, and service will be available for receptions and other functions held throughout the facility. The overall liquor capacity for the VTCC will be set by the fire capacity, which will be confirmed at the plan approval stage of the licensing process. DISCUSSION This application will formalize the liquor license at the VTCC and bring it in line with the reality of what takes place on a daily basis. It will also eliminate the need for temporary change of hours approval for specific functions which are not covered under the existing license. Due to the nature of this application, and the fact that the VTCC will not operate significantly different than the current operation, a neighbourhood notification was not carried out for this application. The other City departments have no additional comments to add to this application. CONCLUSION This application is supported by the Deputy Chief License Inspector as no additional impacts are anticipated as a result of this facility being licensed under a Class 'E' Convention Centre liquor license. * * *