FINANCIAL SERVICES Corporate Services Group Inter-Office Correspondence 19 September 1996 MEMO TO: Mayor Philip Owen and Members of Council COPIES TO: Maria Kinsella, City Clerk Ken Dobell, City Manager Vic Kondrosky, General Manager of Park Board FROM: Hugh Creighton, Director of Finance SUBJECT: 1997-99 Capital Plan - Parks In the Council package which Council will consider on Tuesday, there is a recommendation from the Director of Finance for approval of the 1997-99 Capital Plan, as detailed in the Appendix A to the report, and subject to other changes which Council may wish to make on Tuesday. In the detail set out in the Appendix, there is the breakdown of the projects proposed by the Park Board within their allotted $24.5 million. On September 16, 1996, the Park Board made certain reallocations within their overall budget. The details of the changes, and the revised Plan, are attached* to this memo. In order for these changes to be reflected in the Plan which Council will approve on Tuesday, it would be appropriate to add the following to Recommendation in the Director of Finance's report, following after the words "as set out in Appendix A": and as modified by the Park Board at their meeting on September 16, 1996, I apologize for this last minute change, and I will be in Council to answer questions should there be any uncertainty about this change. Hugh Creighton Director of Finance *on file in City Clerk's Office