A1 ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT September 5, 1996 File: ICMA TO: Vancouver City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Support for ICMA Conference - 1997 RECOMMENDATION THAT Council approve funding of $5,000 towards the local cost of the 1997 International City and County Management Association (ICMA) to be held in Vancouver in the Fall of 1997. COUNCIL POLICY On December 16, 1993, Council approved the following guidelines governing financial support to local conferences: - the topic of the conference must be particularly relevant to the business of the City; - senior staff, serving in their professional capacity, must be directly and actively involved in hosting and organizing the conference; - the City contribution is limited to a maximum of $4.50 per paid delegate, with a maximum contribution of $5,000 (1994); - conference organizers must demonstrate that the conference budget includes a significant level of financial support from other government or private sector sources; and - the City s contribution must be appropriately recognized in the conference program. PURPOSE This report requests financial support in accordance with Council policy for the International City and County Management Association Conference to be held in the Fall of 1997. BACKGROUND The International City and County Management Association is one of the major professional groups concerned with the management of local government operations. It has a large membership in the United States and Canada, and considerable representation from other nations. The 1997 conference will be held in Vancouver from September 14th to 17th. Some 4-5,000 municipal staff and spouses are expected to attend. DISCUSSION The ICMA conference is a major event for Vancouver. The attendance is large, ICMA arranges for high profile speakers, and the program is extensive and relevant to many areas of Vancouver's operations. As required by Council policy, Vancouver staff are involved in the preparation for the convention, and special arrangements have been made to allow local municipalities to purchase at a reasonable cost the opportunity for staff to attend sessions of interest to them on a day by day basis. A "Local Committee" of municipal managers has been set up to make arrangements for the social program for delegates. This will include pre and post convention tours, walks and runs, attendance at local events, and professional tours. The purpose of these events is to show off Vancouver and British Columbia, provide an entertaining visit, and offer professional development. In addition, the Local Committee is seeking a strong voice in the programming for the conference to ensure that it is particularly relevant for Canadian and Pacific Coast interests. I chair the Local Committee and the Deputy City Manager is a significant participant. Ms. Rogers will be attending the 1996 Conference in Washington, DC to publicize the 1997 conference, and will attend ICMA planning sessions for the 1997 conference. Fund raising to cover the costs of local participation will be carried out. A grant has been requested from the Province and usual private sector sponsorship is anticipated. However, some initial funding will be required in 1996, and for this reason Council's normal support is being requested now. The conference meets the requirement for Council support, and approval is recommended. * * *