
                               CITY OF VANCOUVER

                            SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING

                              September 12, 1996

        A Special Meeting of the Council of the City of Vancouver was held
   on Thursday, September 12, 1996, at 7:30 p.m., in the Council Chamber,
   Third Floor, City Hall, for the purpose of hearing delegations on the
   proposed opinion question to electors regarding election systems and
   municipal government for the November 16, 1996, general local election.

             PRESENT:  Mayor Owen 
                       Councillors Bellamy, Chiavario, Clarke, Hemer,
                                   Ip, Kennedy, Kwan, Price, Puil and

             CLERK TO THE COUNCIL: Denise Salmon


   MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
   SECONDED by Cllr. Puil,
        THAT this Council resolve itself into Committee of the Whole, Mayor
   Owen in the Chair, for the purpose of hearing delegations on the
   proposed opinion question to electors regarding election systems and
   municipal government for the November 16, 1996, general local election.

                                                - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

   1.   Election Systems and Municipal Government:
        Opinion Question to Electors - 1996 General
        Local Elections, November 16, 1996         

        City Council met to hear from the public on wording for the opinion
   question to be submitted to the electors during the local government
   election to be held this Fall, regarding the City's existing "at large"
   system of electing local government officials.  In addition, the City
   Clerk recommends factual information be provided to city electors in
   preparation for this question.  Submitted for consideration was an
   alternate question which provides an option of a mixed system for
   electing local government officials.


   Election Systems and Municipal Government:
   Opinion Question to Electors - 1996 General
   Local Elections, November 16, 1996 (cont'd)

        Council had before it the following materials, which are on file in
   the City Clerk's Office:

   -    Administrative Report dated September 4, 1996, entitled Election
        Systems and Municipal Government:  Opinion Question to Electors -
        1996 General Local Elections, November 16, 1996;

   -    Letter dated September 10, 1996, conveying the Park Board's action
        at its September 9, 1996, meeting.

        The staff report recommended the following:

        A.   THAT City Council approve the wording of the opinion question
             regarding the election of local government, identified as
             Option 1 (see below).

        B.   THAT factual information regarding the options for electing
             local government officials identified in the question be
             distributed to electors as a section of the City's Election
             Information Brochure.

   In addition, the following were submitted for consideration:

        C.   THAT City Council approve the wording of the opinion question
             regarding the election of local government officials,
             including the third alternative of a mixed system, identified
             as Option 2 (see below).

        D.   THAT separate questions be provided for the election of Park
             Commissioners and School Trustees.

        The Mayor then called for speakers and a total of 33 speakers
   addressed Council over the course of the evening.

        The following delegations spoke in favour of Option 1,
   Recommendation A (and B where indicated):

   Option 1:      Are you in favour of changing the existing system of
                  electing Councillors "at large" to one whereby
                  Councillors would be elected by wards (neighbourhood
                                                                   Yes  ( )
                                                                   No   ( )


   Election Systems and Municipal Government:
   Opinion Question to Electors - 1996 General
   Local Elections, November 16, 1996 (cont'd)

        -    Mel Lehan (brief filed)
        -    Doug Friesen
        -    John McBride, President - South False Creek Residents
        -    Shane Simpson
        -    Sean McEwen
        -    Frances Wasserlein (A & B), Grandview-Woodlands Area
        -    Boyd Pyper, Tenants Rights Coalition
        -    Blair Petrie (A & B)
        -    Merrilee Robson
        -    Kennedy Stewart
        -    Laura Stannard (A & B)
        -    Bob Everton, Grandview-Woodlands Area Council
        -    Beatrice (Bunny) Parton
        -    Alan Tapper
        -    Wallace Oyama
        -    Barbara Wright, Cedar Cottage Neighbourhood Association
        -    Gaching Kong (A & B), Youth Voices
        -    Doug Ragan
        -    Dale Lum (A & B) Environmental Youth Alliance
        -    Yvonne Grohmuller
        -    David Gardner (A & B)
        -    Michael Bomford (concerns with B)
        -    Ken Lyotier (A & B)
        -    Donna Morgan (A,  B and Consideration D),
                  Park Commissioner
        -    Judy Morrison (A & B), Onward
        -    Ann Corin (A & B), Neighbour To Neighbour

        The delegations' points are summarized as follows:

   -    Option 1 offers a clear, simple, honest choice;

   -    Reference to neighbourhood constituencies helps familiarize voters
        with the issue;

   -    Option 2 confuses the fundamental issue of electing Councillors "at
        large" or by wards;

   -    a simple majority plus 1 should be recognized;

   -    staff reports do not provide adequate information on a mixed


   Election Systems and Municipal Government:
   Opinion Question to Electors - 1996 General
   Local Elections, November 16, 1996 (cont'd)

   -    Option 1 is clear, concise, accurate and easy to understand;

   -    it is important to hear from the electorate as to what should be
        included in the City's election information brochure;

   -    possible confusion of non-English voters if Option 2 and
        consideration item D are implemented;

   -    mixed option creates two-tiered system;

   -    none of the options offer equality for all, however, Option 1 least

   -    Option 1 offers a clear, definitive choice essential to the ward
        system question;

   -    wards must be based on neighbourhoods, not a strip ward system;

   -    if wards proceed, an independent boundary commission with
        representative from neighbourhoods is suggested;

   -    no more than ten wards due to costs;

   -    2/3 majority or 60% should be required to convert to wards, not

   -    question to electors should focus on desire for change from present
        system, not on ward or mixed system;

   -    frustration was expressed on the lack of public forum or public

   -    favour single question, single answer;

   -    concern with possible bias in City's Election Information Brochure,
        would prefer edited or opinion pieces on both sides of issue;

   -    consideration item D serves only to make issue more complex.

   The following delegations spoke in favour of Option 2:


   Election Systems and Municipal Government:
   Opinion Question to Electors - 1996 General
   Local Elections, November 16, 1996 (cont'd)

   Option 2:      Are you in favour of changing the existing system of
                  electing Councillors "at large"?

                                                                   Yes  ( )
                                                                   No   ( )

                  If the existing system were to change, which system of
                  electing Councillors would you prefer?

                                                          Ward System   ( )
                                                          Mixed System  ( )

        -    Prof. Robert Clark (brief filed)
        -    Andrew Pottinger
        -    Grayden Hayward

        The delegations' points are summarized as follows:

   -    Option 1 allows only two choices - a disservice to the electorate;

   -    Option 2 allows the voters to choose from all three systems - "at
        large", ward, and mixed;

   -    Option 2 provides more useful information as to the preference of

   -    Option 2 gives the electorate definitive options.

        The following Green Party representatives spoke in favour of
   Proportional Representation in a mixed system:

        -    Valerie Jerome
        -    Dr. F. Bass
        -    Korky Day
        -    Stephen Samuel

        The following points in favour of Proportional Representation were

   -    the question is how to make elections more democratic, not the
        ward/"at large" issue ;


   Election Systems and Municipal Government:
   Opinion Question to Electors - 1996 General
   Local Elections, November 16, 1996 (cont'd)

   -    one-half should be elected by wards and one-half at large, with
        ranking of the candidate and a single transferrable ballot (one for
        party and one for ward);

   -    if a party accumulates 10% of the vote it should be allocated 10%
        of the seats, 50% of the vote equals 50% of the seats;

   -    wording is important to encourage participation from the

   -    current "at large" system offers no regional representation, a
        mixed system is important to full democracy.

        The delegations responded to questions from Council.

   MOVED by Cllr. Kwan,
        THAT recommendations A and B as contained in the Administrative
   Report dated September 4, 1996, and quoted below, be debated this

        A.   THAT City Council approve the wording of the opinion question
             regarding the election of local government officials,
             identified as Option 1 contained on page 4 in the above noted

        B.   THAT factual information regarding the options for electing
             local government officials identified in the question be
             distributed to electors as a section of the City's Election
             Information Brochure.

                                                - (not put)

   MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
        THAT this matter be deferred to a future meeting of Council.

                                                - CARRIED

                           (Councillor Kwan opposed)


   Election Systems and Municipal Government:
   Opinion Question to Electors - 1996 General
   Local Elections, November 16, 1996 (cont'd)

   MOVED by Cllr. Kwan,
        THAT this matter be referred to the October 8, 1996, Council

                                                - LOST

         (Councillors Bellamy, Chiavario, Clarke, Hemer, Ip, Kennedy,
                 Price, Puil, Sullivan and the Mayor opposed)
   Note from Clerk:    Council concluded hearing of delegations.  This item
                       will now be considered as Unfinished Business at the
                       Regular Council Meeting of September 24, 1996.


   MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
        THAT the Committee of the Whole rise and report.

                                                - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


   MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
   SECONDED by Cllr. Bellamy
        THAT the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted.

                                                - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                                     * * *

           The Special Council adjourned at approximately 9:50 p.m.