SUPPORTS ITEM NO. 1 P&E COMMITTEE AGENDA SEPTEMBER 12, 1996 ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Date: August 28, 1996 File No. 650 184 650 182 TO: Standing Committee on Planning & Environment FROM: General Manager of Engineering Services SUBJECT: Broadway Express Service - "99 B-Line" RECOMMENDATIONS A. THAT the use of buses on 12th Avenue between Granville and Fir Streets, and Fir Street between 12th Avenue and 10th Avenue, be approved. B. THAT a bus stop on southbound Granville Street at 10th Avenue in the AM peak period only, be approved. C. THAT the approval for recommendations "A" and "B" above, be reviewed once express buses can be routed on 10th Avenue after it is improved between Granville and Fir Streets. D. THAT a bus stop on westbound Lougheed Highway at Boundary Road be approved. E. THAT BC Transit be requested to provide additional express bus stops on Broadway at Renfrew Street and Clark Drive, and on 10th Avenue in the vicinity of Blanca Street. F. THAT BC Transit conduct appropriate consultation processes in future with affected communities along new transit routes or facilities (e.g. Richmond/Vancouver Rapid Bus and Broadway LRT). COUNCIL POLICY Transport 2021 provides a high priority for public transit, and specifies express bus routes along a number of major corridors, including Broadway. That the planned new express services on Granville and Broadway be implemented as soon as possible (reaffirmed by Council on February 22, 1996). Council owns the streets and regulates their use for BC Transit buses and bus stop locations. SUMMARY BC Transit's new "#99 B-Line" express service on the Broadway Lougheed corridor between Lougheed Mall and UBC started operation on September 3, 1996. The service has been requested by the City for some time and provides a valuable east-west regional transit link, in the interim before LRT is introduced. PURPOSE This report discusses the new Broadway/Lougheed transit express service, and recommends new bus stops and a short turn route. BACKGROUND The Broadway bus carries more transit passengers than any other bus route in the region. In fact, it has a higher ridership than most LRT lines in the United States, including the Portland system. In response to growing concerns about the effectiveness of transit on this corridor, the Broadway Task Force was formed in mid-1993 to review options for enhancing the service. The Task Force recommended a number of actions including a new express service along Broadway between UBC and Lougheed Mall, with limited stops at key transfer points. Council has strongly supported a Broadway express service and has communicated this through recommendations to BC Transit on the Annual Transit Service Plans. On February 22, 1996, staff reported to Council on the 1996/1997 Transit Service Plan and noted that it included introducing a Broadway Express Service. The service design details were unknown then and have only recently been made available to the City. With this information, staff worked quickly with BC Transit to implement the bus stop changes necessary to accommodate the service startup on September 3, 1996. There has been little public process regarding the route due to the expedited installation schedule. On July 25, 1996 The Vancouver Traffic Commission resolved: "That the Vancouver Traffic Commission contact the BC Transit Commission to advise that the VTC is highly disappointed BC Transit does not appear to have conducted an appropriate consultation process with affected communities in terms of location of stops and types of buses being used along the Broadway express route." This report recommends that BC Transit be reminded that appropriate consultative processes are required for future new major transit initiatives (e.g. Richmond/Vancouver Rapid Bus and Broadway LRT). THE #99 BROADWAY EXPRESS SERVICE ("99 B-LINE") The express service route and stops are shown in Appendix A. The service uses articulated, wheelchair accessible diesel buses and operates Monday to Saturday, between 6 AM and 7 PM. Service frequency is generally every 10 minutes throughout the day between UBC and Broadway Station, and every 15 minutes between Broadway Station and Lougheed Mall. BC Transit will be running extra buses between Granville Street and Broadway Station in the peak periods in order to have a higher frequency (every 7-8 minutes) in this busier section of the route. In the future, it is intended to expand the hours of service of the route to include Sundays. As well, BC Transit indicate the number of stops may be expanded if sufficient demand exists and if travel times can be maintained. From a City perspective there are advantages in giving more residents access to the new service as soon as possible. Therefore, it is recommended that stops be added on Broadway at Renfrew Street and Clark Drive, and on 10th Avenue in the vicinity of Blanca Street. IMPACT ON OTHER SERVICES ON BROADWAY A number of changes will be made to other local services on Broadway. The present #31 Broadway Station To UBC Express will be replaced by the new service. As well, the local #9 Broadway Service will be reduced in frequency from every 5 minutes to every 6 minutes in the midday and from every 3 minutes to every 4 minutes in the peak periods. MARKET RESEARCH ON THE NEW EXPRESS SERVICE BC Transit market research prior to service startup indicated the following: - Up to 25% of present users of other services on Broadway could switch to the new express service. - Up to 20% of the regional residents who frequently travel by car could use the line if it met their needs. - The majority of present and potential customers are satisfied with the number and location of the stops. If in fact the service proves to be as popular as the above research indicates, BC Transit will have to provide additional buses before crowding, pass-ups and other problems develop. This could involve adjusting service levels on other routes. Staff will be monitoring BC Transit's management of the new service, and the potential demand for more stops and increased capacity, to assure that there is an increased level of transit service for Vancouver riders. Service to UBC is a particular concern as buses are currently crowded and sometimes too full to pick up passengers at some stops in the morning in the western part of the City. With the new service, BC Transit will be increasing the capacity to UBC on the Broadway corridor by about 15% but it is not clear that this will be sufficient, in view of the higher demands in this corridor with the new express service. BUS STOP AND ROUTE CHANGES Several changes were required in order to implement the service: - Granville Short-Turn - The increased express bus frequency between Broadway Station and Granville Street in the peak periods is achieved by adding more buses to the service between these two points. These extra buses have to be turned around at the end points. At the Granville Street end, they are short-turned via southbound Granville Street, westbound 12th Avenue and northbound Fir Street to Broadway (see Appendix B). Recommendation A of this report seeks Council approval for this route. The route can be reviewed in future when 10th Avenue is improved as part of the School Board site redevelopment (north of 10th Avenue between Granville and Fir Streets). After 10th Avenue is improved, the larger articulated buses could potentially travel via westbound 10th Avenue (which is already a short turn route) rather than 12th Avenue, from Granville to Fir Street. In addition, a new bus stop on southbound Granville Street south of 10th Avenue, in the 6:00 AM to 9:00 AM time period only, has been introduced (Recommendation B). This would also be reviewed after 10th Avenue is improved. - Bus Stop Adjustments - In general, the express bus stops are located adjacent to existing local bus stops in order to minimize parking losses and facilitate transfers between the services. Affected businesses were advised in advance of the changes. Only one new independent bus stop location was required - westbound Lougheed Highway west of Boundary road, in front of the Boundary Bus Loop (recommendation D). * * * * *