ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT                       A14
                                           Date: September 6, 1996
                                           Dept. File No.:  PB

   TO:       Vancouver City Council

   FROM:     Director of Community Planning

   SUBJECT:  Possible Withholding Action for 2431 West 47th Avenue
             - West Kerrisdale Interim Zoning Review Study Area


        A.   THAT in accordance with Council's instruction of July 30, 1996
             to refer a portion of West Kerrisdale to Public Hearing,
             Council withhold for 30 days in accordance with the provisions
             of Section 570 (1) of the Vancouver Charter, the Combined
             Development and Building Permit for the proposed development
             at 2431 West 47th Avenue, expiring September 11, 1996 and for
             a further 60-day period, expiring November 10, 1996, for a
             total of 90 days from the date of submission, pursuant to
             Section 570 (2)of the Vancouver Charter, unless within the
             60-day period Council, having heard from the applicant,
             resolved to instruct the Director of Community Planning to
             issue the Combined Development and Building Permit.

        Alternatively, the following is submitted for CONSIDERATION

        B.   THAT Council instruct staff to process the Combined Building
             and Development Application for the proposed development at
             2431 West 47th Avenue in the normal manner.


        The General Manager of Community Services RECOMMENDS approval of A. 
        If Council does not support A, B is submitted for CONSIDERATION.


   On July 30, 1996, Council referred a portion of West Kerrisdale and
   Mackenzie Heights to Public Hearing to consider rezoning from RS-1 to
   RS-5.  Council also instructed the Director of Community Planning to
   report development applications for possible withholding action pursuant
   to Section 570 of the Vancouver Charter.


   The purpose of this report is to report for possible withholding of a
   joint development/building application received on August 13, 1996.


   On May 9, 1996, Council approved an Interim Zoning Review for RS-1 and
   RS-1S areas.  On July 30, 1996 Council referred a portion of West
   Kerrisdale and MacKenzie Heights to Public Hearing to consider rezoning
   from RS-1 to RS-5.  The Public Hearing has been scheduled for October 8,

   At that time, Council also instructed staff to report development
   applications to Council for possible withholding action pursuant to
   Section 570 of the Vancouver Charter.  This section enables Council to
   withhold permits for 30 days for assessment and, following a subsequent
   report, a further 60 days pending conclusion of the proposed rezoning.

   The purpose of withholding action is to prevent development applications
   which are at variance or in conflict with a proposed zoning from being
   processed until the proposed zoning has been considered at a Public
   Hearing.  However, because the proposed zoning has not been adopted by
   Council, the application  must also conform with the existing zoning in
   order to be approved.

   In the event Council withholds issuance of a permit and the rezoning is
   ultimately refused, or approved to the extent that the permit withheld
   would comply, the City is liable for damages suffered by the owner.


   Staff have received an application to construct a new single-family
   dwelling under RS-1 at 2431 West 47th Avenue, submitted August 13, 1996. 
   The site survey is dated July 10, 1996, which indicates the applicant
   intended to redevelop prior to Council's referral of the proposed
   rezoning to Public Hearing.

   Under the RS-1 District Schedule, the application meets all regulations,
   subject to minor revisions.

   Under the RS-5 District Schedule which may be adopted at the October 8,
   1996 Public Hearing, applicants have the option of submitting their
   design for a discretionary design review in return for a floor area
   bonus or developing outright at a reduced floor area.  The applicant for
   2431 West 47th Avenue did not submit the information necessary for a
   design review analysis, and therefore, the application would be assessed
   as an outright application at a reduced floor area.

   Though the proposed FSR is within the RS-5 zone limits for an outright
   application (0.16 x lot area + 130 m2), the application does not conform
   with the following provisions of the RS-5 zoning:

     front yard setback.

   The front yard setback is not the average of the two adjacent properties
   which is required under the RS-5 zoning.  In order to comply with the
   front yard averaging provision, the proposed building would need to be
   moved back 1.1 m (3.75 ft.); however, this would then not comply with
   the rear yard provisions of the current RS-1 zoning [i.e., the building
   would project into the required rear yard 1.1 m (3.75 ft.)].

   The only way for the proposal to meet the provisions of both the current
   RS-1 and proposed RS-5 is to reduce the depth of the building by 1.1 m
   (3.75 ft.).  The applicant has chosen not to reduce the depth of the
   proposed building.

   Based on the non-conformance of the proposed development with proposed
   RS-5 zoning, staff recommend withholding issuance of the Combined
   Development and Building Permit for 30 days from the date of submission
   and for an additional 60-day period.


   Staff conclude that Council should initiate 30-day withholding action on
   2431 West 47th Avenue, expiring September 11, 1996 and for a further
   60-day period, expiring November 10, 1996 as outlined under
   Recommedation item A.  Withholding will not be initiated if Council
   chooses Consideration item B.

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